Universal Kits brings the FINADERM Contest!!


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Join the FINADERM Contest!! It entails offering a full year's supply of Finaderm [a $465value] to the bodybuilder who makes the best gains using Finaderm from now until June 1. All you would have to do is supply a before and after picture holding up a newspaper to verify the date. Visit our website for more details.
FINAderm is ONLY a transdermal solution, it does not contain FINA in it so when you say "what is the average dosage of FINAderm?" what do you mean? Depending on what you add to it and the strength per application determines the potency. You can go to the site to see a diagram of the application areas best for transdermal absorption.

OT, finaderm is a transdermal solution...its the vehicle, not the hormone. You add to it whatever you want, be it tren or whatever. You can put many things in finaderm for transdermal application. Mostly NE hormones and short esters.
i heard that it isn't as effective as intramuscular injections...what do u mean by that? for example does it only deliver 80% compared to IM way?
the only reason why i'm considering taking some finaderm(w/horomone) is to decrease the chances of getting scar tissue.