Tren-powder/BA/BB questions


New member
First of, I am a total newbe on this shit.

I have been reading as many posts a can to learn as mutch as possible, however I have some questions:

Whats the difference between BA and BB? I have seen some "recipes" that say use 5% BA in tren , and some say use ?% BA AND ?% BB? And why does some powders like deca and testo prop require BB?

I am about to order some tren and some testo enanthate or cypionate. Which is the easiest to make, cyp or enanathate?

Thanks in anvance!
MrX said:
First of, I am a total newbe on this shit.

I have been reading as many posts a can to learn as mutch as possible, however I have some questions:

Whats the difference between BA and BB? I have seen some "recipes" that say use 5% BA in tren , and some say use ?% BA AND ?% BB? And why does some powders like deca and testo prop require BB?

I am about to order some tren and some testo enanthate or cypionate. Which is the easiest to make, cyp or enanathate?

Thanks in anvance!

what kind of tren you talking about? you may wanna do some studying before you start making gear eap if you dont know what ba and bb are.
pullinbig said:

what kind of tren you talking about? you may wanna do some studying before you start making gear eap if you dont know what ba and bb are.

I am talking about tren acetate.

I know what Benzyl Alcohol and Benzyl Benzoate are to some degree, but not the difference between them in the human body. My english is (also) terrible so it is quite hard for me to understand all of the descriptions in english, Sorry.
if you dont know how they react in the body then you dont know what they are. =0)

you can do a google search and have it translated into your native tongue. may be easier for you to understand that way. hope this helps.