Westside Rules


Speed Squats 60 secs rest as always..
hip is a little tender so i used a 15" box
8x2@395+90# chain
MUCH better to be able to use a decent weight in my piece of shit rack compared to bands

bunch of sets up to stackx10

DB Rows

405x20 stripped 315x20

Ab Pull Downs

Incline Sit-ups
blackbeard said:

Speed Squats 60 secs rest as always..
hip is a little tender so i used a 15" box
8x2@395+90# chain
MUCH better to be able to use a decent weight in my piece of shit rack compared to bands

bunch of sets up to stackx10

DB Rows

405x20 stripped 315x20

Ab Pull Downs

Incline Sit-ups

nice looking day at the office. who you training with?
blackbeard said:
it could be..i think i took it off EFS
Bayles had a really good meet in detroit

yeah,. he got injured on his last dead. looked like he pulled a hammy. it was nice to watch him and travis battle it out. travis had an off day but it was sweet to watch. hell kyle was in second after bench. then he ran into grip probs. he had a shot at winning the 242s if he hadnt run into the grip probs. 1st time that ever happened to him. he got it straightened out though. =0l

he pulled 745 before the meet with no grip prob what so ever. go figure. if he pulled tha at the meet he would have been about 40# behind joey and ahead of travis by about 10#. course if travis hits his last dead (804) he wins. he's pulled it numerous times but he has some nerve damage in one of his arms and his grip is off too (he dropped the weight). no excuses though it was a great meet.
pullinbig said:
yeah,. he got injured on his last dead. looked like he pulled a hammy. it was nice to watch him and travis battle it out. travis had an off day but it was sweet to watch. hell kyle was in second after bench. then he ran into grip probs. he had a shot at winning the 242s if he hadnt run into the grip probs. 1st time that ever happened to him. he got it straightened out though. =0l

he pulled 745 before the meet with no grip prob what so ever. go figure. if he pulled tha at the meet he would have been about 40# behind joey and ahead of travis by about 10#. course if travis hits his last dead (804) he wins. he's pulled it numerous times but he has some nerve damage in one of his arms and his grip is off too (he dropped the weight). no excuses though it was a great meet.

wasnt there oil on the bar???????????
Inked i think PB has some vid of pull-thrus if you dont mind looking at him bending over..if not heres a good link
DE Bench
Circa Max #2

Cuff Work

Speed bench 90 secs rest
6x3@105+ doubled purples +doubled Minis

Tate Presses

Seated Side delt machine


forgto to do some lat work..oh well not too bad for being hung over..speed was pretty good with the heavy band tension..the 3 reps was a killer on most of the sets..sets 2-4 were good , 5 was so so, and 6 was better..Locking out that much tension was killer but hopefully itll produce some results
pullinbig said:
the bar would be heavy with that much tension. :D as you found out. thats prolly the same as a green dbld.

just running s hort little strength speed cycle
2 more weeks see what happens

im figuring the doubled purple is 80 on the bottom and 150ish top
minis are 35 bottom 80 top

that tension kicks in very fast!!! :)
My elbows hurt just reading that, i did some pin presses about three inches off my chest with doubled purples and they were brutal. I bet you really felt the lockout. I would not do them ballistically, i would hold the lockouts for a three count but that is me.
jcp2 said:
My elbows hurt just reading that, i did some pin presses about three inches off my chest with doubled purples and they were brutal. I bet you really felt the lockout. I would not do them ballistically, i would hold the lockouts for a three count but that is me.

dont get me wrong this wasnt easy but it wasnt as bad as i thought..
what i meant to say before was it seemed te first 2 resp of almost every set were nice and smooth with decent speed but the 3rd rep seemed to stall about mid range and then a grind toward lockout..but that is the purepose of this micro cycle..

i always lockout every rep of every set even warmups
the final rep on the work sets i held for a count of 2 then racked it
blackbeard said:
dont get me wrong this wasnt easy but it wasnt as bad as i thought..
what i meant to say before was it seemed te first 2 resp of almost every set were nice and smooth with decent speed but the 3rd rep seemed to stall about mid range and then a grind toward lockout..but that is the purepose of this micro cycle..

i always lockout every rep of every set even warmups
the final rep on the work sets i held for a count of 2 then racked it

Try doing pin presses on max effort day as like a second exercise, i was using 185 three inches off the chest with doubled purps for sets of 5. I just remember the lockout being hard, and i tried to hold them.

Box Squats
585x1 <<< 20lb PR
I got stapled and almost passed out on the box with the 605 LOL it was humid as a mofo in the gym tonite and the fans were off!!! good stuff i will own 6+ soon

Dimel Deads

doubled green + 120x10x2

DB rows

Ab-Pull downs
up to 110x8

Cable Side Bends
up to 160x10