Very mild cycle input wanted


New member
I'll probably get flamed for this, but I would love to get some input from the knowledgable guys here.

A little background first: I'm 43 and have been active most of my life in martial arts. Since I was 11 years old until about 8 years ago I was heavily into the martial arts, karate and kung-fu at first then MMA and BJJ. Many years of very hard training have taken their toll on my body and as a result I have a host of chronic joint and nerve issues (shoulders, neck and upper back). I regularly see a chiro and also a neuro doc for the nerve impingement.

I always used weights, but my focus was on endurance and functional strength. For the past couple of years I have been lifting more for strength and adding mass. I have always had a very hard time putting on weight and still do.

I signed up with 3J and ran a very mild cycle a while back and was able to put on and keep about 12 lbs. Not huge gains, but I was happy with it. I later found out my source was underdosing his gear so my 500mg a week test / 300mg a week deca cycle was probably more like a 300 test/150 deca cycle. Either way I found the combination of good strict dieting, and shortened recovery time to be extremely productive. Which brings me to my question.

I have found that while on cycle I am able to train around my injuries. I am careful not to increase weight too quickly, but the gains I am able to make I can not duplicate through training and diet alone.

I have a load of test prop/tren blend (50mg/ml of each) that I would like to use for a very mild cycle. At 160 I know most of you will tell me I am too small for AAS, but I am not interested in using them to get huge. What does interest me is the increase in appetite I am hoping to get from the Tren and the shortened recovery time I know I will get from the prop.

I have found that while on cycle I am able to train around my injuries. I am careful not to increase weight too quickly, but the gains I am able to make I can not duplicate through training and diet alone.

I am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so PCT will not be necessary. I am not sure if I should just add the prop/tren blend on top of my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose or in place of it. As I said I want to keep it mild for use as a training aid rather than using loads to try and blow up. I was thinking 1/2ml every day, but was not sure if that would be enough or not. If I run it that way I will have enough for two 12 week cycles, so that would be a plus but if it is too small an amount for my goals then it would only be two pointless cycles so I am open to suggestions.

Flame away if you must, but I am hoping to get some constructive help as well.
Hi Nate

You have obviously researched and thought this out so I can't imagine anyone flaming you. You are 160lbs but you are also in your 40's and have been working with weights to build muscle for over 2 years. Not the avg 160 lb teenager that has been lifting 2 weeks and is ready to jump on the gravy train.

I would add it to your current testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and consider it a blast phase. 1/2 cc is not enough IMO to see good results especialy since you are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) already. 1 cc ed or eod ( 1 cc per day would only be 350 of test and 350 of tren weekly) on top of your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosages should go a long way in helping you reach your goals.

Just a heads up, you are a few years younger than I am but I still want to mention that tren is no joke on the system. It will kill your lipid profile to the same level strong orals do.
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for your particular goals 100 mg of each every other day wouldnt be bad . in the future i would stick to either test deca or test eq for your joints .
Thanks for all the input guys, I really appreciate it.

Ouch, not good news to hear tren makes your joints hurt Det. Mine pretty much hurt all the time now, and just switch between hurting a little and hurting a lot.

With all the votes for deca maybe I should leave the tren on the shelf and just run the NPP I have instead. I kind of wanted to try something different this time around and I have a crap load of the tren/prop blend, but it will suck if it just makes everything worse.
Thanks for all the input guys, I really appreciate it.

Ouch, not good news to hear tren makes your joints hurt Det. Mine pretty much hurt all the time now, and just switch between hurting a little and hurting a lot.

With all the votes for deca maybe I should leave the tren on the shelf and just run the NPP I have instead. I kind of wanted to try something different this time around and I have a crap load of the tren/prop blend, but it will suck if it just makes everything worse.

im assuming then tren is tren ace , if so try it and if it doesnt suit you drop it for prop / npp . thats 1 advantage to short ester gear.
im assuming then tren is tren ace , if so try it and if it doesnt suit you drop it for prop / npp . thats 1 advantage to short ester gear.

Unfortunately it's a blend, so if I drop the prop I drop the tren.

But like you said since it's short ester I might as well give it a try and if it's not working out just drop it. I will start with 100mg of each eod and see how it goes. I usually favor smaller injections for comfort reasons so to be honest I would rather do 1cc every day instead of 2cc eod, would this be ok?

If the tren is really not working out could I use the NPP with test cyp or would it be better to wait until I can get some test prop (straight, not blended with anything)?

Thanks again for all the great advice.
Nate, people like to run the short esters together more for convenience. Makes timing the post cycle therapy (pct) simple when things clear at close to the same time. You can easily run test C with NPP. You aren't going to do a post cycle therapy (pct) anyway.

Good advice from the guys on the NPP btw
deca rox for joints...

Hey don't get mad but I thought deca was no that great if you had bad joints, Deca has minor anti-inflammatory ability due to its interaction with cortisol in your body,so if you have bad joint issues it will mask, not repair it and may do further damage temp fix like a cortozone shot I would not use it for joint pain to run a cycle, I would use it for its purpose build muscle
i have never had any joint pain with tren but i have had a couple sore shots with prop by yes is must be taken every couple of days.