weightloss on clen


New member
Hi, i am a 5'3 female and want to lose about 70-80 pounds.

I was told by someone that if i added clen along with anavar the results would be tenfold.

I was wondering if anyone else had any info on if this would work or not? or if i should just stick to regular dieting and working out (which i already am doing). I would just love to lose the weight very soon.

anavar and clenbuterol fat burning effects are very minimal at best from what i hear. They're mainly used by people who are allready at a low bodyfat that wish to shed off the last few difficult pounds. With 70-80 pounds to lose....i really don't think you're going to notice much of a difference with clen and anavar. Probably very minimal at best, and meanwhile you will be messing with your heart and hormones.

Stick with your diet and exercise....when you get within 10-20 pounds of your ideal weight and you're really struggling to lose the last bit of fat....then..maybe... add in clen or Anavar (var). Also, don't let anyone tell you that diet isn't THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of cutting bodyfat. If your diet isn't right, no drug or exercise in the world will help you lose the extra weight.

I seriously suggest you head over to the diet forumn and post up your daily diet with 3J, his input is invaluable!
if u have 70-80lbs to lose DON'T consider clen, Anavar (var) or any drugs to remedy the problem... tighten up your diet, increase your aerobic activity and do some light weight training 3 times per week... it's not a race

remember... if u lose it fast, u'll gain it back faster ;)
Whoever told you that Anavar (var) will help you lose weight was smoking crack or had no idea how aas works in females. As far as clen, imo it should be used only in a precontest cutting situation. It's really hard on your heart and let's face it, if you have 70-80 lbs to lose already, you're heart is working overtime already.

It doesn't take chemicals to lose weight. It takes diet, hard work, and dedication to your long term goal. Losing that kind of weight in a healthy fashion will take 18 months to 2 years.

Don't crash diet or under-eat cals. I agree with heading to the diet section. Good luck ad stay away from chems and aas :).
Hi, i am a 5'3 female and want to lose about 70-80 pounds.

I was told by someone that if i added clen along with anavar the results would be tenfold.

I was wondering if anyone else had any info on if this would work or not? or if i should just stick to regular dieting and working out (which i already am doing). I would just love to lose the weight very soon.

Hi beautifield05,

Like Mt stated, stay away from clen & AAS, if u have 70 lbs to lose, the only permanet/healthy way to do this is by dieting/excercising. Sorry to say, but there isn't such a thing as "fast weight loss" crash diets don't work as a permanent solution,
90 % of people that do crash diets gain the weight and even more back.

You really need to focus on diet, start loging in everything u eat & start counting calories, sometimes we thing we are eating "right" until we take a closer look.
Don't "under eat" make sure u are eating the rigth amount of calories based on your activity level & just eat 300-500 calories under maintenance, losing weight pretty much comes to calories in vs calories out.

Anavar is not a "fat burner" u do not need or should use it.. and at your weight clen isn't a good idea either.

Losing weight comes down to 80 % diet, the right diet and training is what will help u accomplish this weight loss.

Good luck to u :)