THinking of running EQ + Winstrol for my first cycle...


Got any Ice Cream?
Have any of you run these two together?

Is this a complete cycle, or will I have to use any anti e's or anything with it?

Also... It says the win is EOD, but how do you administer the EQ?

Is the EQ once a week? Every other day?

Has anyone ever run EQ injected, but oral Win?

Thanks in advance for the info.
If your intent on running both compounds for 8 weeks, dont start the Winstrol (winny) until week 3 and run it 2 weeks past the EQ. The day after your last Winstrol (winny) tab or injection, start your clomid therapy.


EQ 300mg/wk, wks 1-8
Winny 50mg/oed, wks 3-10
Or... what about an EQ only cycle? Or is that kinda pointless?

How much should I expect to pay total, if I got it locally, and how can I tell if what I have got is good stuff?
EQ can be injected once a week. Some people like to do it twice a week.

Shouldnt have to use any anti-e's with those 2 compounds although I personally like Adex in cutting cycles as it seems to help me get rid of problematic estrogen-related fatty areas.

Running EQ(injected) and winny(oral) is completely fine.

You may notice a lot of people telling you to add some Test into that cycle but for your first one, considering your body type, I like the 2 compounds you have chosen.
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Ohyeah.. background info..

Age: 21
Height: 5'11
Weight: 235lbs
BF%: 19%
Years Lifting: 4
Ethnicity: Filipino
MesoType: Endo-Meso
Be persistent and try to locate some Quality Vet (QV) EQ. It is probably the easiest EQ to get in the Us and is very rarely faked.

As for the Winstrol (winny) tabs, there are quite a bit of companies out there that make this product. Just run a search on Winstrol (winny) tabs and you will be able to identify a bunch of different manufacturer's.
Thankx Biggie~

Im glad you put my experience and bodytype into perspective.

Im gonna go local for this, so how much should I expect to pay for it?

How does EQ come? Like, in one big vial? Or a bunch of little ones?

And if I go oral Winstrol (winny), do I continue with the dose and timing of it?

And whats your opinion on Winstrol (winny) tabs vs. liquid?

Im still persuing a cutting type diet. I still got 1 more week of NYC, then I got 2 weeks of clen..then, I may either ECA for 2 more weeks, or go ahead and start my first cycle.
BiggieSwolls said:
Be persistent and try to locate some Quality Vet (QV) EQ. It is probably the easiest EQ to get in the Us and is very rarely faked.

As for the Winstrol (winny) tabs, there are quite a bit of companies out there that make this product. Just run a search on Winstrol (winny) tabs and you will be able to identify a bunch of different manufacturer's.

Thats good to know. Im from a real big agricultural area, so I think the quality vet wont be a problem.

Now, Im gonna run this with a buddy of mine.. well, I dont know if he is gonna run the same one as me, but Im gonna have him do my injections and stuff. Every week, in the glutes.

For the EQ, what kind of needles should I get?
BuddyBoy said:
Thankx Biggie~

Im glad you put my experience and bodytype into perspective.

Im gonna go local for this, so how much should I expect to pay for it?

How does EQ come? Like, in one big vial? Or a bunch of little ones?

And if I go oral Winstrol (winny), do I continue with the dose and timing of it?

And whats your opinion on Winstrol (winny) tabs vs. liquid?

Im still persuing a cutting type diet. I still got 1 more week of NYC, then I got 2 weeks of clen..then, I may either ECA for 2 more weeks, or go ahead and start my first cycle.

I have no clue about local prices for EQ. I would say gym price would be like $200 maybe for a 10 ml bottle(thats what it comes in btw), again I have no idea about local price since I am from Canada. QV EQ is 200 mg/ml so you will need 12 ml's to fulfill your EQ part of the cycle. So basically you and your buddy need to find 3 bottles between the two of you.

As far as the oral Winstrol (winny). If you can, on the days that you do dose it, try and take it at 3-4 different times of the day. Try and space them apart nicely and make sure that each dosage is equal. Go with the Winstrol (winny) tabs, dont drink the injectable winstrol although it can be done if that was your only option.
I would just like to add that IMO doing 25 mg ed of the Winstrol (winny) would be more beneficial then 50 mg eod.
Whats the difference between running the EQ alone vs. running it with the W?

Im thinking Im gonna run W either the whole cycle, or maybe just the last 4 weeks of it.
California gym prices:
EQ: 90-150 per 10ml bottle(I usually get it for 110-120)
Winny: I have no idea since I have never done winny.
BuddyBoy said:
Whats the difference between running the EQ alone vs. running it with the W?

Im thinking Im gonna run W either the whole cycle, or maybe just the last 4 weeks of it.

I would not do Winstrol (winny) the whole cycle. It is too harsh on the liver for that.
Do like Biggie said. Start at wk 3 and run 2 weeks past EQ.
EQ stays in the system for 2 weeks after injection and Winstrol (winny) is only like 5 hours, you do it this way so both compunds end together.
Then the next day you start your post-cycle.
Cool deal.

Thanks for the Info Mike.. good lookin out.

Now, what kind of PostCycle therapy should I look into? Is it the same for all cycles?
First. You need to see if u can hang with sticking a needle inside of you.... then u need to see if u can do it ED or EOD with the winny......if i were u i would do a DBOL/WINNY TAB Cycle for my first....and add maybe an androgen like ENTHANATE
Well most people would say run the EQ for 10 weeks because it just starts to kick in at about week 5. Then you will be ending it 3 weeks later. So it is better to run it at least 10 weeks.
Cool deal.. I think I will be running it for 10 weeks then.

I dunno if I will run win with it at all anyways. If I do, it will be starting week 7, and ending week 12.

If NOT, I will just run EQ, and use clen/nyc/eca in between.

LilG~ I have no problems stickin a needle into myself. In not interested in DBol, or ETH at this point due to my bodytype.

Now.. why 400mg a week vs 300mg?

And since EQ has very little aromatization.. what should I do for post cycle therapy?