1-T TREN -- The Closest Legal Thing to Trenbolone

what would be a good pct for this product? i have basic supplies on hand such as nolva/clomid/adex but i know you have a range of your own pct products.
Great thread. anyone notice breathing issues or cardio kill like injectable tren??

It shouldn’t.

Ive only used TD Trenbolone, and this form of TD Tren… and never had the breathing issues people have reported with Trenbolone. I believe this is something related to the injectable.

what would be a good pct for this product? i have basic supplies on hand such as nolva/clomid/adex but i know you have a range of your own pct products.

We recommend the TRS for PCT –

Natural Testosterone Recovery - LH Booster, Cortisol Controler & Testicular Sensitizer

For most cycles 6 weeks or less it can be used as a complete solo post cycle therapy (pct). if you are cycling longer than 6 weeks then you will need to use hCG during the cycle, and possibly a low dose of a SERM such as toremifene with the TRS.

Ive laid out my full PCT advice here -


ill give it a try. ordered!

my bd tren e crashed!!

this should be a nice addition to the icn test i am running.

can i use nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) with this product?