Wanting to become the best version of myself that I possibly can

Some good input in this thread.

Indeed brother, thanks for popping in.

Upon seeing my physique do u still feel masteron is a good choice for me alongside test/npp on my next blast? I dont plan on putting on much fat between then and now...

I need to bulk up, heavy... perhaps I should use something else seeing as masteron is a cutting drug for contest pre and such... But I dont really know shit, I am just inquiring
I am trying to make lean gains.... I only just added in the cardio a couple weeks ago so my abs could pop out a lil bit for summer. I also feel cardio is something I need to be doing and havn't in the last few years, so I think I am going to maintain cardio in my routine permanently.

Most of u really don't seem to like my 6 days a week training, I can honestly say I feel great, don't notice weak workouts towards the end of the week. I always drink some gatorade and a protein shake with maltodextrin about half way through my workouts.

U guys definitely know better than I do, I can't front on that lol. My npp/test blast will be ending in a week, I will drop training back.... Either 5 days a week as u reccomend, or 3 on 1 off as Schredder recommends.

So, you're looking for more of a recomp? I don't have a problem with your split as long as you have sufficient recovery and are still seeing progress with the tape.

I too used to live by the 5x5 or even the 5/3/1, but as Schredder stated, it was hard on my joints and I found that I was becoming more dense in muscle tissue than larger. It can work (hence my disclaimer) as compound lifts activate the major groups, followed by hypertrophic ranges with supporting groups. I'd be a hypocrite if I advised on legs 2x a week as I simply hate legs (shit makes me light headed and it's hard to walk back to the car lol) and wouldn't do them at if I didn't have to. :p

As far as diet goes, I'd aim for a small deficit - and run it by 3J in his diet thread. I also am of the opinion that masteron would be beneficial at this time as DHT derivatives just seem to pull everything together at sub 15% body fat.

I'm kinda all over the place tonight as I just got back from doing those dreaded legs, so all the blood is still in my quads, not my brain atm haha. :wiggle:
So, you're looking for more of a recomp? I don't have a problem with your split as long as you have sufficient recovery and are still seeing progress with the tape.

I too used to live by the 5x5 or even the 5/3/1, but as Schredder stated, it was hard on my joints and I found that I was becoming more dense in muscle tissue than larger. It can work (hence my disclaimer) as compound lifts activate the major groups, followed by hypertrophic ranges with supporting groups. I'd be a hypocrite if I advised on legs 2x a week as I simply hate legs (shit makes me light headed and it's hard to walk back to the car lol) and wouldn't do them at if I didn't have to. :p

As far as diet goes, I'd aim for a small deficit - and run it by 3J in his diet thread. I also am of the opinion that masteron would be beneficial at this time as DHT derivatives just seem to pull everything together at sub 15% body fat.

I'm kinda all over the place tonight as I just got back from doing those dreaded legs, so all the blood is still in my quads, not my brain atm haha. :wiggle:

Oh man I did 5/3/1 for a number of months years ago. Thats actually a great program to get you strong as shit! But very taxing on the body.
Oh man I did 5/3/1 for a number of months years ago. Thats actually a great program to get you strong as shit! But very taxing on the body.

I have been doing 5x5 for some time now..... Perhaps it is time to change me strength program.

I will try 5/3/1 this upcoming week for my push/pull compound lifts. Correct me if im wrong but for example on pull day I will doing 5/3/1 for rows, pull ups then move along to my rear delts and bis?
Had a propper read of the thread as was busy before, but everything Schredder has said would be the same I would suggest to you. However, as halfwit mentioned earlier, everyone will respond differently to different programs and techniques just as some people respond differently to various dieting styles.

The Push/Pull/Legs/Rest or "3on/1off" style of training is one that I am a big advocate for if you are trying to build all around mass and IMO is my favourite style of routine that I have switched back to. Fuel up, tear the shit out of chest/tris/front delts then back/rear delts/traps/bis and then legs/calves/abs and enjoy your rest day by fueling up all over again. I find this routine to work best for me mentally and physically. It is though if you ask me a good routine to use when your on because you can really go into your workouts gruellinly and take advtange of the rapid recover and eat up for it. Ofcourse it will still work when off however.

Training sessions will go for longer and be more taxing, which I find I am better geared for myself as it avoids the 2 day off scenario that can put me in lazy mode come sunday and I tend to really binge on food and I get into this funk of nothing is really sore so I'm going to slack off on my protein. WIth the 3/1 routine your going to be sore at all times somewhere and your constantly growing. Now ofcourse, someone may hate that, but for me it works and I love it and feel comfortable with it.

Another thing, because great minds think alike Schredder ;) , is fuck focussing on strength and chasing numbers if you want all out mass. Drop the weight, focus on form and really trying to activate the specific muscle you are trying to train. Forget about that you may not be lifting up to everyone elses standards, because it won't be long where you will find this ego stays at the door attitude will have you less prone to injury, build mass quicker AND strength quicker. Good form will benefit you in both strength and hypertrophy. Chassing numbers is chasing injury in my eyes. If you want to mix it up, do what I do and stick to the 8-12 rep range, but throw in a set here and there and bump the weight up a little with a mate spotting you (not lifting it), and smash it out (if I do one of these styles of sets I usually aim for a rep range of 5-8 reps before I reach failure, don't crank the weight up big, just add a little to bust through a platue).

Allthough, another way to really crank out hypertrophy and IMO I think is a great technique is drop sets! I would also be doing these with a 3/1 off routine because it really tears down the muscle. Hope you like pain. But with the results and pump that drop sets deliver it will give you a reason to love the pain ;)

In regards to Masteron? Yep, go for it, Test/NPP/Mast is something I will be trying out in summer and from what I have read and been told, Nandrolone+Masteron makes a great stack and if run in big enough doses the results only get better. I'll be using 200mg Test/750mg Deca/400mg Masteron Enanthate for 12 weeks or so for a bulk in summer and may or may not wrap it up with another DHT probably Winny OR I'll drop the Deca back to 200mg (cruise) and blast the Mast to 800mg for 4 weeks then back to a cruise. Not sure on those details, will play it by the mirror or just cut it at 12 weeks but I have good expectations for the combo which you don't really see. Think Schredder is doing this stack shortly.

What doses are you running atm on this NPP blast and how much food are you getting in? I concur with what your saying about having low T from drug usage, absolutely. Opiates block GnRH and hence cause low T. Don't know if it is permament though, I'm pretty sure long term heavy usage is like being completely shut down. Possibly even is the biggest contribute "PAWS" many people suffer from opiate withdrawal and other drugs. Alcohol is also a big one and will low T levels. SSRI's can increase prolactin via dampening dopamine levels as serotonin/dopamine inhibit each others release. Amphetamines, pretty much all of them including MDMA (ecstasy), Meth/Adderall and even the analogues that are used as PEDS like Ephedrine will jack cortisol and give your adrenals a solid workout and tax them. They release cortisol and adrenaline, with dopamine and serotonin release differing individually but all in all they will tax you (even MDMA, as sedating and relaxing as it can feel, it is still activating the PNS and causing noradrenaline and cortisol release and IS CATABOLIC as all amps whilst they are actively working). Their effect on T level is there but can be indirectly from not staying hydrated/properly nourished. There is no direct cause to LH secretion. Ofcourse, moderation is the key, but typically a lot of drugs (recreational or not) have the potential. Glad to hear you got clean though man, I've had my runs with amps, but living a healthy and fun life with a great future and putting your life to use is a better option all round...and if you do choose to use and can say to yourself and truly do have self-control, then moderation will keep you safe. However, this is a one way ticket to relapse on a drug addiction. The only drug that won't effect your T levels, is Cannabis. Going offtopic here though.

One other piece of advice is that anabolics are useless without the appropriate diet and their potential is wasted if your not really training yourself.
Always good advice Staunched!!! Man, like you said proper form is EVERYTHING!! Like the old saying goes......do something right, or dont do it at all. That fits perfectly for training.

Do some research on biomechanics, learning the function of each muscle and how it was designed to move and then training based on that will have you leaps and bounds ahead of a lot of people. I watch people at the gym constantly and the majority of people dont perform exercises correctly and therefor dont work the intended muscle and cause large amounts of stress on joints.

Ben Pakulski is big on biomechanics and goes into detail on a number of videos hes made on how to properly perform exercises. Watch these videos.

As far as Mast goes. A lot of, probably most, people use it precontest as it provides a gnarly dry grainy look at low BF%. But, it provides numrous other benefits other than visuals. Mild AI properties, bunds well to your SHBG therefor free up more test. Increase libido and well being. I really do think its an excellent additiom to a cycle to compliment other drugs.

And yes Staunched brother!!! Test/Deca/Mast.........One week out!!!!!!!
Plus Mast in addition to all those qualities will increase strength and aggression further making use of your cycle.

If I didn't Blast/Cruise I'd be doing Test/Npp/Mast for cycles, get in and out quick with good results.

Looking forward to it Shcredder!! Not to hijack but what doses were you using again?
Plus Mast in addition to all those qualities will increase strength and aggression further making use of your cycle.

If I didn't Blast/Cruise I'd be doing Test/Npp/Mast for cycles, get in and out quick with good results.

Looking forward to it Shcredder!! Not to hijack but what doses were you using again?

Good call on the strength/aggresion qualities of Mast. Absolutely. No agression outside the gym though like Tren so thats a bonus for sure!

750 Test E
600 Mast
600 Deca

Lil Dbol to kickstart as well ;)
Good call on the strength/aggresion qualities of Mast. Absolutely. No agression outside the gym though like Tren so thats a bonus for sure!

750 Test E
600 Mast
600 Deca

Lil Dbol to kickstart as well ;)

That's solid, looking forward to it!! Yeah I did notice that the aggression with Masteron was more closer to the Test/Dbol style agression and is noticable on the weights unlike Tren where you treating mates like your ready to box on with them. Fuck I hate Tren lol.
That's solid, looking forward to it!! Yeah I did notice that the aggression with Masteron was more closer to the Test/Dbol style agression and is noticable on the weights unlike Tren where you treating mates like your ready to box on with them. Fuck I hate Tren lol.

Ya. Man, i didnt have a good experience with Tren last time. I ran Enanthate........bad idea brother, lol.
Ya. Man, i didnt have a good experience with Tren last time. I ran Enanthate........bad idea brother, lol.

As bad as frontloading 1G of Tren E on the first day for a 400mg Frontload? :crazy: Like I said, I won't go over 250mg per week ever again infact I might run 25mg ED and cut down this 100mg/ml stuff I get with some EQ or Deca next time I run it down to 50mg/ml lol.
I think one of the biggest setbacks is focusing too much on following a strict routine. I've wasted so many years sticking to specific workouts that I read in an article that ended up doing nothing for me. No one routine will work for everyone, and you don't necessarily have to have a strict "set" program to get the results you want.

Heavy vs light is also something to be considered. I think when it comes to physique, you want to get a good mix of both. They both offer different benefits to the look and size of your muscles. You can even mix up light and heavy sets in the same workout. Sometimes I'll put weight on the bar for curls and bang out 15 slow reps with good form and contractions....then the next set I'll stack on some serious weight and do 3-5 with some cheat reps at the end....then another light set. Keep your muscle guessing. Shock the hell out of them so they have no idea what you're going to hit them with next.

At this point I go strictly by "feel" with every workout. If i'm doing a lift and i'm not getting a pump, or not properly hitting the muscle I want to hit, I forget about that lift all together. Whereas someone else could do the same lift and it works great for them. Every now and then I will go to the gym and just try new workouts. No particular routine, just bouncing around and trying things I've never done before...and I end up with a sick pump that day just from hitting my muscles in a new way. I'll continue doing those workouts because I can feel them working. That's the key....if you feel it working, then it's working. Don't waste your time with workouts that some article told you works great if it's not working for you. If you're getting a sick pump, and you're leaving the gym feeling tight and swole, your hitting the muscle properly.

o yea...and diet! haha.
Thanks everybody, gonna give Rippeds push/pull/legs/push/pul/off/off a run this week.

Also, u guys got me really excited for next blast, npp/deca/testp/testc/mastp/maste. Most likely gonna do some jumpstart action, not sure if mast p is widely available but ill look around. Im gonna possibly try an oral in there too, something light and less toxic; dbol made me feel sickly so I want to be careful
Masteron is actually the brand name for Drostanolone Prop, most times you ask for Masteron is will be Prop but the Enanthate is still around but it is an exotic type of compound.

Because you blast, I wouldn't bother with the short esters rather just go with Deca/Mast E. Something like the following...

250mg Test/750mg Deca/400mg Masteron is a good place to start and if you want an oral add in but I'd avoid it especially considering dbol make you sick (some people just can't tolerate orals), like I will be doing in summer. If I was to change anything I'd bump up the masteron, for your frame 1G of total Anabolics+the masteron is plenty for you to slap on solid mass to that frame.

the advice here is as good as it gets

New Alias , there just isn't a whole lot i can add here that wouldn't be repeating advice already given

shit man - i learned a lot from this thread

can one of the mods take a hard look at the info here and consider making it a sticky?

here is the one thing i am going to add little brother..

you need to learn to count your calories and track your macros

unless you're going to hire 3 js

there just isn't anyway around it man, diet is 80% of whatever results it is that you're going to achieve

get a food scale, get "mytfitnesspal"

invest in some foil / plastic wrap and enough tupperware to cook 2-3 days worth of food at a time

you are a good student when it comes to training and pushing yourself, you got clean and put on 70 lbs that says a lot about your character brother..

now push on counting calories and tracking your macros correctly, i know that shit is like the "math homework'' of body building - trust me I KNOW THIS - but if you want an elite physique and you want to maximize training..

don't half ass anything. go all out

i am kinda excited to see you progress - think you could be a year away from rcking that physique you want

IF.. if your diet is on point

great information here, somebody sticky this thread for everyone :)

the advice here is as good as it gets

New Alias , there just isn't a whole lot i can add here that wouldn't be repeating advice already given

shit man - i learned a lot from this thread

can one of the mods take a hard look at the info here and consider making it a sticky?

here is the one thing i am going to add little brother..

you need to learn to count your calories and track your macros

unless you're going to hire 3 js

there just isn't anyway around it man, diet is 80% of whatever results it is that you're going to achieve

get a food scale, get "mytfitnesspal"

invest in some foil / plastic wrap and enough tupperware to cook 2-3 days worth of food at a time

you are a good student when it comes to training and pushing yourself, you got clean and put on 70 lbs that says a lot about your character brother..

now push on counting calories and tracking your macros correctly, i know that shit is like the "math homework'' of body building - trust me I KNOW THIS - but if you want an elite physique and you want to maximize training..

don't half ass anything. go all out

i am kinda excited to see you progress - think you could be a year away from rcking that physique you want

IF.. if your diet is on point

great information here, somebody sticky this thread for everyone :)

Thanks for the insight and I agree, all the main hittas dropped some solid info in my thread; I couldnt be more greatful. I was considering paying for a consultation with a legit trainer to do exactly what was done here, these guys saved me some cash.

As far as counting macros goes, when I have the size I am really looking for, and prepare to do a legitimate cut; I will count macros. I would want to minimize the risk of losing my hard earned mass. Right now though, I can get away with eating whatever I want (granted I generally prefer healthy food options). My second year lifting I got pissed because my first years gains sucked as of a result of wanting abs to show, so I ate as much of whatever I could that whole year. I gained an incredible amount of weight, most of it being fat though lol.

Moral of the story, bulking without counting macros is working for me at this point in time, I dont think I could eat more without adding body fat. I WILL count macros.... one day.

Masteron is actually the brand name for Drostanolone Prop, most times you ask for Masteron is will be Prop but the Enanthate is still around but it is an exotic type of compound.

Because you blast, I wouldn't bother with the short esters rather just go with Deca/Mast E. Something like the following...

250mg Test/750mg Deca/400mg Masteron is a good place to start and if you want an oral add in but I'd avoid it especially considering dbol make you sick (some people just can't tolerate orals), like I will be doing in summer. If I was to change anything I'd bump up the masteron, for your frame 1G of total Anabolics+the masteron is plenty for you to slap on solid mass to that frame.

Thanks I'll probably run these exact doses, I want to have the short esters in there to get rocking and rolling early with a frontload; I guess u could say im impatient. The npp I am adamant on, deca seems to take months to kick in lol thats bs! I already have the test prop on hand, cruising on test c... So now its a decision of whether or not to do the mastp/maste front load, hell im front loading everything else I mind as well.

I felt fine drinking my inj winny after giving up on those nasty ed injections, dbol I definitely was not feeling good on tho. I am considering proviron or var, I am pretty sure these are the most mild orals one could take.
I'm the same with my diet, when bulking I don't overly stress about counting my macros, I make sure I'm getting enough protein though and count that although it is in my head throughout the day. This isn't ideal for everyone though. I do sometimes count a typical day of when I'm bulking based on what I decide to eat and I have gone well over 4000 cals each time, I don't seem to get fat and the harder I eat I seem to just get bigger faster. Although over the last 6 months I have put on a little fat and have dropped some muscle over that time and had a bit of an off period involving binging excessivley and training minimally, I would throw in various compounds at times to kick myself back into a full routine again. I'm now growing nicely on 200 Test/200 Deca and probably won't blast for a while because it is food and training that will get me my results over AAS.

However, come cut time, I count calories religiously. Bulk time is always going to give you room to play with.

Thanks I'll probably run these exact doses, I want to have the short esters in there to get rocking and rolling early with a frontload; I guess u could say im impatient. The npp I am adamant on, deca seems to take months to kick in lol thats bs! I already have the test prop on hand, cruising on test c... So now its a decision of whether or not to do the mastp/maste front load, hell im front loading everything else I mind as well.

I felt fine drinking my inj winny after giving up on those nasty ed injections, dbol I definitely was not feeling good on tho. I am considering proviron or var, I am pretty sure these are the most mild orals one could take.

In all honesty if you wanted to really kick-start it I would go with an oral. On 750mg Deca/400-600mg Mast you will feel it come week 3-4 anyway. I see blasting though as a long term approach and Deca IMO is the perfect compound to bulk on and don't mind waiting a few weeks for things to really crank up. I've just started deca again in my cruise and it has begun to show its magic at the 3 week mark and the extra fullness is already there and I love the fullness and cushioned strength I get from it that is comparable to Dbol or 1G of test (comparing to my experiences). I'm a little biased on orals due to their toxicity and effects on lipids/liver so I limit my use (when I eventually compete one day I'll disregard that). But go with Dbol or Anadrol instead of spending cash on the short ester hormones.
I want to check in, so people know that I have greatly benefited from the insight in this thread.....


Prescribed by mrrippedzilla, been a couple weeks now.

Best training split I have ever fucking had!!!! Go heavy compound/light accessory or vice versa on opposing push/pull days... You know something is going right when u barely lose strength and feel just as good, minus a day or two of resting up coming off a blast into a cruise. Finished spring semester of college strong, got a great new job, women noticing my increased confidence/physique. I'm on top of the fucking world right now!!!!!