Elite Mentor
I posted this question at EF... relating to usage of Anadrol and what could help in the prevention of gyno to those (including myself) who are extremely sensitive to it.
Macro, in a post at EF, stated there were really 4 (or 5) types of Gyno... and I'm wondering how to cover all the bases...
So, I'm reading about various ways gyno is caused... an increase in prolactin can cause you to get gyno... too high a raise in estrogen can cause progestin levels to soar...
I was thinking... if I took Nolva... that should competitively bind against estrogen for the receptors, thereby disallowing the progestin to increase.... and with bromo (or as I have learned, Dostinex -- better alternative without the headaches/nausea), it should inhibit any prolactin production... cutting off that route.
My main question is... would all my bases be covered with Bromo/Nolva (1.25mg/40mg ed)???
That is to be taken with the anadrol.
Figured I'd ask over here, as all the guru's from EF have stated up a house here... also, I am looking for expert free advice from The Almighty.
Macro, in a post at EF, stated there were really 4 (or 5) types of Gyno... and I'm wondering how to cover all the bases...
So, I'm reading about various ways gyno is caused... an increase in prolactin can cause you to get gyno... too high a raise in estrogen can cause progestin levels to soar...
I was thinking... if I took Nolva... that should competitively bind against estrogen for the receptors, thereby disallowing the progestin to increase.... and with bromo (or as I have learned, Dostinex -- better alternative without the headaches/nausea), it should inhibit any prolactin production... cutting off that route.
My main question is... would all my bases be covered with Bromo/Nolva (1.25mg/40mg ed)???
That is to be taken with the anadrol.
Figured I'd ask over here, as all the guru's from EF have stated up a house here... also, I am looking for expert free advice from The Almighty.