Uncle Z is officially my favorite Uncle !!!!!

Very good question :) - here we go...

Everything I have used (other than some AI's and stuff like that) has come from Z - except my very first vial of test cyp ... This was back in November.

Around late November early December I reveived my first order from Z - this was international bulk test cyp Z line - 2nd order was domestic test cyp Z line and Z line 50mg Dbol - these kicked ass...

This was my first run with Dbol and put on little over 20 lb mid way through cycle - I had to stop lifting for a little over two weeks - however I continued using as I thought I would resume lifting in a couple days - these were awesome and also give these a very strong recommendation.

The size and strength was nuts to see Dbol at work for the first time! :)

I've also been running Z line proviron and Z's hcg - I love using both of these and keep these as a base of every cycle just as I do test.

I forget exact order sequence - but here's more...

I have been running the Euro-Pharmacies test cyp & Euro-Pharmacies Pharma Grade tren E.

I also have Euro Pharmacies tren E ugl and Eruo-Pharmacies Test E.

I have the Z line clomid and Z line nolva - have not had to use them yet (I'm blasting and cruising) - and perhaps the proviron is helping keep the gyno away - but regardless I haven't had to use them.

Here's a link to my latest review and experience using the Euro line tren & test - I recommend giving it a quick read - as it will give you a good idea of my thoughts on this line.


I'm always happy to help with any questions here on the forum or through pm - just be patient if I don't get back right away as I work very long hours at times - but I am glad to help if I'm able. :)

To sum it up I'll tell you - Z has been very helpful with all of my question - answering within a day - two at most ... Everything I have used from Z has been equally as good and I don't even worry if domestic or international is better than the other - I've been very very happy with "every" sing order. :)
so in two plus months u were on then off and back on and ran all this gear?
so in two plus months u were on then off and back on and ran all this gear?

LOL - hell no - let me clarify this. :)

I've only used Z's gear for the last 3 1/2 months...

I have ran - test cyp international - this was my first order which was bulk - I did send some of this to my brother as a Xmas present.

Next I ran the Z line test cyp domestic and Z line Dbol.

I have been running proviron and hcg as well...

This brings me to the Euro line test cyp and Euro Pharma Grade tren E - I'm three weeks into this and have ten weeks worth of the tren - 7 more left.

I do have Euro test E but have not tried this yet - and I do have more Euro tren E on the way - this time I've ordered the ugl rather than Pharms Grade tren just to compare the difference - but I have not tried this yet.

So out of all this - here's what I have not tried yet - Euro test E or Euro tren E ugl.

I do order for a few month ahead and recommend doing so - just incase you do run into a snag - it won't interrupt you cycle or make your life miserable worrying about it.

I hope this makes a little more sense? :)
Z stuff

putting an order in. wondering if you guys have any preferences between the z-line, z labs or the pharma grade on his site? or are they all good ?
putting an order in. wondering if you guys have any preferences between the z-line, z labs or the pharma grade on his site? or are they all good ?

Hey tonybalogna - from my experience they are all good.

I would order the product you want and not even worry about the rest - you can't go wrong either way. :)
Tednatas - where is this avatar from - I can't figure it out for the life of me?

And hey - how are the Omnis going?

You know I've gotta order those bad boys next - my brother's been telling me about how much he likes them - and now it's just giving me another reason to order something else!

Gosh damn my wife is going to kill me! :D

So far so good! I'm running some dbol from my boy geno so I'm blowing up right now!!!

I'd reccomend Omna for anyone...Man women and child


Hows the growing for you bro?
So far so good! I'm running some dbol from my boy geno so I'm blowing up right now!!!

I'd reccomend Omna for anyone...Man women and child


Hows the growing for you bro?

It's going great - I'm really liking the tren! :)

I think I might order some of the Omna this weekend - the only problem is I'll have a hard time saving them for later if I order them this soon!

That's what happen when I ordered my Dbol - I planned on saving them - but once I got my hands on them - it was all over. :D