New member
Hi everyone,
So here goes - Day 1 of a 10 week cycle of Tren Acetate and Test Prop.
PCT: HCG, Clomid, Nolva
On hand: Prami, Caber, Letro, Adex
Current weight 175
Height 5'6"
BF 10%
Age 23
Workout experience: many years of screwing around and 2 years of serious training
Deads 405x3
Bench 315x5
Squats 405x3
Health problems: Thyroid problem (hereditary) currently working on figuring out the appropriate doses. Blood work always impresses the doctor (He really checks everything to find a problem)
Cycling experience: 1 Test 500/wk Deca 250/wk dbol 50mgs/day 8 weeks - 1 test 500/wk deca 400/wk - 1 test 500/wk e tren e 400/wk - and current
Blood work is done 4-5 times yearly, I have two private doctors both are aware of the supplements. Also got a cute little massage therapist that also does physio and kineaaasomethingoranother
Diet OK
Goals: at some point in time in my life I would like to have the physique of Franco Columbo. And then go from there.
Today was the first pin, pinned 150mgs of tren and 150mgs of test EOD for 10 weeks. Broken up into two separate injections. Considering adding in insulin 10iu in the morning and 10iu's PWO. My dad is diabetic and have about 10 different blood testing machines and cool smart pens for injecting. Insulin is also covered under our private insurance on top of the government subsidy (Canada) so the question of quality is not an issue also dirt cheap.
I'm sure I will get a lot of "you're young" "you're crazy" etc... Trust me I know I'm crazy and I'm aware of my age. But I don't think that theres many people that are in my position to do things the safe way.
Blood tests consist of the following:
-Sodium -Potassium -Chloride -Bicarbonate -Urea -Creatinine -Phosphorus -Calcium -Magnesium
-AC Glucose - Random Glucose -75g OGTT -HgB A1C
Liver Enzymes/Function
-TSH T4 -LH -Testosterone Total -Cortisol
Going to try and update every 2-3 days, will also get around to taking before and after pictures for the end. Will also post all the results of blood test before starting at 8 weeks and 10 weeks after the end of PCT.
If anyone wants to chime in concerning the insulin idea feel free!
So here goes - Day 1 of a 10 week cycle of Tren Acetate and Test Prop.
PCT: HCG, Clomid, Nolva
On hand: Prami, Caber, Letro, Adex
Current weight 175
Height 5'6"
BF 10%
Age 23
Workout experience: many years of screwing around and 2 years of serious training
Deads 405x3
Bench 315x5
Squats 405x3

Health problems: Thyroid problem (hereditary) currently working on figuring out the appropriate doses. Blood work always impresses the doctor (He really checks everything to find a problem)
Cycling experience: 1 Test 500/wk Deca 250/wk dbol 50mgs/day 8 weeks - 1 test 500/wk deca 400/wk - 1 test 500/wk e tren e 400/wk - and current
Blood work is done 4-5 times yearly, I have two private doctors both are aware of the supplements. Also got a cute little massage therapist that also does physio and kineaaasomethingoranother
Diet OK
Goals: at some point in time in my life I would like to have the physique of Franco Columbo. And then go from there.
Today was the first pin, pinned 150mgs of tren and 150mgs of test EOD for 10 weeks. Broken up into two separate injections. Considering adding in insulin 10iu in the morning and 10iu's PWO. My dad is diabetic and have about 10 different blood testing machines and cool smart pens for injecting. Insulin is also covered under our private insurance on top of the government subsidy (Canada) so the question of quality is not an issue also dirt cheap.
I'm sure I will get a lot of "you're young" "you're crazy" etc... Trust me I know I'm crazy and I'm aware of my age. But I don't think that theres many people that are in my position to do things the safe way.
Blood tests consist of the following:
-Sodium -Potassium -Chloride -Bicarbonate -Urea -Creatinine -Phosphorus -Calcium -Magnesium
-AC Glucose - Random Glucose -75g OGTT -HgB A1C
Liver Enzymes/Function
-TSH T4 -LH -Testosterone Total -Cortisol
Going to try and update every 2-3 days, will also get around to taking before and after pictures for the end. Will also post all the results of blood test before starting at 8 weeks and 10 weeks after the end of PCT.
If anyone wants to chime in concerning the insulin idea feel free!