Tren Facts or Myths?

Tren is one of the most strongest compounds out there. Depending on if you run a or e. When running tren a, after your 3rd pin, ur strength gains are extremely noticeable. That is if your gear is legit. The weight you normally put up struggling, suddenly doesn't feel that bad. It's an incredible feeling.
Tren is THAT compound I don't advise to anyone. A guy is going to do what he's going to do.

First time Tren user would smart to run 175mgs of Tren A, the low dose to see how they react and the Acetate in case they choose to "get out" quick.

I recently had very good blast results running 175mgs on top of Primo and test base. 4 weeks ON, now I am back ON for another 4 weeks: 420 mgs no Primo.

420mgs, I feel hot lying in bed, slight winded doing sets but the gym sweats are extreme......pretty fucking obvious something is going

couldnt agree more with the first time dose, i did 150mg the first week and then had it at 300mg/week, people should start low and see how they react, great advice mike
Night sweats: Only when I eat high carbs

Tren Cough: Never

Sweating: I pour sweat in the gym.

Short fused: Yes, already am short fused. When i keep it in and someone keeps being a dick or etc then its a bomb exploding haha

Sides: NONE, just besides sweating and short fused.

Strength gains: Best I ever had, slow, steady, Strong as hell

Dramatic overnight recomp: 50/50 def didn't gain weight the first 4-5 weeks, but was a hell lot stronger and cutter

Endurance: Drops off, but not that bad

Sex Drive: High,

Feeling: I feel like a God hahaha, but really i feel so good on it, confident, and etc..

Sleep: First week since its a shock to the body, i wake up 2-3x a night, after a week only 1x then its either 1x/night or a good night sleep.
Currently been "on" since beginning of June. TREN A: 300mg eod, MAST: 200 eod, TEST P: 100 eod.

NIght sweats: if i eat late i will soak the sheets
Tren cough?: twice, I would not call it tren cough, .... i've had the same experience with any injectable. I call it nicking a vein.
short fused: a little bit,... normally very laid back.
sides: a little harder staying hydrated an keeping my piss clear... definately a noticeable difference.
strength: Noticeable but not a freakish jump
endurance: definitely noticeable,...i box 3-4 x's a week and my cardio instantly went to shit.
sex drive: other than the cardio making it harder to get it for 3 hours at a time, not much change, it's always high anyway.
feeling: ok
sleep: if the sweats dont wake me up feeling cold from being soaked, i sleep good

Overall i would say i'm not that impressed. In the beginning i was running Test higher and that put about 15lbs on me in 10-14 days and i felt like shit. I was also having some anxiety issues and grumpy as fuck. I dropped the test down to what i listed above and then slowly bumped up the tren. That was the sweet spot and the water took a couple weeks to come off and the anxiety went away.

I will probably stick with NPP or deca in the future and throw in the occasional run of EQ when i want some epic cardio.
3rd week of a tren cycle not had any reall bad side effects slight aggresion short tempered and sex drive all over the place but other than that all good
its all genetics and training and diet im sick of faggots ripping on gear blah blah is overated blah ect , you have good genetics eat properly train hard ull grow great on anything

theres no fkn myths about tren dif compounds work totally dif to dif people i bloat on tren for instance i pack on lots of weight then theres faggots thinking they cant bulk on it reccomending its shit for bulking no faggot its shit for bulking for u