The problems with pinning the glutes?


Not Novice, But Not Pro
In an effort to be transparent, I only pin my guads. There..., I admitted it. I know I should rotate the sites. I just haven't started yet. And putting holes in my shoulders is on the bottom of my wish list. I see where some or many have problems sticking needles in their glutes. Some get help from others. That is out for me. My wife is a wuss and I'm not going to recruit my kids. They have enough baggage to carry.

My theory: I wonder if some of the problem is from not keeping the butt muscles (Gluteus Medius, gluteus Maximus, Pinformis), in the same position from the time of Penetration to the time of Withdrawal. (Nobody get excited, OK?? I'm not talking about porn.) Imagine a few levels of muscle laying over each other. As you move, the upper and lower muscles move in different directions. Imagine your needle piercing all these muscles and as you move, even slightly, the muscles suffer trauma from the tear of muscles moving in different directions. It must be very hard to not move somewhat as you twist your waist around slightly, trying to get that needle where you want it. Than you have to press the plunger which requires some change in hand and arm alignment. I would think it was impossible to not move any of the muscles in your butt. I imagine I'll have a sore butt when I first try to pin in the glutes. I wonder if many inexperienced guys suffer pain until they get good at not moving around. Anybody think this is the core of the problem when some complain about not being able to sit down??
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I don't like glutes as I'm terribly not flexible, and I like to see EXACTLY where I'm putting that little knife.

Shame on you for not rotating! But it can be our little secret. :laugh:

Pecs, delts, ventroglutes, and a second spot on the quads (the vastus lateralis is quite long) should provide you ample locations if you find (like me) that glutes just aren't your bag. :)

Honestly, pecs and delts are EASIER than quads as they don't have quite the nerve density. I've hit a nerve twice in the delts in six years, and easily two dozen or more in the quads - even with the super helpful "tapping technique".

My .02c :)
Halfwit is correct aspiration is not necessary. Keiser did a study on it and found even trained professionals tend to do more damage than good from improper aspiration
i think delts so easily but aspirating is hard :(

There is no need to aspirate. In 30 years I have only aspirated but a few, like 4-5 times. Your veins are running perpendicular to the needle. As I know much about main lining it is very hard to stay in a vein. That's almost impossible by hand. So maybe, just maybe a miniscule amount of compound gets in nothing will happen. It will not cause you pain or infection or sickness.

Aspirating causes you to move an unsteady hand and can cause PIP. There has been multiple threads on this concluding Aspirating is unneeded however it you like, go for it.
I don't like glutes as I'm terribly not flexible, and I like to see EXACTLY where I'm putting that little knife.

Shame on you for not rotating! But it can be our little secret. :laugh:

Pecs, delts, ventroglutes, and a second spot on the quads (the vastus lateralis is quite long) should provide you ample locations if you find (like me) that glutes just aren't your bag. :)

Honestly, pecs and delts are EASIER than quads as they don't have quite the nerve density. I've hit a nerve twice in the delts in six years, and easily two dozen or more in the quads - even with the super helpful "tapping technique".

My .02c :)

Halfwit, did you find it a little hard to inject in the glutes and keep you butt still while injecting? And did you quit because of pain or just to awkward a place to inject?
I've only done quads and glutes. I have less pip with glutes, but I can't see wtf I'm doing. For some reason my right quad is the worst for pip.
I have done glutes only for 3 years now. No scar tissue. Only a little bit of PIP every once in a while.

Depending on how much you have been injecting there is scare tissue. You cannot keep stabbing your body and not create damage witch is scare tissue. It may not bother you but it is there.

I have done much glute pinning and have gotten hard spots however during off time they dissipated.
Halfwit, did you find it a little hard to inject in the glutes and keep you butt still while injecting? And did you quit because of pain or just to awkward a place to inject?

It was honestly the cramps in my lats from twisting in front of the mirror. Your glute will move depending on which leg is carrying most of your body weight, or if you get ancy and keep shifting back and forth.

Pain wise, there's almost zero issues with regards to PIP. :)
Hey guys not sure if this is the right place to post this since I'm new here, so please correct me if I'm wrong. I pin in my glutes ( actually my wife does it for me). 25 yrs in medical field an can't use needles on myself!
Anyway, got my normal shot on this Tuesday morning and started getting soreness on Friday, still sore today. Third time with new gear, but now comes in amps. No redness or warmth, but still sore which I find unusual. I use 25g needle to inject but just paranoid about the amp since I have to break the tops off.
I also don't always rotate cheeks but never pin in a sore glute. Any ideas? Is it the new gear?
if it comes in glass ampules you have to draw with an 18 or 19 guage needle with a 5micron filter.

Go to your local hospital and ask if you could have a few. Thats what i did.

Safer Injection Practices: Filter Needle Use with Glass Ampoules

When you draw the medication into the syringe with the filter needle do not push it out with the same needle. Put on a standard 18g or 25g or w/e to push the medication out. If theres more than a single use you will have to get a sealed 10ml vial.
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Thanks daleb for the reply. I do draw out of the vial with an 18g and then change to a 25g to inject. Going to get some of those filters for sure. A medical professional told me that a 25g needle was too small for anything significant to go through.

This pain is just weird and it was only my third time using amps. Not hot, red/swollen but I can feel it just laying on my bed.
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Thanks daleb for the reply. I do draw out of the vial with an 18g and then change to a 25g to inject. Going to get some of those filters for sure. A medical professional told me that a 25g needle was too small for anything significant to go through.

This pain is just weird and it was only my third time using amps. Not hot, red/swollen but I can feel it just laying on my bed.

Welcome to the forum. You can post on any thread you want as long as the your post is relevant to the topic in the post. :)

I would bet you that the doctor dissing the 25g needle has no experience injecting himself! Yes it is harder to push the plunger, but it does work. I've been using 25G for years with oil based test. For water based I try to use a 31G insulin. Just a suggestion, Have you wife take up to 60 seconds to inject and for you not to move at all. See the video on youtube called buttock injection or any of several images on the internet that give explain the proper area for pinning.
In the past, my pain has been caused by too fast of an injection and possibly once not getting the air our of the 25G needle shaft.

Good Luck

BTW Getting injection on the bed is a good idea. That way you do not bring your muscles into play, trying to balance your self. I never thought of that! :)
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In my opinion injecting on my side behind my hip bone has been the best and easiest of all injection sites..
If your not doing ventro glute your doing it wrong :smoker:

Ya know I agree with this and I have hit that spot three times. Once no pain no blood and I actually didn't feel a thing. So cool. However, call me stupid, oops don't say a thing...I just can't get it right. The 2 times I hurt going in and I was like a fountain of blood out .

I think there is no room for error at that spot ? ? :dunno: I'll look at it again for Monday.