wanting start another cycle but worried from the 1st cycle. ADVICE


New member
hi guys , im nearing 40 and ive felt my natural test declined in last few yrs and when I done first cycle of test E 300mg for 12 weeks I felt better more energy way more sex drive and and pornstar wood in bedroom all the time . I didn't do anything but the test e and pct 6 weeks of nolva n clomid during pct I watched and felt myself go back to worse than I was before , im currenty done pct and been done for over mth , but whats killing me is no sex drive struugle get hard and cat keep hard ,fatigue jus feel like shit . I know my natural test may hasn't kicked back up yet but I don't know if I can stay like this long. ive got a friend is a long time body builder bout my age and we discussed at our age test will decline anyway so his advice was to do as hes done for past 2 yrs is jus stay on a low dose of test e rd 200mg a week to feel good get results in gym and in bed room so that's what im looking into doing is sarting back a low dose of 200 mg a week and prob stay on cause what be the diff of going dr and do the test replacement therpy at that mg anyway as my buddy said , its kinda like this at my age its coming on me anyway to prob need test boosted up to get what results im looking for. so pease be easy on me guys I jus need ur advice to do what I want and not cause any bad probs by doing this. im all ears guys. thanks...

Get your bloods----now-when it appears your test is tanked and if your gp does not put you on trt a urologist will...here s the trick.
Standard trt starts with test gel; it s crap, period. Throw it away..it ll be tough bro but injections are next and most doc s will allow u to do home injections once u prove u can....

Ur friend is right u probably need test. But do it right, legal and safe..once u got a script and learn how to augment ur test WE CAN assist u in proper blasting cruising and like me..lil cycle s of short duration and low to mid doses...us older guy s need to watch so many other things; the young one s too but their in destructible lol
I did go to dr and get labs but I may have went lil to early jus lil over 2 weeks after end of pct and my test level was in low 400s he said I was good but I was wondering could the clomid still have elevated my test levels from pct ? but rt know I must be worse than before I had labs cause im really fatigue where I was ball of fire on cycle and crashing bad in the bed room with the girl and really no sex drive I could carless . im really wanting to look into starting a low dose n stay on to get back to normal and a lil results in gym and bed room but I deff want to do it safe and not mess anything up worse than I am so im all ears guys . im gonna try go dr get all my labs printed n ill post them to u guys. I really appreciate all ur guys help .
I did go to dr and get labs but I may have went lil to early jus lil over 2 weeks after end of pct and my test level was in low 400s he said I was good but I was wondering could the clomid still have elevated my test levels from pct ? but rt know I must be worse than before I had labs cause im really fatigue where I was ball of fire on cycle and crashing bad in the bed room with the girl and really no sex drive I could carless . im really wanting to look into starting a low dose n stay on to get back to normal and a lil results in gym and bed room but I deff want to do it safe and not mess anything up worse than I am so im all ears guys . im gonna try go dr get all my labs printed n ill post them to u guys. I really appreciate all ur guys help .

Yeah, post those results when you get them. Get a private test next time, docs get twitchy when they figure out that they're helping someone cycle. The good news is that your doc sounds oblivious, as clomid therapy is easy to detect. ;)
Yeah, post those results when you get them. Get a private test next time, docs get twitchy when they figure out that they're helping someone cycle. The good news is that your doc sounds oblivious, as clomid therapy is easy to detect. ;)

I had a doc like that once lol; LH jumped from 6 iu/L to 21 iu/L in a couple weeks. "Everything is normal..." lol.