
Tell your Chicas to quit giving up the vag so easily. A guy doesn't respect a woman or want a relationship with a woman who does that. He wonders if she does that with him, how often does she do that? If she wants respect, she's gotta respect herself first.

Super Ninja knows things...
Super Ninja... I tell them this, shoot I have been celibate almost a year now, they say they wish they could have the strength and will power to not give it up but then they get all sprung off some F*** idiot that tells them that they are so special...BLAH BLAH BLAH... they fall for it every damn word the shmuck tells them, and they give it up the first damn time they hang out....

Obviously dude just wants sex not a relationship, the girls thinks OMG he is the one.... :thumbsdow I f***ing shake my head and say no... then they move on the the next guy that shows any interest in them and bam... Legs are spread eagle and their crying to me 3 days later.

If you cannot learn that you are the problem, quit being a (loosey goosey- my mom's saying) and maybe you'll find a man who will respect you. But that will never happen as long as they keeping whoring themselves out.

I am single for a reason... BC I choose to be. They are single bc no one wants a relationship with a HOE.

Why are these type of girls your friends Smilee ? Quite honestly I choose my girlfriends very carefully, I have very, very few true friends, I won't hang around with other women that don't share my values.

I won't ever be someone I'm not just to fit in, etc.. I think a true friend is hard to come by, and you really have to choose them wisely.

You will be judged by the people you hang out with.

If u don't want to give advise to "hoes" (& I mean no disrespect) just find better friends.
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why are these type of girls your friends smilee ? Quite honestly i choose my girlfriends very carefully, i have very, very few true friends, i won't hang around with other women that don't share my values.

I won't ever be someone i'm not just to fit in, etc.. I think a true friend is hard to come by, and you really have to choose them wisely.

You will be judged by the people you hang out with.

If u don't want to give advise to "hoes" (& i mean no disrespect) just find better friends.

boom! Truth.
they dont find good guys because they're giving it up the first time. i have my shady friends and the friends who are generally good homo, but a guy worth keeping will generally not hit it first night and would get the hell out of there. if she's doing it for you you know damn sure you're not the first she has.