Time for an old dude to step it up

OMG, OD... you always throw some humor in there :) I like it. I think it's pretty cool how some of us have gotten to know each other a bit.

I agree man. The sides of low or high E2 can be real confusing. I'm going to get BW today ( type II diabetic) and they will run my Test and Estradiol for me. I'm having "E" problems cause I went from cycle to c***se and didn't lower my AI then picked back up to low cycle and I am juts bewildered at where my E2 is at. I have a few sides going on but ??? AND for me I usually have the side effects understanding by my body.

Time to get it checked out and stop assuming.... Keep it up OD :wavey:
Once in a while I need to be centered again. A good friend reminded me, "time under tension. Stop chasing max weights". Thanx P.B. ;-)

wise words and totally agree, and your joints will thank you latter for it as well and last you longer to take care of you in your older age.
Back at it after a big, crazy, swinging, gambling weekend (with insane amounts of sex by no swinging) lol

10 mins cardio
Db bench: 40x12, 50x12, 60x10, 70x8, 60x10
Flat smith: 135x10, 155x8, 175x5
Db Pullover: 50x10, 60x8, 70x6, 40x12
Db military: 25x16, 35x8, 45x1 !!! How that for exhaustion?
Cable tri: 100x12, 120x12, 140x10
Pec deck: 140x12, 160x10, 180x5

Weight after absolutely NO food tracking, booze, buffets, etc .... 217.5 :-)
No macro tracking for the weekend. I have not skipped logging in like two years!

Only weekend details you all are getting is wifee n I 'did things' neither of us has ever before. Wild weekend! Yeah testosterone!!!!
Legs woot!

10 mins cardio
Db squats: 50x8, 70x8, 80x8, 90x6, 100x6
Plated squat: 200x8, 290x8, 380x8, 470x6, 560x4
Leg curl: 100x12, 120x10, 140x8, 160x5
Leg ext: 100x12, 140x12, 180x10, 200x10

Felt really good the last couple days: test levels dropping fast by skipping one pin. I'll start cruze level pins in a couple days. Awaiting some supplies and need to dump some blood still. Yeah, I know PB. Lol! But I just can't bring myself to diy.

Weight 217, cals 3345, carbs 44, fat 33, protein 23(198g)
Legs woot!

10 mins cardio
Db squats: 50x8, 70x8, 80x8, 90x6, 100x6
Plated squat: 200x8, 290x8, 380x8, 470x6, 560x4
Leg curl: 100x12, 120x10, 140x8, 160x5
Leg ext: 100x12, 140x12, 180x10, 200x10

Felt really good the last couple days: test levels dropping fast by skipping one pin. I'll start cruze level pins in a couple days. Awaiting some supplies and need to dump some blood still. Yeah, I know PB. Lol! But I just can't bring myself to diy.

Weight 217, cals 3345, carbs 44, fat 33, protein 23(198g)

It takes some cohunas to stick a nail 16 gauge in your arm for sure.

have you tried squatting with a bar? the dumbells video looked awkward. your feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width. it looks like you bow your knees in so the dumbells slide by.
Can't do a straight bar. Back injury forever limiting. Wish we had that bar you showed a while back that you step thru? I'd like to try that. My knees suck too btw lol!
Been helping a group of gals learn the machines. Thought it would mess with my cadence but now I'm thinking it might be a good thing. It's forcing me to settle my heart rate between exercises. all good!

10 mins cardio
Db bench: 50sX8, 60x8, 70x8, 80x8, 50x16
Smith: 135x10, 205x4, 155x12
Db military: 25x12, 35x12, 45x6, 35x12, 25x16
Db Pullover: 50x12, 60x12, 80x5, 50x12,12
Cable tri: 100x23, 120x12, 140x12, 150x10,8
Pec deck: 150x12, 180x12, 200x12

Weight 215. Gotta get my cals up! Cals 3900, carbs 42, fat 34, protein 24(213g)
Been helping a group of gals learn the machines. Thought it would mess with my cadence but now I'm thinking it might be a good thing. It's forcing me to settle my heart rate between exercises. all good!

10 mins cardio
Db bench: 50sX8, 60x8, 70x8, 80x8, 50x16
Smith: 135x10, 205x4, 155x12
Db military: 25x12, 35x12, 45x6, 35x12, 25x16
Db Pullover: 50x12, 60x12, 80x5, 50x12,12
Cable tri: 100x23, 120x12, 140x12, 150x10,8
Pec deck: 150x12, 180x12, 200x12

Weight 215. Gotta get my cals up! Cals 3900, carbs 42, fat 34, protein 24(213g)

Helping girls learn the machines.... Sure...... because those machines are so fucking complicated.

"And you adjust the seat like this" as he leans ever so slightly across her body. "Oh, you have such big hands" she says as she squirms in the seat
Helping girls out with the machines is the main reason i go to the gym, and its especially sweet when they are wearing their yoga stretch pants. does wonders for my eye muscles, which also need a good workout now and then.
Well. Shoulda figured. About this time every year I catch some bug. At first I thought it was the triple proviron so I dropped it and everything else not required. That wasn't it. Stomach on fire. Slept days n days. Then wifee gets it... and I know it's some bug!

THEN I find out all my wife's friends either have it or had it! So today was my first day back. Leg day. Sweaty, weak, exhausted but a good day nonetheless:-)

10 min cardio
Db squats: 50sX8, 60x8, 70x8, 80x8, 90x8
Plated squat Mach: 200x8, 290x6, 380x8, 470x6, 560x4 & 4
Leg ext: 120x12, 140x12, 160x12, 180x10, 200x10
Leg curl: 100x12, 120x12, 140x10, 160x5

Weight 213, cals 3435, carbs 47, fat 27, protein 26(221g)
Getting my wind back. Yesterday biceps day. Slept like crap but woke up energized and feeling rested anyway. Go figure!

10min cardio
Cable lat: 100x20, 120x12, 150x10, 180x5 & 6
Cable row: 100x16, 120x10, 140x8, 160x6 & 5
Chainsaws: 60x12, 70x12, 100x10, then
Vertical barbell row: 135x6, 115x8 & 6
Cable curls-bar: 100x10, 80x12, 60x14 then
Cable curls-rope: 100x8, 60x12
Db shrugs: 60sX12, 80sX6, 90sX6 with a final hold

Some of the sick-o's in my circle are going from this stomach crap to chest cold crap. I've avoided it so far. Looking like snow tomorrow here. And cold. Good times

Weight 215.5, cals 3970, carbs 39, fat 37, protein 24(230g)

Will get a triceps day in today. Just finished a great breakfast of local bantam eggs and venison sausage
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When you are on the roller coaster all you can do is ride, ride, ride!

What an excellent day! I think the proviron is kicking in :-) two wifee cardio sessions without losing stiffness. Then an awesome triceps day!

10 min cardio
Smith flat: 135x8, 225x5, 205x7, 185x8, 155x8
Incline db bench: 20sX12, 30x12, 40x10, 50x6, 30x14
Ez bar skulls: 45x12, 65x12, 75x10, 85x5
Cable tri rope: 100x12: 120x10, 140x8, then bar 150x10, 155x10
Pec deck: 120x15, 150x12, 180x5

Now the 'bad' news: weight 213.5 (2lbs loss), CALS 4402!!!!, carbs 34, fat 42, protein 24(268g)

Looks like I've reached another of those caloric plateaus where I'm gonna have to step it up! Again! I can remember not just a few years ago where my TDEE was 2500, then 2800, then 3000.....
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Leg daaay!!!

10 min cardio
Plated squat: 200x12, 290x10, 380x6, 470x6, 560x4 & 2
Weighted calf raises: 112x15,15,15
Leg ext: 120x15, 140x15, 160x15, 180x15, 200x10
Leg curl: 100x12, 120x12, 140x10, 160x8

Feelin good, feeling strong! Let's talk weight n cals now...

Weight 213 (down another half #), cals 4210, carbs 36, fat 33, protein 31(340g)

So my data says my TDEE is now maybe 4400?! Wow, Says me :-o
Helping girls out with the machines is the main reason i go to the gym, and its especially sweet when they are wearing their yoga stretch pants. does wonders for my eye muscles, which also need a good workout now and then.

This ^^^ OMG... :dance2: yepper I gotta say the girls at the gym and their camel toes , OH , oh :wackit:

Ha and their pantie line is a "G" - string

I just can't say no :insane:
Saturday off, Sunday bicep day. Caloric news at the end!

10 min cardio
Db curls: 25sX8, 30x8, 35x8, 40x8, then
Oly bar curl: 90x5, 90x4 with a long hold
Chainsaws: 60x12, then 15 then 18 then 20, 100x6
Bent oly bar row: 95x8 & 8, 115x8 & 8
Wide cable lat down: 100x12, 140x8, 180x4 real slow!
Db shrug: 60sX12, 70x8, 60x16 fast

Empty gym. Ran low on steam early. Now to this weight/cal thing...

Weight 214, sat cals 5010, sun cals 4955! So basically I had to eat 5000 cals/day to gain one pound! Shit is getting real my friends!

Carbs 35 both days, fat 34&39, protein 30(356g) & 26(300g)

Verrrry interesting:-)

Also: when the hell did THIS happen?!?! Lol! I look at it every day so I just don't really notice the progress. Then today, I'm taking a breather, look up at the mirror and , well, I'm shocked! And pleased ;-)
Busy gym! Triceps day

10 min cardio
Smith flat: 135x8, 185x8, 205x8, 225x5, 135x15
Db military: 25sX12, 30x12, 35x8, 40x5, 30x15
Db Pullover: 50x12, 60x12, 70x9, 80x6, 90x5
Cable tri: rope 100x12, 120x10, 140x8, 160x8; v-bar 120x12 slow
Finally flat db flat bench available-telling for sure! 50x10 wobbly, 60x8 dangerously wobbly! Done, shot, toast!

Weight? 218.5! Cals 5400, carbs 40, fat 36, protein 24(329g)
Roooollller coasssster. Grrr.

From stomach bug, to week of gym awesomeness, to Tuesday appointment, Wed bowling, Thursday concert, Friday full blown cold -sinus/sore throat/fever/etc, to Tuesday blood donation, Wed bowl again and FINALLY back to the gym!!!! Damn!

10 min cardio
Plated squat: 200x12, 290x10, 380x6, 470x4 weak and sweaty
Leg ext: 100x12, 120x12, 140x12, 160x12, 180x12
Db squats: 50x8, 60x8, 70x8, 80x6
Leg curl: 100x12, 120x12, 140x6

Weight 220
Average cals for last week 3510
Cals 3205, carbs 31, fat 41, protein 28(227g)

Next blast starts tomorrow!
This ^^^ OMG... :dance2: yepper I gotta say the girls at the gym and their camel toes , OH , oh :wackit:

Ha and their pantie line is a "G" - string

I just can't say no :insane:

lol, I bet half the girls at my gym dont even wear panties and i swear they are making those yoga pants thinner and thinner each day.
No gym today
Yesterday- biceps

10 min cardio
Ez preachers: 65x12, 75x12, 85x8 & 8, 65x10, 45x15 good pump!
Cable curls: bar-60x12, 80x8, 100x6. Rope- 60x16, 80x8, 100x7 biceps screaming!
Cable lat wide: 100x20, 120x12, 150x8, 120x12 & 10, 100x15
Cable row: 100x15, 120x8 & 6, 100x10, 80x16

Felt pretty good! It'll take a while for this blast to kick but it's all good. 500/600 Tc/Eq

Weight 220.5, cals 4160, carbs 30, fat 45, protein 25(289g)
Proviron running out this week so burned that up.