Universal Products

New Body

New member
Hey guys/gals

Has anyone ever used Animal Stack and other universal products. Is so please forward your comments.

I've used universal products for the past 3 years and have been pretty happy w/ the results...used their andro, naturol sterole complex, and uni liver...i think its all pretty good stuff w/ good prices.

Yea, animal stack was good in its day, a bit washed up now, I love their liver tabs, Im a huge advocate of them, everything else though seems a bit medicore.
New Body said:
Thanks guys . . .

I don't know what dione is, but i'll look it up

by dione i mean the andro in it is AndrosteniDIONE instead of the more potent AndrosteniDIOL. The Diol version of the two has better conversion rate to test. the dione version just blows monkey balls
I'm new to this site and the use of steriods. I don't want to rush into the heavy stuff (and I won't use needles). So I'm looking for other ways and was wondering if when taking Animal M Staks for its 21 days cycle, during the one week break do I have to take anything?

I hope this makes since.

Thanks in advance . . .
your only taking a week off of cycle? yes, definately use something. use clomid if you can get a hold of it.

if your gonna use andro, get a hold of 1-AD, Boldione, 1-Test, or 4-AD
The Animal M Stack is the formula without the Prohormones in it I believe. If you're doing the Animal Stak with the prohormones, i wouldn't suggest using it for more than 2 containers(that's 3 week on, 1 week off for each container). A lot of guys use Universals Animal Paks or Genesis on their off cycles. If I'm not mistaken, the Animal M Stack has Methoxy, ZMA etc. but no prohormones in it.
New Body said:
Hey guys/gals

Has anyone ever used Animal Stack and other universal products. Is so please forward your comments.


I've used quite a few Universal products and got good results. The only thing that I don't like about them, is all the freakin huge pills you have to take. They still use tablets in a lot of their stacks instead of capsules and I hate swallowing the tablets!:)
What is in M Stack

Natural Flavone Complex
• 5-Methyl-7-Methoxyisoflavone
• 7-Isopropxyisoflavone
• 20-Hydroxyecdysone
hGH Secretagogues
• Arginine Pyroglutamate
• Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
• Lysine Hydrochloride
• L-Taurine
• Valine
• Leucine
• Isoleucine
Luteinizing Hormone Boosters
• Triboxybol™
• Acetyl-L-Carnitine
• L-Carnitine
DHT & Estrogen Blockers
• Chrysin
• Kudzu (Flavones)
• Beta-Sitosterol
• Saw Palmetto
• Pygeum
Insulin Potentiators
• Alpha Lipoic Acid (Thioctic Acid)
• Chromium Picolinate
Thermogenic Boosters
• Synephrine
• Cordyceps
• Caffeine
Liver Detoxifiers
• Milk Thistle
• Lysophosphatidylcholine
Re: What is in M Stack

Nutri-Wrestler said:
Natural Flavone Complex
• 5-Methyl-7-Methoxyisoflavone
• 7-Isopropxyisoflavone
• 20-Hydroxyecdysone
hGH Secretagogues
• Arginine Pyroglutamate
• Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
• Lysine Hydrochloride
• L-Taurine
• Valine
• Leucine
• Isoleucine
Luteinizing Hormone Boosters
• Triboxybol™
• Acetyl-L-Carnitine
• L-Carnitine
DHT & Estrogen Blockers
• Chrysin
• Kudzu (Flavones)
• Beta-Sitosterol
• Saw Palmetto
• Pygeum
Insulin Potentiators
• Alpha Lipoic Acid (Thioctic Acid)
• Chromium Picolinate
Thermogenic Boosters
• Synephrine
• Cordyceps
• Caffeine
Liver Detoxifiers
• Milk Thistle
• Lysophosphatidylcholine

the 'Flavone complex' is crappy. methoy and ecydy havent really proven themselves in the real world. only in cows. the rest of the stuff is probbaly in too low of a dose to be quite effective.

i dont have much respect for universal Animal stack or M stack. Usually their products dont have as much of the active ingredients you need or inferior types (such as dione versions).
I was just thinking the same thing when I looked at the list of what was in the M-Stack. I mean, a lot of what's in it is beneficial to training but you need a certain amount for it to be really effective. I'd have to question why they put sooooo many different products in it instead of just focussing on the proper amount of certain ones. Like carnitine for example, most companies add like 100-200mg of carnitine to a product just to show it's in there. When in actuality, you need at least 1gram for it to do anything.
Don't get me wrong, I do like Universal Products, they are a reputable company that has been around for a long time, I just don't understand why they throw these small amounts of a supplement in a product, when it may not have any benefit at all at that dosage.
Just my two cents.;)
Fyre said:
I was just thinking the same thing when I looked at the list of what was in the M-Stack. I mean, a lot of what's in it is beneficial to training but you need a certain amount for it to be really effective. I'd have to question why they put sooooo many different products in it instead of just focussing on the proper amount of certain ones. Like carnitine for example, most companies add like 100-200mg of carnitine to a product just to show it's in there. When in actuality, you need at least 1gram for it to do anything.
Don't get me wrong, I do like Universal Products, they are a reputable company that has been around for a long time, I just don't understand why they throw these small amounts of a supplement in a product, when it may not have any benefit at all at that dosage.
Just my two cents.;)

i do not care for thier supplements too much cause of the facts you stated above.

Their prohormones in the Animal Stack are under-dosed and inferior. In fact, rarely any companies use 4-adione or any other dione for that ammter because of its inferiority.

Also, dehydroepiandrosterone is included in this stack (a.ka. DHEA). This is hardly a prohormone for body builders (and should never be used for mass gaining purposes). DHEA more readily converts to estrogen rather than testosterone. I would not recommend DHEA to ANYONE under the age of 40 or 50. SImply because it will be ineffective and will most likely be detrimental.
Thanks guys this helps a lot. I'll keep studying on the "homemade" stuff I read about on this board. I like the idea of applying something on my skin rather than inject it.
New Body said:
Thanks guys this helps a lot. I'll keep studying on the "homemade" stuff I read about on this board. I like the idea of applying something on my skin rather than inject it.

yes, transdermal is a good alternative to I.M.
So what is the significance of prohormones in the Animal Stack or the lack there-of in "m." Anyone please? I mean, what are the pro's and con's to it being in the pill or not. Also, on the list of ingredients in animal cut or "m," I did not see tryptophane. I thought this was in their as well??:confused: Thanks!