THinking of running EQ + Winstrol for my first cycle...

crazymike said:
I would not do Winstrol (winny) the whole cycle. It is too harsh on the liver for that.
If you consider he would be doing 25mg ed for 12 weeks, it is no more harsh on the liver than 50mg ed for 6 weeks
RoadHouse said:
If you consider he would be doing 25mg ed for 12 weeks, it is no more harsh on the liver than 50mg ed for 6 weeks

Yeah that's true. It is a low dose.
But also this is his first cycle.
I guess it won't be that bad, just make sure to use liver detox and milk thistle
I second the suggestion of doing at least 10 weeks. It takes so long to kick in and then it's over if you only do 8 weeks. Hopefully, you're local source won't be charging as much as these guys are paying. :eek:
crazymike said:
California gym prices:
EQ: 90-150 per 10ml bottle(I usually get it for 110-120)
Winny: I have no idea since I have never done Winstrol (winny).

Damn, anyone know what it goes for in Mexico vet....
Bro I will be running this exact same cycle this summer excpet mine goes like this

weeks 1-16 EQ @ 600mg/week injected mon,wed,fri
weeks 8-18 winnie V@ 50mg/day (IM)

I also will be using proviron and yohimbine hcl to help with libido and function in that regard as well as using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the middle of the cycle and at the end with clomid to follow.I know this is your first cycle so your doses are lower but I would run the EQ at 400mg/week as most guys see good results at that level and do it for the 10 weeks (minimum).One thing I will say is that with the winnie your strength will increase literally by the week,dont try and break your previous best every week (and you will prolly be able to) because you will end up injured.I speak from experience on this one.
