Time for an old dude to step it up

A bump in the stiffs, but no trigger pull improvement. I think that's just old age curse. I don't mind as long as I can keep it up for wifee :-)
Interesting gym day. Ch-ch-ch-ch-chaaanges :-)

10 mins cardio that I hit with enthusiasm. Hit 150bpm which I haven't in a long time but little sweat and not winded at all!

Db flat: 60x8, 100x7, 70x10, 60x12 slow & 50x8 slow. Serious pump already!
Db military: 30x12, 40x5, 30x8 & 25x8, 20x8 slow n deep. Serious lactic burn! Biceps are pumped now too :-o
Slow Cable rope tri: 80x15, 100x10, 120x8, 140x8, 100x8 really feeling the tris now
Pec deck: 100x15, 120x12, 150x8, 200x4, 120x15

Rubber arms!

Weight 218.5, cals 3165, carbs 34, fat 38, protein 27(220g)

On top again!

.....and the cherry on top? Filled my deer tag!
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10 min cardio
Plated squat: 200x12, 380x8, 610x6 (short), 470x6, 380x8
Leg ext: 100x15, 120x15, 140x15, 160x15, 180x12
Seated curl: 100x15, 120x12, 140x10
Db squats: 40sX10, 50x10, 60x10

Got up extra early so by the time I got to the gym my coffee intake was way too high but I burned the caffeine off fairly quick
Time to work off some thanksgiving!

10 min cardio
Ez bar preachers: 65x12&10, 85x4, 65x10, 45x15
Chainsaws: 70x15, 100x8&6, 80x15, 70x15, 60x20
Narrow cable rows: 100x12, 150x6, 120x10, 100x15, 150x6
Wide/slow cable lat: 100x12, 120x10, 150x6, 100x12, 150x6
Db shrug: 60sX12, 70x10, 80x6 with a hold, 50x12 n hold, 40x20 fast

Weight 220.5, cals 4125, carbs 45, fat 35, protein 20(179g)

Lots of protein stocked now.... if I can stay out of the pies!
Another really good day. Tris.

10 min cardio-kind of winded but little sweat. Note: nightly overheat has begun

Flat smith: 115x8, 135x8, 185x8, 215x8, 225x3
Db flat: 60sX12, 70x7, 50x10, 45x10, 40x10 - arms are shaking like Don Knots in a ghost movie!
Db Pullover: 40x12, 50x15, 60x10, 70x8, 80x4
Pec deck: 120x15, 150x8, 180x5, 150x6, 120x15
Inc smith: 115x8, 135x4&3, 95x12
Cable rope tri: 100x12, 120x8&8, 140x7

Weight 220, cals 3360, carbs 38, fat 50, protein 12(138g) - waaay too many thanksgiving leftovers. Especially candy yams!
Baller leg day! Not extra strong but beat the S out of my legs!

10 min cardio
Plated squat press: 200x8, 380x8, 560x5, 610x4 & 470x8 shallow
Db squats: 50x8, 60x8, 70x8, 80x8, 100x5
Leg ext: 120x12, 140x12, 160x12, 180x12, 200x15 yeowch!
Leg curl: 120x12, 140x10, 160x6

Hobbled to the lockers, dragging my feet as I go. Totaled.

Weight 222.5, cals 3820, carbs 38, fat 35, protein 27(256g)
Hey bud, last time we spoke you had given your wife 25 mg/wk test cyp and it drove her bonkers. Too much.

Do you have an update on lower dosage results?
Hey bud, last time we spoke you had given your wife 25 mg/wk test cyp and it drove her bonkers. Too much.

Do you have an update on lower dosage results?

Hey Tank! (Et al)
I've backed her down to 12.5/wk with an occasional bump or an occasional skip depending on activities. Exa: we had a houseful for Thanksgiving so skip one. At this level she has much better control. We were busy, busy and she held out no prob. As soon as the house was empty and we caught up on sleep, it was back to game on!

All is not roses of course lol! I'm still having some age-related performance issues so I have to 'time' my tadalafil booster and the other I'm noticing is her aggressive request methods. She will wake me up at 3am to, " titties. NOW!" Lol!

I just go with the flow. And then wash it out of my beard afterwards. ;-)

(I actually skipped latest again. Wanna see when she really misses it and asks for it again. Give her system a break)
Working a transition from 3 day split to more if a 5 day split so back/bi's but mostly back

10 min cardio
Slow wide lat down: 120x15, 140x12, 160x10, 180x8, 200x6 with a hold
cable rows: narrow/slow-100x12, 120x10, 140x8. Narrow/fast-160x8. Slow/wide-120x10&8
Chainsaws: 70x12, 100x8, 80x8&10&8
Db shrugs: 90x10&12&10, 100x8&8
Oly bar bent rows: 95x10&8, 85x8, 75x10

Weight 223, cals 3550, carbs 33, fat 43, protein 24(220g)

Lots of sweat. Winded at first but then the kick. Typical :-)
Skipped yesterday. Bowling day.

Crappy sleep. Busy all day so low cals. Came home, pigged out, and then the gym! Not the best way to get it done but wth.

10 min cardio
Db bench: 50x10, 70x8, 90x7, 60x10, 50x10
Db standing mil: 30x12, 35x10, 40x8, 45x6, 35x12
Db Pullover: 40x12, 60x10, 80x6, 70x8, 60x8
Cable rope tri: 100x10, 115x10, 130x8, 145x8
Pec deck: 100x15, 120x10, 140x8

Weight 224.5, cals 4180, carbs 44, fat 29, protein 27(277g)

And for those of you following the wifee saga, she asked for test Tuesday. Wednesday was exhausting! As no number of orgasms would relieve the sensitivity and libido! As much as I enjoy it, im shutting her down for a time. The bottom of her levels is about right but the peaks are seriously uncomfortable for her.
Wow, the times have changed! I used to hate leg day. Now I leave the gym on a stretcher.... and I love it!

10 min cardio
Plated squat: deep-200x12, 380x8. Shallow 560x8, 650x5!!! Deep 320x8
Leg ext: 120x20, 140x15, 160x16, 180x14, 200x12
Leg curl: 80x20, 100x20, 120x12, 140x8
Weighted calf raises: 100x15,15,15

Crawled to my truck. Winded a bit but not super sweaty so blast is impacting my cardio as usual. I just go with it. On these heavy lifts my head n neck look like they are about to explode! Kinda scary :-o for the casual viewer

Weight 226, cals 4470, carbs 33, fat 43, protein 24(256g)
Up 6# since I started this blast. Caloric control. I try to keep the weight increasing, but not out of control gains. Controlled caloric excess
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And then the wheels fall off yet again! Apparently one of the unplanned negatives of retiring in a completely different environment is that I am doomed to catch every winter bug here... until I build up resistance to them :-p i.e.: spent a couple days working concrete in the snow and caught another cold! Grrr

First day back. Biceps focus. Trying something new; 12 set-high volume. Sweat it out.
Started 30 Dbol again. Hoping for a kick

10 min cardio
Ez bar preachers: 65x12/12/12, 85x6/6/6, 75x8/6/10, 70x10/6/8
Cable rope curls: 80x12/10/12, 100x6/8/8, 80x8/6, 60x8/10/12

Beat the hell out of them!

Weight 220, cals 2915, carbs 38, fat 27, protein 35(270g)

My weeks average cals: 3705 and I still dropped 6 pounds while sick. Beans!
Felt a little wimpy today. Still recovering. Doubled up on the wifee cardio last night (and then again after gym! Phew!) lol continued hi volume.

10 min cardio
Flat smith: 135x8/8/8, 165x8/8/8, 155x8/8/8, 135x8/8/8
Db Pullover: 60x12/12/10, 70x8/6/6, 50x10/10
Incline smith: 85x8/8/8, 95x8/6/6

Weight down again :-( 218.5, cals 4235, carbs 34, fat 36, protein 30(328g)

BP 126/75
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Damn man you always crack me up with the wifee. Listen then can i attribute my sluggish days due to doubling up with my affair alone with my own wiener. :wackit:

Don't laugh remember my EX-Wifee lives 3 doors down. you would be surprised how far it can seem ... three doors and then jumping in cold. Only to hear " Mike don't wake me up" :(
Feeling pretty good today, even after 4 hours of working outside on the tiny house in 28 degrees! Fingers were frozen!!

Continued hi volume

10 min cardio
Db squats: 50x12/12/12, 60x12/10/12, 70x10/10/10, 90x8/6/8
Laying leg curls: 60x12/12/12, 80x12/10/12, 100x12/10/12, 120x8/8/6
Leg extensions: 80x12/12/12, 100x12/12/12, 140x12/12/12, 180x12/12/12

Really, really winded during squats. All else good. Im gonna continue this volume for two more. Then?
It is definitely different. Im so limited from the cardio side Im not sure I get the cns activation I want, but its early yet. Small sample size.

One of the more interesting things to happen with this routine was back on biceps day. Within the first few sets, I had a great pump! And as I continued thru the 12 sets, it was like I worked PAST the pump. Thru the pump. Muscle exhaustion for sure but no painful pump. Been a couple days now. Im sore as typical but not any more or less so. Hmmmmm....
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Yesterday: The hi volume experiment continues. Really getting sore n achy all over with doms lasting 3 or 4 days on some muscle groups. I guess that***8217;s good! Back n biceps with a focus on back.

10 min cardio
Narrow cable rows: 80x15/15/15, 100x12/12/12, 120x12/12/10, 140x8/8/8
Cable lat down: 80x15/15/15, 100x12/12/12, 120x10/10/12, 140x8/8/8
Chainsaws: 60x12/10/12, 80x8/6... and the tank is empty! I***8217;ve even added a sugary drink, which is highly unusual for me, to my intra-workout drink hoping for more longevity.

Weight 223.5, cals 4785, carbs 38, fat 34, protein 28(327g)
Squeezed one in this morn.

10 min cardio
Pec deck: 80x15/15/15, 100x12/12/12, 120x12/12/12, 150x12/12/10
V bar cable tri: 60x15/15/15, 80x12/12/12, 100x10/10/10, 120x8/10/10
Db standing military: 20x15/15/15, 25x12/12/12, 30x10/10/8, 35x10/10/12

Weight 221.5, cals 3475, carbs 45, fat 39, protein 16(117g) that***8217;s what happens when I don***8217;t watch my macros
Afternoon legs. Always not best plan to do gym right after big meal

10 min cardio
Leg ext: 120x8, 150x8, 180x8, 200x10/10/8
Leg curl: 100x8, 120x8, 140x8, 160x6, 180x3
Db squats: 50x8, 70x8, 90x8/6/8, 100x6

Weight 223, cals 4065, carbs 42, fat 30, protein 28(278g)

Ill drop the Dbol n add LGD in a couple weeks. Stay tuned
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