Went to a new Endo today...not happy.

I got my Test results in today from the wacky Endo.
TESTOSTERONE TOTAL 240 - 950 ng/dL = 697
Her statement "Your bioavailable testosterone was over twice normal and that means that you are on too much testosterone. You need to decrease your dose to once a week." I am on 140mg a week. split doses.

Now I thought the bioavailable is known to be innacurate and influenced by other things, I don't know, but here with go with the "absolutes" again. Bioavailable can be caused by a number of things. Why won't she look in to that? What kind of test range are they using? Labquest has 250-595 as their normal limits, and I would be within them. Regardless, her recommendation is ridiculous. Instead of cut each dose by half, she wants to cut out one of them.


Bio T is a calculation using SHBG, total testosterone, albumin and probably something I'm forgetting. It isn't at all accurate as there's no true way of knowing how much of that bio T is truly free testosterone (it's a mix of free and loosely-bound testosterone to albumin) as albumin-bound test can bind and become free at any time.

If she was worth two shits, she should be asking you "how do you feel?", not leaving all the work to a blood panel. If you feel great, and estradiol is an an optimum value - you're dialed in. Otherwise, there needs to be some tweaking done.

I hazard to say MOST of us on TRT will be out of range on free/bio as SHBG is lowered via exogenous testosterone and use (if applicable) of an AI. This gal sounds a lot like an endo I fired before.

Stick to your guns! All she can do is make SUGGESTIONS, and refuse to see you any more if you don't like them. There are plenty of other doctors out there that would love your business, remember that. ;)
Bio T is a calculation using SHBG, total testosterone, albumin and probably something I'm forgetting. It isn't at all accurate as there's no true way of knowing how much of that bio T is truly free testosterone (it's a mix of free and loosely-bound testosterone to albumin) as albumin-bound test can bind and become free at any time.

If she was worth two shits, she should be asking you "how do you feel?", not leaving all the work to a blood panel. If you feel great, and estradiol is an an optimum value - you're dialed in. Otherwise, there needs to be some tweaking done.

I hazard to say MOST of us on TRT will be out of range on free/bio as SHBG is lowered via exogenous testosterone and use (if applicable) of an AI. This gal sounds a lot like an endo I fired before.

Stick to your guns! All she can do is make SUGGESTIONS, and refuse to see you any more if you don't like them. There are plenty of other doctors out there that would love your business, remember that. ;)

Ha, interesting. Learn something new every day... and here I was thinking bio & free T were the same thing, just different names. Thanks again half :)
Bio T is a calculation using SHBG, total testosterone, albumin and probably something I'm forgetting. It isn't at all accurate as there's no true way of knowing how much of that bio T is truly free testosterone (it's a mix of free and loosely-bound testosterone to albumin) as albumin-bound test can bind and become free at any time.

If she was worth two shits, she should be asking you "how do you feel?", not leaving all the work to a blood panel. If you feel great, and estradiol is an an optimum value - you're dialed in. Otherwise, there needs to be some tweaking done.

I hazard to say MOST of us on TRT will be out of range on free/bio as SHBG is lowered via exogenous testosterone and use (if applicable) of an AI. This gal sounds a lot like an endo I fired before.

Stick to your guns! All she can do is make SUGGESTIONS, and refuse to see you any more if you don't like them. There are plenty of other doctors out there that would love your business, remember that. ;)

Exactly right. Everything with this Endo is in Absolutes and hormone treatment is far from it. So, If I understand it right, having lower SHBG leaves extra test floating around. Which should be the next thing to look at, you would think.

You're right, she never asked how I was feeling. For 2 years I have been on the same protocol and my TT and E2 have been within normal ranges and I feel great. I aint changing crap except Drs.
Exactly right. Everything with this Endo is in Absolutes and hormone treatment is far from it. So, If I understand it right, having lower SHBG leaves extra test floating around. Which should be the next thing to look at, you would think.

You're right, she never asked how I was feeling. For 2 years I have been on the same protocol and my TT and E2 have been within normal ranges and I feel great. I aint changing crap except Drs.

Absolutes and sticking to an arbitrary number are cornerstones of bad doctors. You are not a robot, and the numbers are there for reference, they are merely a guide not a be all and end all determinant. I would fire that endo so fast.
I went to a new Endo today. A male finally.

He agreed to continue my current script for T. he thinks it may be too much based on high bioavailability and wants to look into it. He was also pushing alternative methods like pellets. I told him NO. He wants to hold off on AI until we see an E2 rise. Fair enough. Also does not believe in HCG. I guess I need to find it through other methods.

Lesson learned between Endos and Wellness clinics.
Endos want to prescribe the least and do more labs/research on you. Even if someone else already did it. You are a project.

Wellness clinics want you to feel better and will throw a lot of stuff at you. they always ask how you feel after looking at labs. Even if your values are in the "high/normal" ranges they will leave it alone.
of course they want to prescribe pellets, thats how they make the most $$$$$ xD

Big insurance bill to put those atrocious things in :redhot:
He also tried to push an emerging testosterone called "undeconoate" or some shit( not undeconate), said it should only require monthly injects.
He also tried to push an emerging testosterone called "undeconoate" or some shit( not undeconate), said it should only require monthly injects.

I would love to try that stuff, monthly injections sound awesome, but my insurance won't cover it. It's something like 1500 a shot in the US! Once the patent expires in a few years it should be more reasonable.
So, in two weeks, my E2 went from 31 to 39 to 69. No word from Doc. I am starting Adex again since I have a stash. My lab rat just started a Tren cut, so I am sure the labs will get skewed from now on.
I agree with TRTnooby. Fill that script with a 90 Primemail or whatever and stockpile. Then you can barter and trade for your Hcg. From my FNG knowledge--there seems to be a lot of Hcg around.

I just became the newest TRT member on Monday. My doc prescribed 200 every 14 days. I'm running 50 every 3.5 days since needles are like .10 at the animal supply / feed store. Any thoughts on sandbagging my TRT dose so I can get a higher mg script?