Uncle Z is officially my favorite Uncle !!!!!

oh, i forgot to ask I know redsox said he ordered domestic but have u guys ordered internation line before? do I have to sign at my door to recieve my package?
I just recently placed an order on March 10th for international and z still hasent picked up the payment. I just wish that it was already here.

Did you send him an email and tell him you sent the money? Thats one of the steps of the order process. Not sure if you did or not.
yes sir i did and it was picked up today. is that it now do i just wait or does he send a tracking number?
Yes - with international you have to sign.

I usually miss mine and then you just pick it up a the post office - it's no big deal.

If Z sends you a tracking order - you have too keep in mind - tracking is different than fedEx or UPS as the post office will usually have a tracking scan for the very first "in" scan - and then the last "out" scan ... not the scans through the entire delivery.

So far I have a 100% success rate delivery for both international and domestic - total of six orders. :)

oh, i forgot to ask I know redsox said he ordered domestic but have u guys ordered internation line before? do I have to sign at my door to recieve my package?
awesome! about to put in my first order, going pretty much all domestic for the first time and ill go from there after that. price is a tad higher than other source but i like how he communicates on the boards and has a good rep. thats worth the extra bones.

for you guys that have run his dom line AND his international line. what do you think? is there a huge difference?

also, i live in an apartment, should i worry about shipping, i could also have it mailed to my office business if needed to but rather not.

i do like the "bulk" orders though. good deal!

sidenot: why cant i pm anyone here?
Can anyone answer the question I posted before? Here is what went down: I sent $ and sent the email. He replied back to me 2 days later saying he will pick up the $ and send goodies. thats awesome. Now what my question is does he send a tracking number or anything after he picked up the $? im not worried that im not going to get the product Im just curious how the whole tranaction works.
No tracking number from my experiences.. Just need to wait untill it arrives..

Also , If you paid by western union then they will send you an e-mail to say the money has been picked up..
i got no email saying he picked up the funds when western unions website said the money has been picked up...
Yes - listen to tednatas - and chiiiiiiill ktek. :)

I know it's your first order and it's normal to wonder about every possibility of what could go wrong...

But - you can rest assure Z will not let you down - and if any snags did happen in any way .... then yes - only then you WOULD be screwed!!! :eek:

I'm just kidding man Z will still take care of you either way - you will NEVR be screwed. :D

As a very happy customer of Z - I go out of my way all the time to leave my feedback to help the new guys rest assure with their orders - because it wasn't too long ago ... "I was the new guy."

When I do this - I put my reputation out there - for your pease-of-mine - so trust me - I would not do this if I wasn't confident in recommending Z. :)
Repo.. In the 3/4 months spanning 6 orders that you've had with Z , what products do you personally recommend and how long did you run them for.. Just want to know that your show of loyalty and recommendation is justified and not misplaced.. Will be good for others to read also Im sure.. cheers..
Yes - listen to tednatas - and chiiiiiiill ktek. :)

I know it's your first order and it's normal to wonder about every possibility of what could go wrong...

But - you can rest assure Z will not let you down - and if any snags did happen in any way .... then yes - only then you WOULD be screwed!!! :eek:

I'm just kidding man Z will still take care of you either way - you will NEVR be screwed. :D

As a very happy customer of Z - I go out of my way all the time to leave my feedback to help the new guys rest assure with their orders - because it wasn't too long ago ... "I was the new guy."

When I do this - I put my reputation out there - for your pease-of-mine - so trust me - I would not do this if I wasn't confident in recommending Z. :)

I bet in less then a month he will write one of those "z is my favorite uncle" threads.

I can say for sure his Omnas are the bomb bro
Very good question :) - here we go...

Everything I have used (other than some AI's and stuff like that) has come from Z - except my very first vial of test cyp ... This was back in November.

Around late November early December I reveived my first order from Z - this was international bulk test cyp Z line - 2nd order was domestic test cyp Z line and Z line 50mg Dbol - these kicked ass...

This was my first run with Dbol and put on little over 20 lb mid way through cycle - I had to stop lifting for a little over two weeks - however I continued using as I thought I would resume lifting in a couple days - these were awesome and also give these a very strong recommendation.

The size and strength was nuts to see Dbol at work for the first time! :)

I've also been running Z line proviron and Z's hcg - I love using both of these and keep these as a base of every cycle just as I do test.

I forget exact order sequence - but here's more...

I have been running the Euro-Pharmacies test cyp & Euro-Pharmacies Pharma Grade tren E.

I also have Euro Pharmacies tren E ugl and Eruo-Pharmacies Test E.

I have the Z line clomid and Z line nolva - have not had to use them yet (I'm blasting and cruising) - and perhaps the proviron is helping keep the gyno away - but regardless I haven't had to use them.

Here's a link to my latest review and experience using the Euro line tren & test - I recommend giving it a quick read - as it will give you a good idea of my thoughts on this line.


I'm always happy to help with any questions here on the forum or through pm - just be patient if I don't get back right away as I work very long hours at times - but I am glad to help if I'm able. :)

To sum it up I'll tell you - Z has been very helpful with all of my question - answering within a day - two at most ... Everything I have used from Z has been equally as good and I don't even worry if domestic or international is better than the other - I've been very very happy with "every" sing order. :)

Repo.. In the 3/4 months spanning 6 orders that you've had with Z , what products do you personally recommend and how long did you run them for.. Just want to know that your show of loyalty and recommendation is justified and not misplaced.. Will be good for others to read also Im sure.. cheers..
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c'mon son....get the fuckouddahere...c'mon son

Tednatas - where is this avatar from - I can't figure it out for the life of me?

And hey - how are the Omnis going?

You know I've gotta order those bad boys next - my brother's been telling me about how much he likes them - and now it's just giving me another reason to order something else!

Gosh damn my wife is going to kill me! :D
Thanks for the reply Repo. I'll keep track of your progress on the tren/test cycle and wish you a good one..

I was due to finish my own cycle within the next week but don't want to be running a PCT in a few weeks time when I don't feel any changes have occurred.. Instead I've decided to switch from Z-Line Enanth to Z-Line Cyp and stretch it out for another 10 weeks on a slightly higher dose..
Can anyone answer the question I posted before? Here is what went down: I sent $ and sent the email. He replied back to me 2 days later saying he will pick up the $ and send goodies. thats awesome. Now what my question is does he send a tracking number or anything after he picked up the $? im not worried that im not going to get the product Im just curious how the whole tranaction works.

I'll PM you with answers I don't want to post it here