What classifies as lean enough?
that will apply if you get shorter needles. you can get 27g 1' and 30g 1'.
What classifies as lean enough?
What classifies as lean enough?
12-14% is lean enough for most people, in most places (delts, pecs, bis/tris, ventroglute, lats, quads...)
If you're cutting w/ tren though a lot of people will be sub 12 and that makes even more sites available...
Get to 5-6% and probably pin your ass with a 1/2" pin if you really wanted to![]()
3J please explain to me why prami or caber needs to EVER be utilized, if you are controlling E2 with an AI? Why is Dopamine Agonist, pushed so hard???
This is only personal experience, I've deca at over a gram, never had problems, but had to eat AI at higher dosages, labs of course have to be done
And by no means am I arguing the fact that da doesn't have it's place, but if E2 levels are controlled with any AI, your prolactin levels would not be an issue? I guess I'm overthinking this aspect of controlling E2, If you run dex for example at moderate dosages, and have blood ran every 6 weeks, you could monitor E2 before prolactin levels where ever to the point of needing a da.with the exception of letro.. the other ai's will not control prog...
its not absolutely necessary.. many people do not get side that would justify the use of a da.. but we want to play it safe and AT LEAST have it on hand
3J please explain to me why prami or caber needs to EVER be utilized, if you are controlling E2 with an AI? Why is Dopamine Agonist, pushed so hard???
This is only personal experience, I've deca at over a gram, never had problems, but had to eat AI at higher dosages, labs of course have to be done
Having a dopamine agonist on hand is wise as prolactin does NOT absolutely require elevated estradiol. It just tends to remain at manageable levels with optimal E2.
High E2 + progestin = floppy dick.
Progestin + sensitivity to prolactin = floppy dick.
Moderate E2 + progestins in higher doses = floppy dick.
As you can probably imagine, there are two ways to solve this. As most aren't willing to get tests often enough to be 100% certain they have optimal E2, tossing in a dopamine agonist takes care of the rest.
I've personally done it both ways and while I don't care for the adjustment period required by pramipexole, it is the easiest way to go. That and having the ability to have sex with little refractory time is a great way to put a smile on her face.
My .02c![]()
19-nors are a class of drugs called progestins. Progestins are drugs that can elevate prolactin and progesterone; what I meant by high doses of progestins would be higher cycles of deca/tren. Yes, typically if you control estradiol, prolactin will have a harder time climbing up - but, it's never a guarantee. This is why it's often recommended to keep a dopamine agonist (caber/prami) on hand.Ok I didn't guess I realized you could have moderate E2 and high progestin? Thought controling E2 would also in turn control progestin? I'm not sensitive I'm assuming, with previously running deca at over a gram, I only ever worried about keeping e right above normal.