Using a test suspension in place of an oral kickstart


New member
With dbol kickstart you have to be concerned with not only increased Estrogen but also the fact it is hard on the liver and lipids.
Proper AI to manage the Estrogen is definitely needed.

But if you omitted the dbol and instead use test suspension .... outside the hassle of pinning ed you don't have to be as concerned although careful about lipids and the hard effect on your liver.

You still need to be on top of the estrogen though.

I have never used dbol or test suspension before. I was wondering what other members have to say who may have used both as a kickstart.??
With dbol kickstart you have to be concerned with not only increased Estrogen but also the fact it is hard on the liver and lipids.
Proper AI to manage the Estrogen is definitely needed.

But if you omitted the dbol and instead use test suspension .... outside the hassle of pinning ed you don't have to be as concerned although careful about lipids and the hard effect on your liver.

You still need to be on top of the estrogen though.

I have never used dbol or test suspension before. I was wondering what other members have to say who may have used both as a kickstart.??

I thought you were trying to conceive? I'd say both are equally bad for fertility:)
I have done both ! and I prefer Test Prop or Dbol. Less problems with Test prop. I have uses TNE and yea it was a blast but FOR ME too hard to time and control the sides as per temper. I also got very speedy due to (for me) other things included.

It took me a few times to recognize to burst of aggression but the last was when I started to open a guy's truck door to pull him out. Ha thank God I stopped so no police.

I don't recommend the suspension or TNE while on Tren
I like the idea. test p would be better though in my opinion because of the longer half life. Test suspension is better for pre workout.
I have done both ! and I prefer Test Prop or Dbol. Less problems with Test prop. I have uses TNE and yea it was a blast but FOR ME too hard to time and control the sides as per temper. I also got very speedy due to (for me) other things included.

It took me a few times to recognize to burst of aggression but the last was when I started to open a guy's truck door to pull him out. Ha thank God I stopped so no police.

I don't recommend the suspension or TNE while on Tren

Lmao but prop is the better choice love the trunk story brother made my day thank u

I not only used but abused the heck out both of these when powerlifting, and at time s together. But in PL water = weight, that is "making weight" was key. I found that with TNE it was easier to stay in my class. At 5 11 in the 198 s a 5 ft 6 inch hobbit could wreck the best of plans---got some great gear in the Shire ( Gandolf UGL ) or was it bar travel ? But I digress.
With tne I could weigh in and then go pin 100-200-300 and lift. No ai knowledge was available for me back in 85-88. I remember being in a stall pinning and the guy next to me saying " U got a band aid ? " lol

I ll go out on a limb as I m no longer a member of the MOD squad---
Liver toxicity is no joke but I m o waaaaay friggen overblown. Lipid s too though not as much. The liver is as forgiving as my Lab/Basset mix. Resilient as an SS battle group. Actualy the human body is..mostly. Every time my liver value s skewed ( and not much b t w ) due to m 1 t now or d bol then or whatever a cessation of the AAS INTRODUCED was all that was needed. I ve never used liver support or omega 3 or 6 and again my values were as they are right...darn near perfect.

D bol = best anti depressent on the planet for me--sense of well being.
TNE-- full on aggression. If I mixed it w tren I see me back in county or a bent steering wheel.
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I thought you were trying to conceive? I'd say both are equally bad for fertility:)

As per my other thread we are considering trying to conceive.Have not decided yet.

And this question is more or less because I may try it one day . Or may not. Just kicking it around . And I'm doing research by polling you guys. And just learning and planning for the future.

thanks for the input. I think this will conclude my research into tne.... not for me.
Maybe one day I will try the dbol out.