Wanting to bump up my Tren dosage


Ive been on Test/Tren for 5 weeks now. Doing a 12 week cycle. Ive been taking BD tren ace, and i have 2 more bottles to blow thru, but I also just Brewed my own tren, so I have so much I dont know what to do with. Ive been on 75mg eod and 250mg test mon/fri. Id like to keep my test dosage the same but bump my tren up to 75mg ed. is there any harm in doing so half way thru my cycle?
uh, id have to say they have been decent to good. I absolutly love the stuff and am very pleased with the results its given me so far.
Onswoll said:
Ive been on Test/Tren for 5 weeks now. Doing a 12 week cycle. Ive been taking BD tren ace, and i have 2 more bottles to blow thru, but I also just Brewed my own tren, so I have so much I dont know what to do with. Ive been on 75mg eod and 250mg test mon/fri. Id like to keep my test dosage the same but bump my tren up to 75mg ed. is there any harm in doing so half way thru my cycle?
give it a shot , since its tren acetate its a short ester and will clear out quickly if that much tren doesnt agree with you .
DADAWG said:
give it a shot , since its tren acetate its a short ester and will clear out quickly if that much tren doesnt agree with you .

yeah thats what I was thinking. i mean, theres only one way to find out right? ha
Yes I will be dancing with Tren Ace come spring..but night sweats are HORRIBLE for me, but well worth I guess