
Behind the back smith machine shrugs. You have to lean forward so the bb doesn't get stuck on your ass. Also bent over lateral raises work good.
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Smith machine shrugs in general seem to have given me the best results... not sure why. I've tried all kinds of variations, DB, BB, cable movements... the smith gets it done though.
I like to lean slightly forward with dumbells in front of me so that I can pull my traps all the way up behind my head. (try it and it'll make sense) I read this in a magazine a while back and it makes my traps explode. I do sets of 15-25 and pause every fifth one.
What i learned and what has worked for me is traps dont need heavy weights to grow, time under tension with higher reps works the best for traps, certain muscle groups like chest and back needs heavy weight to grow but traps, abs, calves and forearms are the few muscles that has more red twich fibers and need more reps and more frequency.

Try doing dumbell shrugs, slightly lean forward and let the dumbell stretch your trap, you need straps for this because you do not want to grip the dumbells hard you want to them to hang loose, then shrugs as high as you can dont need to go all the way up but make sure you squeeze the traps, also if your shoulder can handle it upright row with an ez bar is amazing for traps, again dont go all the way up just keep the tension on the trap through the whole movement.
Another one as someone else mentioned is behind the back smith shrug, it works the traps like no other exercises, give it a shot, remeber to keep the reps around 10-15 and train them more frequently, 2x a week should be enough.
thanks for all your comments.. i'm going to implement the smith machine trap workout into my sets.... also try alternating from lower weight, higher reps one week, then higher weight, lower reps the next to optimize growth...

thanks guys!
Instead of switching it up weekly, try hitting 'em directly twice a week as stated above with one day heavy and one day light.
I hit mine twice a week once heavy low reps and another with lighter weight and higher reps. This seemed to work best for me, also lean forward to isolate your traps as well!
I hit mine twice a week once heavy low reps and another with lighter weight and higher reps. This seemed to work best for me, also lean forward to isolate your traps as well!

don't lean forward. use proper form and body alignment. knees bent, eyes/head slightly up, pull hard and hold for a 1 count and slowly back down, eccentric phase is important.

also dumbbell upright rows, don't use the barbell or ez curl bar. this is what can cause the damage to rotator cuff, dumbells allow for natural movement and remember to keep those elbows high. just keep working them and they will grow just like anything.

if you are into Olympic lifts the hang clean will add some size to your traps and its a great lift.
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I agree with holding the weight at the top for a count of one. Also, don't extend all the way down, keep the tension on the muscle and crank out some high reps.
Deadlift heavy - end of story. If you can't do deads then focus on holding the squeeze at the top of the shrug and go as heavy as you can with still keeping form this way on each rep.