New member
hi guys , im nearing 40 and ive felt my natural test declined in last few yrs and when I done first cycle of test E 300mg for 12 weeks I felt better more energy way more sex drive and and pornstar wood in bedroom all the time . I didn't do anything but the test e and pct 6 weeks of nolva n clomid during pct I watched and felt myself go back to worse than I was before , im currenty done pct and been done for over mth , but whats killing me is no sex drive struugle get hard and cat keep hard ,fatigue jus feel like shit . I know my natural test may hasn't kicked back up yet but I don't know if I can stay like this long. ive got a friend is a long time body builder bout my age and we discussed at our age test will decline anyway so his advice was to do as hes done for past 2 yrs is jus stay on a low dose of test e rd 200mg a week to feel good get results in gym and in bed room so that's what im looking into doing is sarting back a low dose of 200 mg a week and prob stay on cause what be the diff of going dr and do the test replacement therpy at that mg anyway as my buddy said , its kinda like this at my age its coming on me anyway to prob need test boosted up to get what results im looking for. so pease be easy on me guys I jus need ur advice to do what I want and not cause any bad probs by doing this. im all ears guys. thanks...