TRT and sarms affect on each other


New member
I'm 48 yrs old, lift 5 days a week and currently doing a triple stack. I'm on 295 mg of TRT bi monthly with blood work done every 3 months. How will sarms affect TRT and how will TRT affect my pct? Thsnks!
Well, I don't do TRT, but I think I remember someone else saying w/ that, you don't need pct.. I may be wrong. I don't think the sarms would negatively affect your TRT though.
I wasn't sure so I bought it in case.

clomid is a serm used to help people recover their natty test production after they come off cycle

youre on trt.. why would you need to take clomid?? youre replacing your natty test production
Well I'm a noobie and understood that to be correct but had heard from several others I still should to be safe.... Also pushing some other products from their site.... I no longer participate on that discussion board. It didn't make sense to me either
So because of TRT I should never need pct on any sarms. I'm a noobie and reading all I can but experience is best! Mainly looking at lgd then mk677. Run separately but alone...? Thoughts
sarms are different than serms

sarms are androgen receptor related.. and said to be anabolic

you can run a sarm with trt if youre looking for it as a cycle..

clomid is a serm, not a sarm.. they are very different
Here's what I had read....

Quote posted by Nelson Montana View Post
it's complicated, but the body still produces some T on TRT, or at leats tries to. That's part of the body operating as it should. It's good, every now and then to turn on that process. Whenever you do a cycle within TRT< you further suppress that process to the point where you're completely shut down. Turning it back on gets the whole body in a more balanced sate. And if you produce some T on your own , then you get better results from your THT and hold more of the gains from the cycle. I aslo think certain supps that are used to maintain gains like UNLEASHED, GEAR and BRIDGE can be a tremendous benefit to those on TRT. Remember, while on TRT, your T levels should be that of a healthy 25 year old and that's the ideal environment to make some nice gains.
Here's what I had read....

Quote posted by Nelson Montana View Post
it's complicated, but the body still produces some T on TRT, or at leats tries to. That's part of the body operating as it should. It's good, every now and then to turn on that process. Whenever you do a cycle within TRT< you further suppress that process to the point where you're completely shut down. Turning it back on gets the whole body in a more balanced sate. And if you produce some T on your own , then you get better results from your THT and hold more of the gains from the cycle. I aslo think certain supps that are used to maintain gains like UNLEASHED, GEAR and BRIDGE can be a tremendous benefit to those on TRT. Remember, while on TRT, your T levels should be that of a healthy 25 year old and that's the ideal environment to make some nice gains.

That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I know exactly what forum that came from and they're just trying to push their crappy plant extract supplements on you. Trt shut's you down completely. You have no natural test production when on trt...ZERO. The whole point of TRT is to replace you natural production.No need for pct EVER when you're on trt. Simply run the SARMS along with your trt....when you're done, drop the SARMS and continue your trt.

That idiot just made me irrationally angry trying to sound smart but spewing pure bullshit. This is not directed towards you in any way brother.....just be careful who you listen to because some have hidden agendas.