well it turns out im good at conversions!


New member

my batch of test Enanthate....250mg/ml of pure gold!
1% BA and Grapeseed oil as Carrier....
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so proud. He still needs to do some short ester conversions before he gets he's official.

Hey gp did ferris labs send you those blue tops or what? Mine were just normal color with a grey stopper.
u should be able to see the lil scrolldown on the 10ml vial page....it has options of colours to pick from....
Well...so far so good....I got all my Basic Stuff outta the way....
Made up the following:
Test Enanthate @ 250mg/ml
Deca @ 275mg/ml
EQ @ 275mg/ml

heres the pic (Test is in the middle, EQ on the right and Deca on the left...)

gymphreak said:
Well...so far so good....I got all my Basic Stuff outta the way....
Made up the following:
Test Enanthate @ 250mg/ml
Deca @ 275mg/ml
EQ @ 275mg/ml

heres the pic (Test is in the middle, EQ on the right and Deca on the left...)


That is one of the hottest things I have evr seen