tools at AR...


New member
they are telling me that i should never bake my gear...that it will damage the hormones...blah! Peebs...get over there and straighten em up!
you get um.

post some research or tell them to post some to validate what they say.

I been baking a few years and my gear is as real as it gets. if the hormone is damaged just think how anabolic my oil must be. =0)

best thing to do is leave them alone. it aint worth the agravation to argue with them. a lot of boards like that have 1 or 2 guys who run things and are lost themselves. not saying that board is like that but i have seen several that are.
What you gotta do is skim through the bullshit and pick out the good info. At the end of the day thier gear works, my gear works, PB's gear works. Besides the idea of not baking is huge on a lot of boards...why? Cuz someone with 10,000 posts said so.
yeah, but i posted a statement saying that u dont need BA or BB for test enan. That u can just add like 1-2% ba for peace of mind in sterility...and i got attacked by some chemist...
Just remember guys, let's not start any board wars. Good discussion is one thing, but let's use some restraint as well.
It's one thing to post to try to learn things as well as pass along knowledge you have, and quite another to do it just to show how smart you think you are.

Also, 'book lernin's' and reality sometime contradict each other, like where you find out that androstenedione is eleventy billion times more anabolic than test or whatever. Just because somebody says they are a chemist doesn't make them infallible when it comes to chemistry.

Pb pretty much summed it up imo, give them the reasons why for whatever it is and let them learn it or not on their own. For example, I think soy is pretty much poison. I used to try to post reasons why when asked. Now all I do is say is 'those are my conclusions based on my research, now you go do your own or prove to me why I'm wrong.'
gymphreak said:
yeah, but i posted a statement saying that u dont need BA or BB for test enan. That u can just add like 1-2% ba for peace of mind in sterility...and i got attacked by some chemist...

if he attacked you about ba as any more than a preservative/solvent then he aint a chemist.
i argued about this for over a year on various boards and this is the only one that listened. why? cause some of the guys here knew the truth. ibeen run outa town for stating what ba does and does not do.
if someone shows me validated data to refute something i know to be true then i'll reconsider. but not on someones word. no siree bobby cakes.
i read it. it looks like ba does a great job of preserving multi-dose solitions. didn't see the word sterilize in there once.
preservaton and sterilization are two different things. take away the ability for the bacteria to multiply, and they will eventually die off.

Seems to me this study just proves our point.
well here we are again. nice article that stated our case to a T. if you dont want to filter you have to wait a minimum of 7 days for just the few bacteria they tested for to be illiminated. they only tested for a small % of the total bac out there. and as you can se .1% does nothing. .75% did the job in this study. so 1% will work. we knew that because of bac water though. and also if you note that this study was preformed fo multi dose vials. i woder if they use ba in amps? i dont know.

antimicrobial = preservative = BA.

nice read though. a lot of talk for a little info. =0)
At the end of the day Im still going to use 1% for long esters and a lil more as a cosolvent for short esters.

Side question: Has anyone ever tried 1-2% on say...prop, and used BB as the primary cosolvent at 20+%?
This may seem like a dumb question, but I have to ask. Is the reason you guys are salways trying to lower the BA content purely based on pain that it causes when injecting?
some are more sensitive to BA than others. 5% ba never bothered me but others have great pain at that %. ba is harmles othe rthan discomfort for some. good water soluable solvent/preservative.