Things I dont like about my size: or yours?


New member
Well I am now tiping the scales at over 270 with about 14% bf at 6ft tall.

Things I dont like are:

1. I cant fit into just one seat on a normal sized airplane.
2. I cant find jeans to fit me right b/c I have a small waist and large thighs and my ass sticks out a mile.
3. Energy levels are not what they used to be (like when I was around 180) lol
4. All I ever get to do is eat and clean up my mess, then eat and clean up my mess....never ending process.
5. I keep breaking chairs.

Things I do like about being big:

1. Some chick REALLY dig it, although some are totally turned off by it.
2. I get compliments when I go places which helps boost my already low self esteme.
3. No one fucks with me any more.
4. Strippers seem to really like big guys.
5. well the bottom line is I am happy with my size although it does have its draw backs.

What do you guys think?
I have the same jean problem and I am only 205-210lbs at 5'8". I usually have to buy a size 36 waist just so I can fit my legs and ass in them. Then I have to punch extra holes in my belt so my pants don't fall off.
From your comment on what you like #1 tells me you are big cause guys that are small think all women like big guys:D

90lbs those are some good gains

Sure, when I was smaller I always felt like the girls would go for the better built, biger guys, rather than the clean cut small guy like I was. Then I made the decission to change my life.
You should make "life changes" for yourself, and not because you feel that women prefer larger men. You seem a little bummed about the being huge situation. Cut up at a mean 250# and the positives will still be there, and you might feel a little better about the negatives. Baby steps :)
I guess your right. I mean being over 270 is just way to big. You really cant understand how much different life is untill you carry that much weight around. I started of tall and skinny. I always felt very insecure w/o a shirt on so I decided to make myself big. Well it not only turned into a hobby but also a way of life. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy (almost) every minute that I spend on my C.D.T. (cycle diet and training) But I am just too fucking big at 14%. And to be honest its actually more like 16 or 17%:)
I know how you feel, the worst is being out of breath from walking up stairs and not being half as flexible as you once were. I just cleaned up my diet to try to help these problems and having no sugar sucks.
Beast_19_301 said:
I'm so #2, I can find the waist size but the legs are a huge problem I need to buy in "the thug life" section
Every time I go to marshalls I seem to be surrounded by fat black women. Most of them dwarf me:(
I totally understand what you are talking about. My stats are almost identical to yours, except that right now you have about 5-10 lbs on me, but my current cycle should fix that. :)

Using public transportation is a big problem. I sometimes commute on a train, and the seats just aren't wide enough. Sometimes I get pissed because I feel like the person next to me is taking up too much space, but when I look over I notice that I am actually sitting in their seat, not the other way around. Airplanes are even worse. It's not only the legs, but also the shoulders. I have a fairly wide frame even without training, so when you add some decent size delts to that, the result is that my shoulders take up 1 1/2 seats. Fortunately, I usually travel mith my wife who doesn't mind making room for me but otherwise it really gets uncomfortable.

Still, even with these problems, I couldn't even imagine being small again. In fact, I often feel that at 260 I still look small. It helps when people compliment you on your size but somehow those compliments only change your perception of yourself for a couple of minutes, then it's right back to not feeling big enough.
my energy is good and so is my bp and cholesterol , but it sucks buying clothes and when im at my largest my sheer size and lack of flexibility make having sex more difficult
Buying suits is the worst. I wear a 54L and I have to pay an extra 275 just to tailor them. The pant waist is about a 50 so you can imagine taking off 12 inches and the middle of the jacket is made for a fat ass, besides that hardly any of the nice name brand suits make any thing bigger than a 50L
Buying suits is the worst. I wear a 54L and I have to pay an extra 275 just to tailor them. The pant waist is about a 50 so you can imagine taking off 12 inches and the middle of the jacket is made for a fat ass, besides that hardly any of the nice name brand suits make any thing bigger than a 50L

Ya hit that on the head! Last suit I bought was $900. 5'11"...280-295#.... 55-58" chest and 36-40" waist.
XXXX said:
Buying suits is the worst. I wear a 54L and I have to pay an extra 275 just to tailor them. The pant waist is about a 50 so you can imagine taking off 12 inches and the middle of the jacket is made for a fat ass, besides that hardly any of the nice name brand suits make any thing bigger than a 50L

I forgot about that problem. I actually went out last weekend to get a new suit, and it seems that I am up to size 56 now. Needless to say, I will have to drop some serious cash just for the alterations. My wife keeps bitching at me to stop doing cycles, because every time I spent $500-700 to get a new suit, and after the next cycle I have outgrown it again. Gets expensive after a while.
DADAWG said:
when im at my largest my sheer size and lack of flexibility make having sex more difficult

Your lack of flexibility is making it difficult to have sex? What the fuck are you trying to do? :)