So Im a shift worker usually work out of town doing camp jobs. Never had an issue bringing my stuff with me. But this time inparticular I was searched and my gear was confiscated. Im 8 weeks in on 500mg test / 300mg deca. 4 years cycling experience. 195lbs 10% 29 years old. Ive been blasting and cruising... judge me not. I have taken my last shot this morning but have 3 weeks (21 days) left in camp. Ive got about 20 1mg arimidex but no other anti e with me. I assume im extremely shut down. Am i going to make it my 21 days? Should i stop training after about 2 weeks? i eat lots... thanks and as for the arimidex?
Sorry didn't answer sooner, was in time out. Ok, maybe not the answer you were looking for - but here's my take. A healthy 21 year old might make 70mg test per week, if it was attached to a long ester would be about 100mg/wk natural production - so let's use that as your baseline. At 29 that might be a bit optimistic.
You didn't say what test ester, so assume it's enanthate with 10 days half life. After 10 days your 500 would be down to 250, 20 day to 125 - so just on test alone you are still higher than natural by about 25% with 125mg/wk vs 100 mg/wk baseline.
For deca with half life about 12 days you'd be down about the same amount by 21 days 300-150-75 - so 75mg/wk left in your system.
Total 125mg/wk test left and 75mg/wk deca left = 200mg/wk, or about double natural hormone production.
So even though this sucks, you are never going "off cycle", and are supra physiologic the whole time. Should be able to work out and get better gains than natural. To me that means no need to jump into PCT when you return, you could just keep on going with this cycle a while longer.
All I'd do in your situation is dial back the AI as time goes on.