Tren vs. Winny

Winny is my choice. I just dont think the sides are worth it when it comes to tren. Remember everyone is different. I just cant take tren, it hits me to fucking hard.
Tren; No contest, Winstrol (winny) is made from D.H.T. it will make your hair fall out and you will get alot more zits. Tren, when used right will rip you to the bone!!!!Alot of people out there don't know that by useing
tren with DMSO is about 10 times stronger than inj. it. but you will smell like garlic and so will your house!!LOL and your girlfriend or wife will really like that!!LOL good luck bro!!! fuggin doubt.

Winny pretty much sucks IMO unless you are doing a's nice for strength, but the way it makes your joints feel and it's cost effectiveness make it like pisswater compared to the golden nectar of tren :)
Ah thanks for the input guys
House I know u weren't trying to be a dick I wasn't either I was being playful sorry if I came off like a dick

So tren it is I just hope I don't turn it into sianide and kill myself LMAO
Tren for me. Winstrol (winny) kills my joints, and thick, water-based preps are a pain anyway.
I don't know about the guy's comment on trascutaneous tren being 10x stronger than injection? Kinda doubt that.
Yea I highly doubt that using tren transdermaly will yeild the results of injection. Guess I am the only Winstrol (winny) guy on this thread. LoL! But for me really it all comes down to side effects, and I can stand Winstrol (winny) alot easier than tren. But hey, we are all different.
Bigdelt, I will back you on this one. I have tried both, and for me Winstrol (winny) worked just as well as tren but without the bruising from daily injections and without the insomnia.