Tiotre's Training Log


Don't piss on my leg...
*10 weeker
START: 24 Jan 2007
FINISH: 25Mar 2007

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 216lbs (went up!)
BF%: 12

Monday-LowBack, Hams, Glutes
Tuesday-Chest, Abs, obliques
Thursday-UpperBack, Shoulders
Friday-Biceps, Triceps, Abs, Obliques
Saturday-Quads, calves, Run

*Daily intake: 3300 cals
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who's on your avatar, bro?? nice avatar!

have you gain hard/tons with your current split bro?? I don't think there's a prob with any splits out there...really...it's a matter where you're comfortable at. some people can do it, some can't...that's why there are tons of splits out there. welcome and enjoy your stay..now start loggin. lol!
*Bro, my avatar!!! Yours is on the money (I think I have the vid of that chic!)
I found mine online somewhere; it's not me, lol.
*I changed my diet first about 3 weeks ago and started this workout last week, so adding it all up I've put on about 10lbs in 18 days. I weighed myself before the diet (198lbs), after the first diet week (200lbs), into the 2 workout weeks (208lbs).
*I'll post again today after the workout; can't wait!
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Thursday, 25 January 2007
<B><U>Upper back:</U></B>
lat pulldowns:150x12, 150x12, 180x10, 180x10, 190x8, 190x7(went for 8)
dumbell rows: 50x12, 50x12, 60x10, 60x10, 70x8, 70x7(went for 8)
dumbell pullover: 45x10, 45x10, 60x8, 60x6
T-bar rows: 60x10, 60x10, 70x8, 70x8
[this shit wore me out! I remember it being easier]
overhead press(dumbell): 50x12,50x12, 55x10, 55x8, 55x8, 50x8(started too high, so I dropped)
front raise(dumbell): 15x12, 15x12, 25x8, 25x8, 30x6, 30x6, 25x4[25x4 was actually negatives]
reverse flies(dumbell): 15x10, 15x10, 15x10, 20x8, 20x8, 20x8, 25x4[negatives again]
shrugs(barbell): 135x15, 135x15, 155x10, 155x10, 185x8, 185x8, 200x4[negs]
Rested 1min between sets. I feel like dying today, but I just look forward to getting better, so I can hit it again next week!
strong pulldowns bro. strict form or with a bit cheat? I think pulldown cheats can't be helped when the weight goes high.
AngryMuscles said:
strong pulldowns bro. strict form or with a bit cheat? I think pulldown cheats can't be helped when the weight goes high.
I rarely cheat. Every other week I do 3 second negatives during the rep to help me control the weight, that's how I stay "unsloppy".
Winter said:
How long have you been workingout for? What are your goals?
*I'm usually in and out of the gym. I go for about 2 months and than stop for a month. On and off I'm going on 8 years.
*My goals:
-225lbs(not too solid/striated, I don't like the "I live in the gym" look)
-solid strength gains w/ endurance
-Good definition/physique
Friday, 26 Jnuary 2007
dumbell curls: 30x12, 30x12, 40x10, 40x10, 50x6, 50x6
reverse grip preachers(with easy curl bar): 15x12, 25x8, 25x8, 25x8, 30x7
hammer curls: 40x8, 40x8, 40x8, 40x8

pushdowns: 45x12, 45x12, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8
dumbell extensions(2 handed): 50x10, 60x8, 60x8, 65x8, 65x8
reverse grip grip pulldowns(single arm): 30x8, 30x8, 30x8, 35x8, 35x7

crunches:1min x 5
oblique crunches: 1min x 5
leg raises: 1min x 5
sit up: 1min x 5
*I hate abs and obs day; it just hurts too much.
*I think I'm getting sick, so I may be out for the count next week.
*I'll take some pics to post Monday (hopefully)
take vids too of your workout. that would be greatly appreciated.

i never like working abs too. i hate it personally because I feel so sick afterwrds....and most of the time, after doing squats/deads, i feel so sick/tired to even do it anymore
Saturday, 27 January 2007
Cold started to kick in, so I think I'll take it easy till it clears. I figure about a week should sufice. Until then I'll be maintaining with:
Multi vitamins, Tribulus, Creatine, and a little TLC.