Westside Rules

You need to pick a shirt and work it, or at least get two shirts with the same groove. From everything i have read the metal viking's groove is higher than the iad dd. Bye the way which one do you like better. I am going to be in my shirt every other week now, but i am chicken shit to put the damn denim on, lol. and it fits real good.
i actually like the combo i have right now..if i jack up the viking the groove is low as well just not as low as a denim..

I think my denim is kinda big on me i mean i can almost touch 315 at times..

I wanna see what the hell will touch in my Viking..I thought i was getting weaker but after putting on the metal the other day and hitting 495 i realized that the Inzer is just way bigger on me..

As far as what is better..It seems ive gotten used to benching to the belly..it also seems more natural since everything i do (boards, speed work) is all towards the belly..

If i decide to go denim i think id prolly go with the crawford shirt..

hell maybe te best shirt for me is a Metal Denim??? lol

just put the denim on..you dont have to head to 500 first time out in the shirt
blackbeard said:
just put the denim on..you dont have to head to 500 first time out in the shirt

i am going to work in one shirt right now. I want to get the Titan down. I will be back in it next week. The nice thing about is, it supposedly has the same groove as the DD. The only reason i bough the denim was to have it around so i could try it out eventually without spending 200 on a shirt.
jcp2 said:
i am going to work in one shirt right now. I want to get the Titan down. I will be back in it next week. The nice thing about is, it supposedly has the same groove as the DD. The only reason i bough the denim was to have it around so i could try it out eventually without spending 200 on a shirt.

im not sure how the groove can be te same for a single vs double ply?
then again i dunno shit..
same reason i bought the inzer didnt wanna plop down 250 for a Crawford :)

Speed Squats
14" Box
335+purple 4x2
295+purple 4-5x2
wasnt happy with my groove/speed so i stripped some weight..

Speed Pulls


Hammer High Rows

hanging Leg raises
blackbeard said:
im not sure how the groove can be te same for a single vs double ply?
then again i dunno shit..
same reason i bought the inzer didnt wanna plop down 250 for a Crawford :)

I don't make these things up, lol. I can only tell you what i was told. So we will see, the only difference with the F6, you can miss the groove a little more and not dump it as you would in the denim.
jcp2 said:
I don't make these things up, lol. I can only tell you what i was told. So we will see, the only difference with the F6, you can miss the groove a little more and not dump it as you would in the denim.

no i didnt mean it like that..i was asking/thinking out loud lol
look at the difference between my viking and a denim..
and i know theres a huge difference between a denim and the crawford cut :)
OK you two. stop it right now. bb you go over to that corner and jp the other. stay there till you can play nicely with others. =0l

oh and btw which one of you mo's is gonna do a meet 1st?
pullinbig said:
OK you two. stop it right now. bb you go over to that corner and jp the other. stay there till you can play nicely with others. =0l

oh and btw which one of you mo's is gonna do a meet 1st?

i was fighting with Mo...i thin he knows that!!!

well for me te militia power wars are out
but i really think im going to do Mendy's bench bash july
i need to figure out what the hell will touch in my viking :)
whats the diff in the pro and viking with metal gear, squat, dead and bench. is one dbl ply and the other aint?

im think of getting one of the deadlift suits. after watching the guys wearing them they work really well.

jp you got a meet planned anytime?
pullinbig said:
whats the diff in the pro and viking with metal gear, squat, dead and bench. is one dbl ply and the other aint?

im think of getting one of the deadlift suits. after watching the guys wearing them they work really well.

jp you got a meet planned anytime?

I am trying to find a push pull to do at the end of the summer, but i can't find much. I don't wanna do just bench, and i don't want to do a full yet. I may do a full in october though, we will see. FortifiedIron just mentioned it to me.
my big problem will be finding someone to handle me. I also need to talk to Mule about what their plans are, i know they do more than one meet a year, and they are running their meets out of the gym i workout at now.
PB, i have the pro deadlifter, it is the one the guys where in the unlimited feds. It has IPF illegal stitching. I think it is the one travis and Chuck wear. The viking is a different poly than the regular pro material. Travis will probably be the best source of info for this, i am sure he has tried them all and can tell you the differences since he is sponsored. Ox pulls sumo so he probably wears the squat suit.
tony adtkins and chris finished 1,2 in the 220s, they train together. nc representing.

thats a great pic of chris. he has leaned up a lot over the last year or so.
blackbeard said:
Viking material is significantly stiffer
i can see a huge difference in my squat suit (viking) compared to my pro briefs
i cannot imagine pulling sumo in my squat suit..i cannot get down to the bar and my suit is relatively big on me..

heres ox pullin sumo at the Sr.'s..looks like hes using the pro deadlifter

http://asp.elitefts.com/images/upload/qa/Chris Mason deadlift.jpg

yes it does, never saw anyone use it pull sumo.
DE Bench

Cuff work
Speed Bench (45 secs rest)
super fast today

DB extensions

Side raises

DB Rows

Girls For Girls (preacher)

add Viking Suit straps down
655x2 << PR little mis groove should have been 3 reps..I think im good for 700x1 with the straps down

doubled choked green band
+120lbs x8x2

Seated Leg Curl

Hammer High Row

Ab Pull downs
60,70,80,90,100 x10
hijackI see you drag 90lbs. Not sure how much you weigh but I'm 130lbs what do you think would be a good weight for me because that 50lbs nearly killed me, but it was also leg day /hijack
BronzedGoddess said:
hijackI see you drag 90lbs. Not sure how much you weigh but I'm 130lbs what do you think would be a good weight for me because that 50lbs nearly killed me, but it was also leg day /hijack

i did 90 on the grass..now im using it on the street more so its easier..my neghbors love me..

if 50 was too much then try 40..what kinda plates do you have, increments?
you could start with the sled and maybe an extra 20lbs
nope no increment plates. I'll have to take it down to 25. Ugh the sound of a sled on the concrete...I'd kill you. I'm wearing a shoulder harness would it help to try to put it around my waist instead?