Training after having a Herniated Disc


New member
Was wondering if anyone continued training after having a herniated disc. Pretty much my doctor told me that my bodybuilding days are over and that I have to lift really light.

Since I can't do squats or presses anymore my legs are going to suffer big time.

Thanks for your input.
Hey bro which one is herniated? Do you plan on haviong surgery or what?

I had C6 fused to C7 and I am able to do most anything I want to do. Certain movements do bother me a little but i am able to do all the core lifts including squats. just took a while to get back to top form.
My herniation is in the same area L5-S1 plus I have 2 bulging discs L3-L4 and L5-L6.

I'll take some time off and hopefully I could lift heavy later on. I don't need to have surgery.

I was slotting to do a natural show next year guess I'll put that on hold.

Thanks for the info