The journey of being a future Pro part 1

Rest is always need it Jada, sometimes we get to burn our ass to much and forget about resting. Now you will be back well rested and more powerfull. Add some mangu you will be ready to go :laugh4:
Looking good jada. I know when my body is begging for rest its best to do it. You will notice huge improvements in your lifts with some needed rest. I know I do!
Great to hear that its working out well for you man.
How do yóu feel psychologically? A general feeling of wellbeing? Agressiveness? Assertiveness ect ect?

Hey snoot:) I feel great, when I'm in the gym
It's like if I had switch where I'm ready to go. I really do understand y guys love the juice and how people can go over board. For my first cycle my body has made great changes , I feel on my second cycle is where there will be huge changes . I feel like the first cycle is about experience and how the body reacts to test . In the beginnin like week 1 my dk would get hard like nuttin like really fast , week 2 I felt more aggressive and week 4 is where I knew it was starting to kick, my lift were going up I was not gettin sore . But truly the magic is DIET!
Im nearing the end of my first cycle also. Diet by far has been the most challenging. The next 16weeks will be just as challenging being off cycle. Im not there yet but it seems as though the mental aspect of being off cycle is going to be the hardest to deal with. What do you think jada. You going to be able to hang just as tough off cycle as on? I think its easier to stick to the program when Im jamming a needle in me knowing I have these oils in me that Id better do something with. For me Im gonna just have to keep tellin myself its body prep for the next cycle. Id like to have my bf down another 5% so I can lower my doses of aromasin and see more definition. If Im just shooting to keep my gains I dont think the drive will be there for me. I need to think of it as a prep for the next time around. I have enough test c to run another 10 to 12 week cycle so a 2nd cycle is a given. Im just curious about your thoughts on this because we are running about the same times. I just started week 11 And Im running 12 Weeks. Was you going to run ghrp 6 or 2 during your off cycle. Have you put any thought into it yet?
My brother G I'm doing fine:) today I'm hitting legs from a nice long rest that my body was asking me. I'm going to warm up good and hit them hard.
My brother G I'm doing fine:) today I'm hitting legs from a nice long rest that my body was asking me. I'm going to warm up good and hit them hard.

Thats good to heard you eat a lot of arroz con mangu y bacalao to be ready to go...You doing awesome Jada!!!
Update: cycle is still going fine. I was out the gym for like a week. Had to attend a funeral . Went to the gym yesterday and did chest and bicep . Had a great workout and the only Fkin pump. I couldn't even take my shirt off, but when I did to dry myself up I was like WTF! I'm very happy the way I look. This wouldn't have been possible if I didn't sign with 3j. The diet is really the Key. Ahh cycle is ending shortly on June 22 then is 2weeks to post cycle therapy (pct). At this moment I'm plannin for my second cycle which I'm looking for more vascular and Lookin more solid .
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Sorry guys havnt update in a while, feeling great on cycle power is still there, weight was down cuz my boss was being a dick and placed me where I can eat all my meals but now I'm gtg. This week I didn't do legs shoulders and arms. Wasn't able to since my kids had appointments and wife had me do shit ! Also for some strange reason my body has been asking for rest. So I think it's more positive than negative which will assist in growth. I always had dry skin in my back but I'm noticing it's a little more dryer so I make sure I lotion up! I've been getting little bumps no pimples plus my nuts is still here but did come down in size. Like I've said I'm my other posts I'm happy with PINNACLE but pip really is fking annoying. Delts im fine but when I do glutes I can't even sit properly to drive my car.

Jada Brother!!! It looks like things are going good. I just wanted to point out a few things here.
You mention that when you inject into delts there is no PIP but into glutes there is????
Dammit brother, that means that the gear has NOTHING to do with your PIP issues!!!! If gear is BAD, you are going to get PIP ANYWHERE you inject!!!!!

Having said that, I have a good place for you to pin, BUT, you HAVE to get it right!!!! Usually the skin there is VERY thin so an INCH into the skin and muscle is suffice!!! Check you BF by pinching that area and getting an estimate. You want the needle penetrating the muscle in this area about 3/4 an inch, include fat and skin that makes about 1 inch total for me!!! SMOOTH as hell pinning here!!!!

VENTROGLUTEAL muscle!!!!! I was starting to get knots on this SUSTANON I was doing in my glutes but had had SMOOTH pins off the same VIAL (pinnacle) switched to the VENTROGLUTEAL with the same vial and POOF, NO PIP!!! Try Shoulders, VG, and BICEPS are easy too!!!!
Thanks J , pikki cycle is going good . I slacked for like 2 weeks cuz wife had a cuz that passed away
Plus family had me tied up. I'm very happy with my cycle on Pinnacle . My strength has come down a bit since missin meals plus not workin out but I feel great and I went to the gym yesterday and did my thing . Power has went down a little . Next week is my last week:( but it's all good . Gives me Alot of time to plan for my next cycle:)
Good man, sorry for the lost bro, BTW I know your gear is good+ and sometimes is just happen we miss meals or just need some days out or what ever the situation is. You has done great my friend. Keep it up on PCT bro..