unclez or naps

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never used z but naps was always g2g. and very smooth. but the darn shipping. and hes right email after email to get them to get on it and send.how much faster is z than naps?
Any problems with naps or any question with your order hit me up in a pm and i will get it sorted for you.
im search'n for a new spot after b gen but stuff came and scarry fast just unsure about quality. gunna try z i guess. ive been down these roads, short of driven 2 mex. cant find anything NICE and steady
RS u should get ur BGG dont know if ull like it or not. For real im N tex and mine came in less then ten days ive never seen anything like it, i dint use, seemed thin, and trin was bright red. three people did at different levels, ages, and stuff one likes two dont. only been a month though. i want to do a cycle but want 4 sure quility when i do
How do you know that it's naps holding you up and not the postal service? Lots of people blame good labs or sources for shitty T/A when it's really all on the postal service

I agree with ya. It's been two months and still no items from Naps, but enough people, in here, vouched for Naps, so I'm not worried at all!:dance2:
Is Z's site down?

Whats up everyone, I was going to place an order with Z today but am unable to get on his site. Is anyone else having trouble, or know whats up with the site....need to re-order ASAP!!! Thanks
Z's site

Awesome, thanks for the reply..He had some issues with his site a few months ago too, so I thought that might be the case. Hopefully he is back up and running soon, or I won't be! Thanks again
.Was gonna place my first order on naps and was excited with the prices, previously bought local but then I seen reviews of orders taking 3 or 4 months latly. Im trying to try my good friend uncle but can't get to the site. Any help
just got scammed with this biogen website .... 1st time ever buying gear online too wich got me pretty pissed cuz i never trusted buying gear online .... what really pissed me off was of me acctually giving this website a go when i knew i couldve or wouldve been scammed ... i think it will be the first and last time i will ever try buying gear on the net ... unfortunately ill have to keep paying more and keep getting my gear locally ... the thing is .. ive been searching and researching all types of bb forums for feedback and had like 4 sites i was gonna try ordering from.... ****** is gone ... ive been looking into naps and z .. but decided to go with biogen since the prices were soo cheap but went and got scammed like a fool ... now how the fuck am i gonna know tht im not gonna get scammed by ordering from either naps or z

you went with bio because the gear was cheaper. :laugh3: k...
just go with what definatly works naps has always been A++ in my book. long wait times and kinda sketchy i always think its just not guna come, im waiting for nothing and im guna get my hopes up, and just when i loose all hope. DING DONG,
No they dont. in fact my first order with them i had my gear within two weeks of my order. my 2nd order took a bit longer but thats not thier fault. there were long wait times due to the mass amount of mail around xmas time. i still got it in about 4 weeks.

21 days (non buisness shipping time) VERY IMPRESSED LOVE NAPS.

Hey Guys- noob here on this board. Great thread. I also like Naps & Z. But am looking at Euroking as the prices are pretty decent and I just want to try something different. Any input ? Hope OK to jump in- good info here-Thanks
do you guys usually order the satchets or the vial? it would seem that the vial u might have something to worry about as far as recieviing it??
I ordered my gear from N and it's been a month and I have not gotten any goodies in the mail yet. Looks like it's Z's domestic line for me next time!
Z is up and running guys/gals - I've just received my 6th order and none have been more than three weeks - other than my 2nd order which was my mistake and then it was only two weeks. :D

I should also clarify something I've mentioned not too long ago about Z having the people who create his products add extra to the dose.

This was my mistake on what I thought he meant and how I presented this to the forum...

I just notice the post by chris and that is very understandable - I would not want to guess what does I was taking either.

What Z does - is tells them to add enough so there isn't any chance of under dosing - but not so much it is overdosed.

I'll pm this to Z - (just to make sure) - but it's very important to me that my reviews are exact as is - so you guys can always trust every bit of feedback that comes from me.

If I'm ever wrong - I'll always publicly come out and state my findings ... "every time."

Back to Z's products - I would gladly recommend everything I've tried from him and will gladly reorder every item again.

Both Z line and Euro-Pharmacies have been kicking some major ass.

Z gets my highest recommendation ... "you can always pm me with questions I might be able to answer." :)
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I placed an 2 orders on z and paid via CC using the link they sent me. they have not responded to any of my email question and there is no place under the account to see what they are doing to my order.
It's very annoying that they dont respond to emails.

Have you used this email?


I always receive a response within a day or two at most - because of the timezone difference.

When did you send your emails?

You won't see anything under your account with what they are doing.

You'll be fine with your order - just need to chill!
Isnt that the only email address they've got?

placed a $400+ order on march 22nd. Sent email on 23rd. No reply... I'm sure i'll received it but the problem is that i placed one order for 300 and then i remembered that i needed to add another item and the cost for that came out to 100. i sent them the money for both orders and sent them an email requesting to combine the two orders. I received an automated response saying that they wont pick up for the 100$ order. Now i've already paid them for both orders combined and i have not received any response :(

I would think he'll receive your emails ok if you've received the automated conformation.

I know he has a ton of orders from the website going down - so he might be catching up on email and orders - but that's just my guess.

I'm not sure how that works with the way you sent the second payment?

I'm going to pm him with a question and I'll give him a heads-up to you - I wouldn't worry though - Z's really cool and I'm sure he wont let you down.

I know from chatting with him through pm's - it's very important to him that all of his customers are taken care of ... "and happy."

Most likely - he just hasn't seen your situation yet - at least that's my guess?

No worries - I'll give him a heads-up for you. :)
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