Was zyzz's steroid cycle dosage true??

Yea i can vouch that he had sex with a tranny hooker! As posted before the guy was in mtl doing promotion or some shit at the same club/hotel I was at. He was major idiot strung out on coke, drinkin like there is no tomorrow. We all saw him leave with a tranny and god knows who was boning who, that tranny was known to be a top.

OP, seriously you can find a better role model zyzz was a cocksucker plain and simple, you are probably asking if it is true so you can do the same. I swear, you will wreck yourself before wrecking whoever it is you are set out to wreck.
He didn't drink, but he did do a lot of coke. By mtl do you mean montreal or somewhere else? I don't think he ever went to Canada.
lol haters gonna hate. The guy had a good physique, who gives two fucks about anything else.

What do you define as good? just ripped that was it, But you 16 year old pre pubecents want to copy him as you see it as an easy realistic goal, you were the same kids back in my day that hung out at after school warhammer meetings playing with lead figures.. but have now found juice to get an ok figure without much effort,... It´s now like Nerds on juice
"Ill do what ever I want.Your a part of this new world organization of pussies u cant say this about this person and u cant say that about this .FUCK YOU! ok fuck everything u stand for "

I know this is a steroid forum, and not an english class, but I rather end up like Zyzz dieing when i'm in my 20's and getting pussy then living like brother making fun of a dead guy, do you even know the difference between your and you're?

moral of story- can't take anything you say seriously, everyone hating on him, I just sense jealousy, most of you guys are most likely 40, and just mad you're too old to have his life, so you feel the need to make fun of it

I think it's safe to say, he looked a lot better then anyone on this forum will ever look (no homo), in terms of pure aesthetics

You mean "dying" and not "dieing" right? And where is all this pussy? Looking at all the vids, all i see are gay porn star boy type looking kids, And I truly doubt with the amount of juice he was running that he could even get it up, I don´t think anybody here is jealous, But more likely sees the stupidity of this guys actions, and in a way... they are doing a favour to all your little warhammer lead solider playing kids on trying to take the easy route of getting jacked "abiet skinny jacked" Thinking you are going to get pussy, it doesn't happen like you think, Oh and regards to being to old to have his lifestyle? "33" the reason I got to this age is because i didn't have his lifestyle,
I don't think any one is bashing the guy. Just because I say Michael Jackson is a weird ass mofo doesn't mean he wasn't a great musical artist. I have absolutely no idea who this zyzz person is. This is the first I've ever heard of him. However, I just googled him, and I can tell you just from the pictures that he likes to party and wear make up. I personally don't understand why this guy is famous. He has a decent physique, but if I were running a gram of tren per week I can guarantee I would look better than that. So, basically this guy is famous for partying and having a nice bod. Sounds like a great role model to me.
Nice brahh, you could still understand what i was getting at, i also typed that out in 10 seconds, when you're over 20 and don't know the difference between your and you're, well that's a bigger issue. I could easily correct everything you just wrote as well, seeing as you love to start sentences with "and". Also, i'm sure you didn't do cocaine and shit when you were 20, his life may of been cut short, but he experienced 10 times the ammount of things you will ever get to experience in your pathetic life time.

Lol, Bro I spent the Last 10 years in South and Central america, Don´t talk to me about parties beautiful Girls, Especially Cocaine, Not that watered down talco powder you guys get, And sitting in VIP like a rock star with bottles of champagne,.... Not some Youtube video at a aussie festival thinking your cool when your just a really wannabe, doing pressups in the street trying to get all these brainless loser followers to think you cool and give you board reps, A little tip rather than copy someone else's life try and live your own... If you get to my Age, " You will probably be wearing a garbage man outfit scraping shit from the floor" While I am still sipping champers from my private pool in the tropics ;)
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you need to realize, everyone who posted in this thread is a fucking retard, you guys talked like you knew the guy, a gram of tren a week? where is your source at? did he tell you in person he ran a gram of test a week? or did you just read it online, if Aziz didn't tell you in real life, that he ran 1 gram of test a week, you guys should shut the fuck up already, lmfao

"your cool " i rest my case

don't call me a follower, I don't follow him, I knew him from bodybuilding.com, and he was actually a genuine good guy, who cares what you do in life, it's your body, he had fun, people like him, let him be

you guys just make fun of somebody who is more famous then you, out of "jealousy"

you don't see videos dedicated to "alfa23" and this startles you

He and people like you are why Steroid users get tarred with the same brush, No point trying to drill it into your head I have made no personal criticism of zyzz, Only his actions and just so you know, regards to not having as many videos dedicated to me?? Well Fuck Zyzz,,,, it´s the salsa dancing dog Im trying to beat.. have you seen how many hits he´s got?? now thats fame for ya
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I know this is a steroid forum, and not an english class, but I rather end up like Zyzz dieing when i'm in my 20's

10 times the ammount of things you will

I just want to say that if you're going to call people out on their English then maybe you should watch your shit as well, seriously..dieing..ammount.. did you even catch these things? Obviously you're making the same type of mistakes, so they were just typos nobody is taking their English seriously on a fucking forum. You're the retard.
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ps, you tried so hard to make that correct, but in reality you would of wanted to say "wanted" not want


holy fuck man, just stop calling people out on their English, AGAIN you fucked it up. You don't know how to speak English properly dumbass, you don't know how stupid you're making yourself look. You are an idiot, please just stop. It's one thing for people to make these mistakes knowingly or not but, you are going to call people out and make the same fucking mistakes?
you need to realize, everyone who posted in this thread is a fucking retard, you guys talked like you knew the guy, a gram of tren a week? where is your source at? did he tell you in person he ran a gram of test a week? or did you just read it online, if Aziz didn't tell you in real life, that he ran 1 gram of test a week, you guys should shut the fuck up already, lmfao

"your cool " i rest my case

don't call me a follower, I don't follow him, I knew him from bodybuilding.com, and he was actually a genuine good guy, who cares what you do in life, it's your body, he had fun, people like him, let him be

you guys just make fun of somebody who is more famous then you, out of "jealousy"

you don't see videos dedicated to "alfa23" and this startles you
Yes, he was a really nice guy. I admire him because of where he started and how far he got. He didn't have the best genetics for size, but he made the best of what he had, aesthetics. It's really unfortunate what happened to him, but it was bound to happen with heart condition+coke+juice+ex. As much as I like him I will admit that he made a lot of bad decisions when it came to drugs.
fucking hell why did I even click on this thread? guys like zyzz give educated steroid/ped users a bad rep and give media another reason to demonize steroids.
capitalize the h on that please, and you're*
i fixed words that needed to be fixed, if i wanted perfect english i would of typed it, you're taking years to fix your mistakes

you won't really phase me, since i'm 3rd year in for journalism, after getting a degree in english,,

WTF am I reading? That makes you even more of a retard. You can't spell, dieing, ammount, you don't have proper grammar, "would of".

Now your mistakes are being called out and you start back-peddling all of a sudden with, " if i wanted perfect english i would of typed it". I'M PRETTY SURE THAT'S THE FRAME OF MIND EVERYBODY ELSE WAS IN, WHEN THEY MADE THOSE ERRORS. THEY WEREN'T TYPING UP A RESUME JACKASS. Get lost loser.
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No, steroids didn't kill him brah.
You'll see phaggots say that he died in a sauna, that it was the steroids, it was the coke, that it was a congenital heart condition; they're all lies. Have you seen Zyzz's physique pics lately? He was beautiful, gorgeous, inspiring: or simply put... he was aesthetic. He was the definition of aesthetic. Lettuce be cereal, and I'm going to type this as sober as possible: if you fap (and cum) to Zyzz, it's not gay at all, you don't have to use the "no homo" tag because it's a given. You would be fapping and cumming at beauty. Beauty, aesthetics, that transcends gender. Aesthetics that transcend gender and sexuality. As I'm saying this, you might want to scroll and look for a pics of Zyzz, you might probably have them in your mind right now, go ahead, you know you want to fap bro. Don't feel guilty because of it, it doesn't make you a homo, it makes you human, human that is appreciating in the best way one can the ultimate, godly aesthetics.

Now, I'm not a fanboy, I'm not a nuthugger. I'm a mirer. You are a mirer too. Haters are mirers, everyone mires Zyzz. Lettuce ketchup to real tee and bee cereal: there are no real Zyzz haters. No one hates Zyzz. People hate the fanboys, the nuthuggers, phaggots that don't even lift that reference him as their hero. They hate on people that try to profit on him. They hate the attention he gets, they're mad jelly of him. But we all mire Zyzz, and always will.

Now, to answer your question. He isn't even dead brah.
As I said, the best way to describe him is "Aesthetic". HE DEFINES the word. A word doesn't die.
What happened to him then? Laws of Physics brah. Remember he mentioned he was going to "Arnold Status"? He was becoming more TOO aesthetic. He became too aesthetic. He had to change dimensions: go to heaven, mount olympus . . . however you want to call it. He is now in a place where he can continue to exceed the word "aesthetic". Just imagine the possibilities, and by the way, that's all you can do, IMAGINE. Because a human, mortal, mind is too minuscule to really grasp the aesthetic level of beauty he is now at in Mount Olympus. Aesthetic isn't the word anymore: there is no way to describe his aesthetics now.

Now that I answered your question, let me add something.
He "died" for us brah. He showed us the way to aesthetics, he wanted all of us to be Aesthetic and lol. That extra strength you feel when you thought you couldn't lift anymore? Zyzz is spotting you. That extra bumps you're giving your gf while sexing her? That's Zyzz trolling you and phucking your sloot. That urge you get to dance and bishes be mirin'? That's Zyzz showing you the way. That sexy mofo you see in the mirror? That's not Zyzz, that's you bro... but Zyzz is right behind you, and he's smiling: he's proud of you, he's proud of your aesthetics. Don't worry brah, Zyzz has your back. And he wants you to become Aesthetic.

Yes, everyone has a little bit of Zyzz in them. He didn't mean that in the sense that you had "him". He meant that you had the aesthetics, the lulz, the trolling, the intelligence, the charisma: Zyzz. You have it, make that Zyzz in you grow.
And one day we will join him in Mount Olympus. But not yet, not yet.
No, steroids didn't kill him brah.
You'll see phaggots say that he died in a sauna, that it was the steroids, it was the coke, that it was a congenital heart condition; they're all lies. Have you seen Zyzz's physique pics lately? He was beautiful, gorgeous, inspiring: or simply put... he was aesthetic. He was the definition of aesthetic. Lettuce be cereal, and I'm going to type this as sober as possible: if you fap (and cum) to Zyzz, it's not gay at all, you don't have to use the "no homo" tag because it's a given. You would be fapping and cumming at beauty. Beauty, aesthetics, that transcends gender. Aesthetics that transcend gender and sexuality. As I'm saying this, you might want to scroll and look for a pics of Zyzz, you might probably have them in your mind right now, go ahead, you know you want to fap bro. Don't feel guilty because of it, it doesn't make you a homo, it makes you human, human that is appreciating in the best way one can the ultimate, godly aesthetics.

Now, I'm not a fanboy, I'm not a nuthugger. I'm a mirer. You are a mirer too. Haters are mirers, everyone mires Zyzz. Lettuce ketchup to real tee and bee cereal: there are no real Zyzz haters. No one hates Zyzz. People hate the fanboys, the nuthuggers, phaggots that don't even lift that reference him as their hero. They hate on people that try to profit on him. They hate the attention he gets, they're mad jelly of him. But we all mire Zyzz, and always will.

Now, to answer your question. He isn't even dead brah.
As I said, the best way to describe him is "Aesthetic". HE DEFINES the word. A word doesn't die.
What happened to him then? Laws of Physics brah. Remember he mentioned he was going to "Arnold Status"? He was becoming more TOO aesthetic. He became too aesthetic. He had to change dimensions: go to heaven, mount olympus . . . however you want to call it. He is now in a place where he can continue to exceed the word "aesthetic". Just imagine the possibilities, and by the way, that's all you can do, IMAGINE. Because a human, mortal, mind is too minuscule to really grasp the aesthetic level of beauty he is now at in Mount Olympus. Aesthetic isn't the word anymore: there is no way to describe his aesthetics now.

Now that I answered your question, let me add something.
He "died" for us brah. He showed us the way to aesthetics, he wanted all of us to be Aesthetic and lol. That extra strength you feel when you thought you couldn't lift anymore? Zyzz is spotting you. That extra bumps you're giving your gf while sexing her? That's Zyzz trolling you and phucking your sloot. That urge you get to dance and bishes be mirin'? That's Zyzz showing you the way. That sexy mofo you see in the mirror? That's not Zyzz, that's you bro... but Zyzz is right behind you, and he's smiling: he's proud of you, he's proud of your aesthetics. Don't worry brah, Zyzz has your back. And he wants you to become Aesthetic.

Yes, everyone has a little bit of Zyzz in them. He didn't mean that in the sense that you had "him". He meant that you had the aesthetics, the lulz, the trolling, the intelligence, the charisma: Zyzz. You have it, make that Zyzz in you grow.
And one day we will join him in Mount Olympus. But not yet, not yet.

that's the gayest shit i've ever read.

/wrist now.