The idea of different AAS usage for beginners/young people

Hey guys, ive been thinking about this method for a while, and i want to know what you guys think about it.
In the times of lance armstrong winning tour de france, his team used something they called the red egg, basicaly what it was, was testosterone undecanoate, also known under a brand name andriol. The guys claimed that they recovered much better in the next day or two and were able to push it much harder the next day. Thats where i got my idea. What if we used short estered testosterone, like propionate, only two days a week, after hard training sessions. We would mimic a natural testosterone spike, that could happen in every body and probably wouldnt suppress much hpta. We wouldnt be suppressed for a long time, because we would recover over and over again. We would never get into that state of being shut down really hard. We would always be only slightly shut down, so our body would always be able to recover.
always when a young person does a cycle, he risks getting shut down, therefore going on trt, or some unbearable and even terrible sides of the serm medications.
what i think, for a beginner, if he only wants a little kick to get over a plateau that he has hit, to get a little bit of an edge, pinning with test prop once a week after a hard session would be a great option, what do you guys think?
the results wouldnt be a miracle, but as i said, just to get a little bit of an edge
Won't really do anything as far as results go. If your levels reach a high enough peak to get any kind of results then you WILL be suppressed. IMO playing yo-yo with your HPTA would be even worse than a traditional cycle.. not that I would recommend either at a young age.