Tren Ace + Test Prop... gonna be mint


New member
Hi everyone,

So here goes - Day 1 of a 10 week cycle of Tren Acetate and Test Prop.
PCT: HCG, Clomid, Nolva
On hand: Prami, Caber, Letro, Adex
Current weight 175
Height 5'6"
BF 10%
Age 23
Workout experience: many years of screwing around and 2 years of serious training


Deads 405x3
Bench 315x5
Squats 405x3 :(

Health problems: Thyroid problem (hereditary) currently working on figuring out the appropriate doses. Blood work always impresses the doctor (He really checks everything to find a problem)

Cycling experience: 1 Test 500/wk Deca 250/wk dbol 50mgs/day 8 weeks - 1 test 500/wk deca 400/wk - 1 test 500/wk e tren e 400/wk - and current

Blood work is done 4-5 times yearly, I have two private doctors both are aware of the supplements. Also got a cute little massage therapist that also does physio and kineaaasomethingoranother

Diet OK

Goals: at some point in time in my life I would like to have the physique of Franco Columbo. And then go from there.

Today was the first pin, pinned 150mgs of tren and 150mgs of test EOD for 10 weeks. Broken up into two separate injections. Considering adding in insulin 10iu in the morning and 10iu's PWO. My dad is diabetic and have about 10 different blood testing machines and cool smart pens for injecting. Insulin is also covered under our private insurance on top of the government subsidy (Canada) so the question of quality is not an issue also dirt cheap.

I'm sure I will get a lot of "you're young" "you're crazy" etc... Trust me I know I'm crazy and I'm aware of my age. But I don't think that theres many people that are in my position to do things the safe way.

Blood tests consist of the following:

-Sodium -Potassium -Chloride -Bicarbonate -Urea -Creatinine -Phosphorus -Calcium -Magnesium

-AC Glucose - Random Glucose -75g OGTT -HgB A1C

Liver Enzymes/Function


-TSH T4 -LH -Testosterone Total -Cortisol


Going to try and update every 2-3 days, will also get around to taking before and after pictures for the end. Will also post all the results of blood test before starting at 8 weeks and 10 weeks after the end of PCT.

If anyone wants to chime in concerning the insulin idea feel free!

Your dad is diabetic and you are contemplating taking insulin... Think about that for a minute...
You can work your ass off to deplete your glycogen stores in your workouts.. And, if diet is on point, have your body start to produce ketones...then hit some aerobic workouts (bike, treadmill whatever) and suck down some sugar/carbs, protein.. Creatine... Your insulin levels will go to mars..
Mr Ford... I don't understand you second post... Eitherway my dad became diabetic after I was born and was caused (now I don't remember the story perfectly) by medication that was prescribed to him and it ruined his pancreas.

Furthermore I said I was considering it. Also I would only run it for ~4-5 weeks and start off low and build up to 10iu's a shot.
You can work your ass off to deplete your glycogen stores in your workouts.. And, if diet is on point, have your body start to produce ketones...then hit some aerobic workouts (bike, treadmill whatever) and suck down some sugar/carbs, protein.. Creatine... Your insulin levels will go to mars..

No they won't, they'll still stay within physiological ranges unless he also has diabetes or is pre-diabetic
Not gonna comment anything since I dont have that level of expertise yet, BUT... what does "kineaaasomethingoranother" mean?
with a cycle like this diet is going to play the major factor..

if your stats are correct your doing something right.. that's for sure
Thanks guys!

If you think my stats are good :/ my gym partner is 5'8" 185 >9% with only 2 cycles under his belt... Plus he's a monster can dead lifts 585.

Diet consists of a lot of horse meat usually 400-600 grams a day of horse meat, 1 50 gram protein shake (absolutely HATE drinking a protein shake) 2 cups of rice, 6 egg whites, 3 whole eggs... and random things in between like a bowl of Kashi GoLean cereal (I don't know if you guys know what that is) or oatmeal, protein brownies...
Mr Ford... I don't understand you second post... Eitherway my dad became diabetic after I was born and was caused (now I don't remember the story perfectly) by medication that was prescribed to him and it ruined his pancreas.

Furthermore I said I was considering it. Also I would only run it for ~4-5 weeks and start off low and build up to 10iu's a shot.

I was just saying that if diabetes runs in the family, it might not be something you want to mess around with..
Dre, I was bringing it up as a post workout alternative to insulin. I've done it myself..

I know you were but unfortunately insulin doesn't work like that.

First, unless you are an endurance athlete the chances of you depleting glycogen stores in a single workout are none. When going on a keto diet, one with trace carbs <25g, it still takes a week or so to go into ketosis so getting there after a single workout or after each workout is impossible. Not unlikely, it's impossible.

Second, after taking in those sugar/carbs or protein post workout like you mentioned will only elevate insulin levels to within normal physiological range. They will not be sky high. In this range insulin isn't the 'anabolic' hormone we want it to be and an insulin spike has minimal affect over gradually raising insulin.

^^^pay attention around the 3:00minute mark.

Third, creatine doesn't affect insulin unless it's mixed in a sugary drink or has flavor/sugar added to it.
I know you were but unfortunately insulin doesn't work like that.

First, unless you are an endurance athlete the chances of you depleting glycogen stores in a single workout are none. When going on a keto diet, one with trace carbs <25g, it still takes a week or so to go into ketosis so getting there after a single workout or after each workout is impossible. Not unlikely, it's impossible.

Second, after taking in those sugar/carbs or protein post workout like you mentioned will only elevate insulin levels to within normal physiological range. They will not be sky high. In this range insulin isn't the 'anabolic' hormone we want it to be and an insulin spike has minimal affect over gradually raising insulin.

^^^pay attention around the 3:00minute mark.

Third, creatine doesn't affect insulin unless it's mixed in a sugary drink or has flavor/sugar added to it.

I will check out the vid when I get in front of a computer. What I was talking about was post workout when you're already sucking major wind you, for example, jump on the treadmill and suck down your simple carbs, protein etc while doing it... As opposed to when you get home.. And, yes, with sugar. Only time I would ever put sugar into my body...
I will check out the vid when I get in front of a computer. What I was talking about was post workout when you're already sucking major wind you, for example, jump on the treadmill and suck down your simple carbs, protein etc while doing it... As opposed to when you get home.. And, yes, with sugar. Only time I would ever put sugar into my body...

ITS a great video, definitely check it out. Layne norton is a very well educated man who looks at the totality of evidence.

My question to you would be what do simple sugars do or benefit when taken during the cardio? The inclusion of protein with simple carbs will slow digestion rate making simple carbs akin to complex ones.

Not going to lie, I eat sugar regularly and probably daily. Nothing is wrong with sugar moderation of course and when it's fit Into a sensible and nutritious diet.
ITS a great video, definitely check it out. Layne norton is a very well educated man who looks at the totality of evidence.

My question to you would be what do simple sugars do or benefit when taken during the cardio? The inclusion of protein with simple carbs will slow digestion rate making simple carbs akin to complex ones.

Not going to lie, I eat sugar regularly and probably daily. Nothing is wrong with sugar moderation of course and when it's fit Into a sensible and nutritious diet.

The simple sugars pump up the insulin levels.. You do it while doing cardio so it isn't stored incorrectly.. I throw in protein and sometimes creatine etc to take advantage of that window.. I mean.. It's kind of an old school principle but it works for me... Like the window of entering into ketosis holds for storage...if your muscles are fatigued beyond anything AND you are still keeping the heart and lungs pumping hard ass, your body will store these calories in the correct terms at hand..
how is horse meat compared to cow?

In my experience its all about cooking it, and once again in my experience very tricky lol. But when you get it right I personally find the taste better than beef, definitely A LOT more tender, has zero fat at, and I can't stress enough how TENDER it is.

When I cook horse meat I get either grounded or in the form of a steak :P

Grounded I usually throw it in a pan on very low heat with vegetable oil, and break it up into small pieces. Throw in garlic, and basil. The meat turns a grey colour when cooked sacrifice one piece by cutting it in half and see how red the middle is if its grey all the way through your gonna have a bad time. If its still reddish, not too much blood coming out of it when you squeeze down on it its good to go.

Steak once again low heat with vegetable oil. Cut up some onions add rosemary, basil, and garlic. Wait until its cooked (grey) half way up the steak and flip it cook until it becomes completely grey. Flip it again and I cut down the centre leaving 1/3 of an inch on both sides... In other words not in half and examine the inside, you can push down to let the blood come out and it'll get rid of that dark redness and its ready.

Let the numbers speak for themselves on the two kinds of meat:

Horse Meat

1oz (28 grams)
Calories 37
Fat 1 gram
Protein 6 grams
Carbs 0
Cholesterol 15mg


1 oz (28 grams)
Calories 41
Fat 1 grams
Protein 6 grams
Carbs 0
Cholesterol 97mg

Doesn't seem like a lot but over time and in large quantities the cholesterol adds up... Also its around 1/4 of the price.
Day 2 of 70... see if I can do daily posts.

Weight 174

Added in 750mg's a day of Milk Thistle (anyone have any other good liver helpers let me know)

Not feeling anything, felt a little sick yesterday after pinning like light headed (may have been from the "trauma" of pinning)

Trained shoulders, felt a little more confident. Worked up to 225 on the smith machine with the utility bench two sets of 7 reps. Once I got to my rear delts I felt a really good pump.

Trained abs...