Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

Ah shit Mike!* after following this thread for a couple days, it got me to just buy a baconator from Wendy's. Damn thing was great and horrible. I feel like I have a bowling ball sitting in my stomach!
Ah shit Mike!* after following this thread for a couple days, it got me to just buy a baconator from Wendy's. Damn thing was great and horrible. I feel like I have a bowling ball sitting in my stomach!

Sorry lol, I don't eat those kinds of things at fast food. It's like I said. It's 4 Hamburgers with the macros totaling: 32g Fat, 1000 calories, 40g approx protein and 1.5g sodium

The big macs and baconators is what makes fast food seem worse than it is. I believe a Big mac is like 40g Fat maybe alone..? After reading this thread over, I think I over claimed what my diet is like so let me repost my daily in take, especially for Matt's sake of sanity:

3 eggs, 1 Cup OJ, 2 Fiber Bars, 1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, Protein Scoop

2 Mcdonald Hamburgers, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

2 Mcdonald Hamburgers OR 1 Hamburger and 1 McChicken, 4 Oz chicken, 3 Cookies

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 5 oz Potatoe Salad

1 lb Egg whites, Protein Scoop, 2 Fiber Bars

Im on a bulk too but also maintain for abit then bulk back up till i hit my goal weight of 250-260lbs then ill maintain and then decide to cut

Now post a pic of yourself big guy sincd u say i am flat

I really shouldn't post anything, but thats me bulked up. I don't brag or boast on anything, nor do I think I look that great, but between me and you. It's not much of a no brainer for most people. And Yea I'm holding a ton of water due to sodium, but what do u expect with the diet setup.

And for the record, retake a look at it. When did I say I eat ice cream and total junk. U are way over exaggerated it. And Macro-wise it's not HALF BAD.
The diff between me and u, is that u have zero shape like I said. I'm not solid leaned down, but There is defo shape to be seen. I worked hard on isolation to try and get stuff to pop really.
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This is 193-193 lb. My AVI is 185ish.....
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Your diet is shit anough said
Instead of spending all.that money on fast food bullshit every u could pick up a wack of lean ground beef and make a homemade burger
Seems to me u take the easy route on shit
U say u spend multiple hours in the gym for what a shit ass diet plan?
And u want everyone to say its okay to eat fast food bs everydsy
Once or twice a weeks is fine but everydsy come on bro thats just fuckin lazy
For instance
1 cup egg white
1 scoop pro
1 to 2 of cup oats
2 tbsp natty peanut butter
Blend it and drink
There ya go close to 1000 cals right there
Dont give me this horseshit u have to eat mcdonalds burgers to get those cals in
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thats what I get lol. 4 hamburgers per day. about 1000 cals total with 32g fat max. Doesn't seem so bad for a quick non-filler meal to help reach ur suplus, especially for the cheap cost, and extra protein/

Good man. You will make some progress on those double quarter pounders. I recommend 3 a day on top of your other meals. How can you go wrong with a pound and a half of red meat? beast out :)
Sorry lol, I don't eat those kinds of things at fast food. It's like I said. It's 4 Hamburgers with the macros totaling: 32g Fat, 1000 calories, 40g approx protein and 1.5g sodium

The big macs and baconators is what makes fast food seem worse than it is. I believe a Big mac is like 40g Fat maybe alone..? After reading this thread over, I think I over claimed what my diet is like so let me repost my daily in take, especially for Matt's sake of sanity:

3 eggs, 1 Cup OJ, 2 Fiber Bars, 1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, Protein Scoop

2 Mcdonald Hamburgers, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

2 Mcdonald Hamburgers OR 1 Hamburger and 1 McChicken, 4 Oz chicken, 3 Cookies

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 5 oz Potatoe Salad

1 lb Egg whites, Protein Scoop, 2 Fiber Bars

I really shouldn't post anything, but thats me bulked up. I don't brag or boast on anything, nor do I think I look that great, but between me and you. It's not much of a no brainer for most people. And Yea I'm holding a ton of water due to sodium, but what do u expect with the diet setup.

And for the record, retake a look at it. When did I say I eat ice cream and total junk. U are way over exaggerated it. And Macro-wise it's not HALF BAD.
The diff between me and u, is that u have zero shape like I said. I'm not solid leaned down, but There is defo shape to be seen. I worked hard on isolation to try and get stuff to pop really.
View attachment 565145

This is 193-193 lb. My AVI is 185ish.....

there's no point replying to Matt. You post pictures, in comparison they make him look like a flat turd that has never been to the gym, then he replies still calling you out, when he doesn't know what he's doing.

Good on you for trying.
Yeah Mike...u should've posted that pic from the get go and this thread would have been more like " how many burgers you eat?" I'm gonna do that too"!

End of thread.

But seriously drop the cookies at least and do a potato or 2.
there's no point replying to Matt. You post pictures, in comparison they make him look like a flat turd that has never been to the gym, then he replies still calling you out, when he doesn't know what he's doing.

Good on you for trying.

Bro u speaking about yourself onk?
Aww u short dudes i tell ya
Doesnt really matter how big ya get on that 5'7 frame
Maybe you shouldnt of started juicing at 19 and u could of added a few more inches to your height haha
Chicks dont want there man to be shorter atlesst majority of them
But u could always where high heels and add a few inches :) itll suit ya pretty good with your whoopers and pastry dish
Guess your genetics got the best of u height wise haha
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Its people like this that make me laugh
Bro u been sitting at the same weight for awhile now
Same with onk post the same bs over and over meanwhile still looks the same
So in 7 months time u have gained 8lbs? With gear fuck bro okay and saying i still look the same
Maybe try getting your protein strickly from protein sources and i guarntee u your just 200g pro or less with a wack of carbs
Seems to me u like a kid like u are and eat bs mcdonalds shit everyday and candy
Sorry lol, I don't eat those kinds of things at fast food. It's like I said. It's 4 Hamburgers with the macros totaling: 32g Fat, 1000 calories, 40g approx protein and 1.5g sodium

The big macs and baconators is what makes fast food seem worse than it is. I believe a Big mac is like 40g Fat maybe alone..? After reading this thread over, I think I over claimed what my diet is like so let me repost my daily in take, especially for Matt's sake of sanity:

3 eggs, 1 Cup OJ, 2 Fiber Bars, 1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, Protein Scoop

2 Mcdonald Hamburgers, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

2 Mcdonald Hamburgers OR 1 Hamburger and 1 McChicken, 4 Oz chicken, 3 Cookies

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 5 oz Potatoe Salad

1 lb Egg whites, Protein Scoop, 2 Fiber Bars

I really shouldn't post anything, but thats me bulked up. I don't brag or boast on anything, nor do I think I look that great, but between me and you. It's not much of a no brainer for most people. And Yea I'm holding a ton of water due to sodium, but what do u expect with the diet setup.

And for the record, retake a look at it. When did I say I eat ice cream and total junk. U are way over exaggerated it. And Macro-wise it's not HALF BAD.
The diff between me and u, is that u have zero shape like I said. I'm not solid leaned down, but There is defo shape to be seen. I worked hard on isolation to try and get stuff to pop really.
View attachment 565145

This is 193-193 lb. My AVI is 185ish.....
Its not my sake or sanity bro
Your diet is bullshit and expensive esting that garbage everyday
Mcdonalds should promote jacked up people saying est these burgers and gain mass lmao
LOL Damn matt, give the guya chance to reply.

Op- your diet seems to be working for you judging fomr your progress pics, i htink you should continue killin it and eating them burgers.
pass that diet along, help a brother out lol
LOL Damn matt, give the guya chance to reply.

Op- your diet seems to be working for you judging fomr your progress pics, i htink you should continue killin it and eating them burgers.
pass that diet along, help a brother out lol

no, I just like baiting Matt. I don't feel the need to give weekly pic updates as I'm not a narcissist.

He falls for it every time because he's got severe little man syndrome.
Well whatever your doing is obviously working for you OP. As I said waay back in this each his own. You look solid.
(This thread is going a direction I don't think it was ever intended to go btw, I see another 10 pages coming now, lol).
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This is 193-193 lb. My AVI is 185ish.....


You're packing a good amount of muscle and clearly know how to train effectively. Your pics show a decent level of mature muscularity albeit with a layer of bodyfat. (still FAR superior to the non-existent gains that Matt puts up year after year)

I'll stand by my previous advice though - you'd do far better sticking to a much less drastic surplus and switching the processed crap out for some decent unprocessed meats and raw carbs (rice and spuds).

At the end of the day, you do what makes you happy.

But the fact that you're on here asking for advice - tells me you know that the junk option isn't the way forward.

Keep on trucking dude.
I was thinking tho mike on a funny note of things
Maybe send those pics to Mcdonalds and tell them this is what mcdonalds does to your body
No supplements no gear just eat like me and maybe theyll sponser u free mcdouble's everyday :)