thoughts on running tren on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose

yes feel great.... doc put me on years back when wife and I were trying to have kids... been on ever since... im 49 though... fkd myself up years ago juicing in the 80,s and never did pct ever... no internet in the 80,s to research so who the hell knew what pct avi is a recent pic.. still lifting 5 days a week and feel awesome

Incredible! I hope I look as good as you at 49! I'm turning 41 this December. My story is similar to yours. In the early nineties I ran some very bad cycles. Like you, never had internet--just bill Phillips' old book. I never did a pct ever and did the dumbest cycles. Like deca and then wonder why I was pushing rope (to use halfwit lingo). I was away for fifteen years or so and I was probably shutdown or low t for most of them. I want to get on a script and blast occasionally. Do you blast while on trt?
Oops! Didn't mean to hijack and get in the middle of a juicy call out. Should I be yelling "fight! Fight!" Now?
What did u run your tren at with a low dose of test and did u notice good strength gains with higher tren lower test
Steroidology cops now, lol, it's people like u I hate, Mr anti steroid use but u do roids too, like it or not, go natty bro
How the fuck do u know if I have low test or not bro, just assuming lol, or criticizing someone else, fuck man it's blast and cruise not on for a full year and 7 months running that dose, I run high for a few months hen back down to 200mg for a few months, so my choice not yours bro

I'm gonna go ahead and apologize 1st off. I had quite a bit of bad news yesterday and my jerkface side was showing and leads me to say shit I normally wouldn't. Secondly, I'm gonna have to retort to that, obviously.

Anti steroid?? Try again. I'm quite the opposite but I've been natty for over 10 years. Truth of the matter is I DONT KNOW if you have a script. But what I do know is that you were blasting for a very long time, despite several threads full of advice and warnings as to what you are doing, potentially putting yourself on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). You had zero mention of any condition that required testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) before starting AAS. I'm pretty sure depression isn't exactly a condition treated with AAS either. Not to mention you started this whole blast on what was very little training experience, if any at all.

But yeah if you're asked if the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) script is legit, you can say whatever you want. Cause the fact of the matter is, its your choice bro. Happy cycling!
Looking big bro
How much did u gain during a low dose of test and higher dose of tren
What mg did u run on both and for how long and were u bulking or doing a cut on that cycle
What did your macros Look like as well bro, protein, carbs, fats and cal for your weight

Thanks.. I really don't put much emphasis at all on how much weight I gain when im blasting.. im always trying to put on quality muscle ... if I can do that and gain 10lbs doing it then great.. if I can improve my physique and lose 10lbs doing it then that's great too.. im comfortable at 225.. when I weigh much more than that my stamina takes a big hit.. I also don't do the whole counting carbs,fat grams and calories thing.. just try to eat healthy every meal... I do cardio 5 days a week but no more than 20 min on the treadmill each time.. the one thing I do try to consume a lot of is protein...400 grams or so a day split between shakes and food.. your on the right track bro.. your current pics show a lot of improvement from the previous ones I saw a few months back..
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