Those damn arms!


New member
After a training session on my upper arms i dont seem to feel the 'PUMP' anymore. Nor do i wake up the next day and have that great aching pain that we all love. im trying my hardest to gain size on my byceps. My question is, do any of you big armed guys out their have any tips to really gain size and get my arms working when training??
Maybe you're trying too hard and doing too much to achieve those results. How often do you train your arms etc?
pump and DOMS (soreness) mean nothing in terms of strength or size gains.

are you getting stronger? are you gaining weight? if so, youre arms will get bigger. if not, they wont.
try slowing down the reps I see guys in the gym fucking around with stupid sized weights swinging them all over the place and they dont even realise there doin it, then at the end goin 'Yeah that was a good session' slow down the reps and focus on your negatives they do wonders for me.
Rhul said:
Twice a week. Back and by's one day, chest and try's the next.

That's what gave me the added sized I needed... Doing Back/bi's together and then Chest/tri's together. So since you are already doing that, maybe just give it time. Also, try limiting your rest inbetween reps, step up your intensity, and go to failure on the last two sets of each exercise. Another tool I use is SUPER SETS!! YAY BABY! ...if you need some examples, give me a shout!
Theres a few things you can do to gain strength to your arms...
1) dont do reps, go by time.. such as if you are curling dont go by how many reps your doing, set yourself a time for how long you will curl... I do 40 seconds as 1 set of a curl so aim for around there it will be your best results.

2)resistane training, the new popular training for professional athletes is resistance weights.. many NFL players such as Steven Jackson, and most of the Rams do this because It adds so much strength.. they do theres in aqua gyms, which I imagine you dont have access too so the easiest way for you is if you train with another person have someone put some force on your weights, trust me when someone puts some resistance on a curl or bench your gunna feel it.

3)Curl, curl, curl, curl, and do some more curls.. there are so many curls you can do that people don't just because they believe oh, well a curl is a curl.... no, do them all go to a gym and get a list of the 8 curls, and do them once a week....

However, you may think you arent getting bigger but you probably are, your body just gets to a point where it does not go through the same weightlifting stages it did... once you get over the soreness, and the sickness of a very intense workout your body is pretty well use to working out so It wont go through the same stages that it did.
I got a good tip from a pro awhile back. Worked wonders for me. Take your normal routine and do a heavy workout one week then a light one the next. It seems like a small change but it works really good. I focus on 6-10 reps week 1 then 15+ reps week 2. So that way you're getting 2 weeks rest between each type of workout. And you know how sore you get after taking time off then getting back in the gym. Plus it hits both types pf muscle fibers. I used to have your same problem. I just could not get sore anymore. On this routine I get sore after EVERY workout. One more tip. Kepp a training log. It's impossible to remember every rep you did of every set week after week. If you log it and you can see last week you did dumbell curls with 50lbs for 12 1/2 reps you're that much more likely to push for a couple more reps or 5 more lbs. Trust me this stuff really works wonders.
cmfns said:
I got a good tip from a pro awhile back. Worked wonders for me. Take your normal routine and do a heavy workout one week then a light one the next. It seems like a small change but it works really good. I focus on 6-10 reps week 1 then 15+ reps week 2. So that way you're getting 2 weeks rest between each type of workout. And you know how sore you get after taking time off then getting back in the gym. Plus it hits both types pf muscle fibers. I used to have your same problem. I just could not get sore anymore. On this routine I get sore after EVERY workout. One more tip. Kepp a training log. It's impossible to remember every rep you did of every set week after week. If you log it and you can see last week you did dumbell curls with 50lbs for 12 1/2 reps you're that much more likely to push for a couple more reps or 5 more lbs. Trust me this stuff really works wonders.

oh ya, that sounds like it works wonders...
You have to eat enough to grow. Try different excercises because the same routine will not continue to work. Good arm exercises include incline dumbell curls, barbell curls, concentration curls, preacher curls, cable curls, hammer curls. Mix it up with the ones you use and also reps/weight. As mentioned above, squat with free weights. My bench and and arm size quit increasing until I incorporated squats.