tren sides....


New member
hi guys thanks for the help so far...

i just have a question regarding sides on tren... i have used it once.. and did tren solo.. i started with the acetate (from reading up on here about it) so if the side where bad i could jump of it before they got too bad...

but loved it... so jumped on the TREN E hardly any sides... couple of nights had the sweats.. aggresion was high.. and wanted to bang everything with a heartbeat.. (although i hear the opposite for alot of guys) oh.. and got the tren cough once when injecting...

so my question is... will that be the case on my next cycle... or could i expect a whole new experience...
Hi, Bamy, srly i never got sides from tren ( i ran tren_e in 8 long cycles and 1 short)

But i don't concider night sweat as sides... i never mind about that;

i never got nervous, and nothing... no gyno...

but as far as i can see ther's only few person who never complains about tren.

For me is a good stuff.

i always notifyed a decrease of BF...
hi kane..quite honestly .. i love the stuff and i agree the fat falls off... (if i could stay on it for ever i

just hoping i have the same experience this time as the first... my source is great friend and very reliable... anyway.. he got me Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl (parabolan) and has told me its great and his half way through his cycle and his more than happy with the gains..
yeah i always ran Tren_e since i known that on UGL but i ran parabolan original from negma france.

it was awesome!!
Mr. Kane Red Machine any suggestions on combating side-affects if they do happen to appear. god forbid...
Mr. Kane Red Machine any suggestions on combating side-affects if they do happen to appear. god forbid...

treat sides each at times.

ther's no barum remede.

i always ran with plenty vitamins, and cabser.

and clomid at the end. but nobody is evrybody, right?
I am running now... no sweats so far... but walking into the storeroom of the supermarket to kick somebody's ass after one of the braindead shelf stackers whistled at my girlfriend could count towards aggression?
My experience (w tr-e): night sweats, fatigue, tachycardia and anxiety. More significant is a jump in my BP and resting heart rate of maybe 20 points each minimum. That can be a real big deal health wise. Haven't done it in a while because I have BP issues anyway.

Also, pale stool the last few times. That made me afraid it was causing some kind of liver issues.
try taking cabaser or pramipexole.

also calcium supplement can help with night sweats (though so will the above)