I don't think you guys trying to run a tren only cycle realize just how shitty you will feel. When I got off my test p/tren a cycle, even with the extra test, after I got off cycle and onto my PCT waiting for my natural levels to stabilize, I felt down right depressed. It was almost suicidal. Could only get it half way up and that intense feeling of ecstasy I had been feeling for months was suddenly gone. You don't want this to be you're first experience with gear. If this is you're first experience you WILL become an addict and abuse this shit to no end. Start out with something that won't fuck with your head and cause you to develop mental disorders and shit. Test, even long esters that may add extra water retention, is awesome stuff and you can achieve all your goals if you adjust your diet and workout routine accordingly. Just make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand if gyno sides appear and PCT ready so your whole cycle wasn't a huge waste of money.