Weight Loss in 2 months???


New member
I'm just wrapping up my first cycle of test e, Im sitting at 210 and I'm 5'10.

I have an athletic opportunity March 20, but to do so requires that I'm about 170 or so.

Is this a realistic weight to reach in 2 months, I'm thinking not but what could I get down to with a strict diet, lifting and lots of cardio?
Nice to hear that you get this opportunity.To over come this barrier of weight loss i advice you to keep a good check of your diet.Try to eat healthy and less in quantity.Restrict your calories per day count to around 1200.In addition to this spend plenty of time in the gym.
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Hello, to better help answer your? What are all of your stats? What are your goals?
Also; cycle history, age, training history, diet.
To lose 40 lbs in two months is drastic no matter what kind shape you are in.
Your diet will require the most change and strictness.
Elaborate please.
Goal is to be as lean and strong as possible without losing too much from what I gained on cycle.
This is my first cycle, I'm 24, been training on and off for 4 years.
When your body is tuned you can loose alot by calorie and protein restriction. What a total waste of your gains.

Is the opportunity really worth it? It can be done it will take multiple workouts a day cardio for a few hrs a day and weights.
I would not want to loose my gains.
I have lost 10lbs over being sick and its fucked with my head big time. I just cant eat right now.
So any gains i would want to keep.
But its your choice dude.
40 Lbs in 2 months is going to be VERY tough if not impossible. Especially if your already low BF. What is your BF% right now?

To echo what the others had said, you will lose all your gains and then some (and possibly not make weight anyway) What is the reason for this loss?
atopa losing the mass.. even if you make the weight.. ur gonna put it back on very quickly after the fact...

its not a good idea any way i look at it...
Ok thanks for the input guys, I already told myself all of this stuff but was hoping someone would come up with a miracle lol.

I called it off so back to the normal routine.