To All Mods, Admin, & Members

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I am banned!
there's been alot of spam post, trolls, and new members with no good to contribute to this forum or people;
There should be a new thread created where we as a collective can post/discuss/vote to have things like this banned and/or erased from the site...
to make my point a little concrete(vivid) for instance; there should be a new thread created under general discussion, general chat area, or members plus section titled (example) "The Chopping Block" in which we the members can post spammers/trolls ie; juicemonkey604 or post ie; "steroid forums are complete mindfucks." and have a poll to vote on what should be done ie; ban/block/leave it alone..etc or at least just have it so mods/admins have an easier time knowing what's going on

just a thought...
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I can tell you that we do the best we can to clean up spam around here. Everytime I log in it is the first thing I look for. But if you see something slip through that we aren't catching, let us know. Spam threads are easy to find so you don't have to notify us about those. And please avoid the temptation to make a stupid reply to a spam post as it makes it harder for us to clean up.

However, if a spam post sneaks its way into a thread, that is harder for us to find. Please hit the button to notify us about them. It is impossible for us to read every single post on here.

And as for turning this into Survivor and voting members off the island, I don't see that happening anytime soon. If you have a problem with something or someone, please simply hit the notify button or send one of us a PM with a link to the issue.
I will tell you this. The Mods do there best. There are over 60k new visitors a day. If you want to see spam removed faster pm a link to a mod and it will be removed. As far as getting a vote on who stays and goes you get none.
This isn't a publicly owned site. It the property of a private owner. In fact your all visitors to the site. The owners make the wealth of knowledge available to you on the basis that you abide the rules. Your stay here can be long or it can be short. We are in the business or education and support.
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