What am i doing wrong?


New member
2 hard boiled eggs and 1 slice of whole wheat toast..for breakfest.. then a protein shake for snack..then whole wheat sandwich of turkey...then another protein shake...then for dinner skinless chicken thigh made on bbq with some veggies

this is what i eat on an given day
2 hard boiled eggs and 1 slice of whole wheat toast..for breakfest.. then a protein shake for snack..then whole wheat sandwich of turkey...then another protein shake...then for dinner skinless chicken thigh made on bbq with some veggies

this is what i eat on an given day

I eat that in two meals brother. lol

Seriously, i would say your not getting enough. 3J can help you, give em your stats.
I eat that in two meals brother. lol

Seriously, i would say your not getting enough. 3J can help you, give em your stats.

agreed, i eat that much by noon and i wake up at 10am lol.

nah man were glad you came to the diet section. this is where you will grow,stay away from the aas for a long time bro
Day 1 legs

Squats – 3x10
Leg press – 3x10 (switch to leg extension every 2 weeks)
Deadlift – 3x10
Straight leg Deadlift – 3x10
Lunges – 3x10 (barbell and dumbbell switch every 3 weeks)
leg curls – 3x10

Day 2 chest

Incline Bench press – 3x10 (switch from Barbell to Dumbbell every 3 weeks)
Flat bench – 3x10 (same as incline switch every 3 weeks)
Decline Bench – 3x10
Bench flys – 3x10
Pecdeck/cable flys – 3x10
Push ups with medicine ball 3x7

Day 3 back

Lat pull Down – 3x10
Seated Row – 3x10
Bent Over Row – 3x10 (switch grips every other set over and under)
T bar – 3x10
Dumbbell Row – 3x10

Day 4 triceps & shoulders

Body dips – 3x10
Flat/Decline close grip Bench press – 3x10 (switch every 3 weeks)
Triceps pull downs – 3x10 (either rope or pull down bar)
Standing Military Press – 3x10
Reverse Peckdeck – 3x10
Seated Dumbbell shoulder press – 3x10
Lateral raises – 3x10

Day 5 biceps & traps

Barbell curls – 3x10
Seated Dumbbell curls – 3x10
Seated Barbell curls – 3x10 (either machine or preacher bar/Easy bar)
Barbell shrugs – 3x10 (switch to dumbbells every 2 weeks)
I am 21 years old (22 in july) 204 pounds..not sure about body fat...i am 5 11....i do not look fat...look a bit chubby...bf% i did a test online dont know if it was true...but it was like 22 percent or something
based upon your diet.. i'd say your lucky if your eating 1500 calories a day.. i know women who eat more then that..

this would be detrimental for you no matter what your goals.. if your cutting, your body is starving itself and your metabolism has comee to a hault.. if your bulking, well.. your not blulking... cuz your not eating enough.. either way.. your not eating enough.. esp with the stats you just gave me...

have you read through my diet sticky? the link is in my sig.. read through it..
sorry for the delay guys,my internet wasn't working...my plan is to get my high-school body back i was a bit skinny..but i had all my abs from playing alot of basketball..i dont want to be skinny..i want to say ripped but that sounds unrealistic..i know most of you guys will not agree. But im running out of options...i figure if i dont eat enough i will eventually get skinny...i know its wrong and bad for your health...But honestly i am at college and when i go back to my area people dont recognize me anymore...its not that im fat im just chubby and i used to be in good shape its depressing...thats why i was considering roids....:(
I understand how you're feeling but roids arent going to just wash the excess fat away. There is no quick fix just like you didnt put on the weight overnight (although it feels like that sometimes)

Start with your diet and hit the gym hard, results will come and you'll be in a position where the results will be muchh more likely to stay with you.
I would wait for 3j he's back from exams tomorrow but if you check my earlier brea about cutting and abs about three or four threads down you will get a rough idea of calories meal plans and how often to eat. JJJ will fix you up though
I honestly don't think you will see any gains or weight loss with your current diet
would be nice if he could make me one..and i follow it for four months...doesn't really matter if its the same thing all day everyday...doesn't matter to me as long as its specific for the whole day..i doubt he would do that tho...why would he, unless hes a nice guy lol..you think 3or 4 months of intense diet and intensive training..not looking for a short time fix.. after the 3/4 months i will still train and diet but iwould like to have a goal that i would be in shape by then
would be nice if he could make me one..and i follow it for four months...doesn't really matter if its the same thing all day everyday...doesn't matter to me as long as its specific for the whole day..i doubt he would do that tho...why would he, unless hes a nice guy lol..you think 3or 4 months of intense diet and intensive training..not looking for a short time fix.. after the 3/4 months i will still train and diet but iwould like to have a goal that i would be in shape by then

No idea, he's a very helpful guy. If you read thru his sticky and some of the other threads here you can pretty much build a menu in an hour (probably much less). He will definitely help you fine tune it.

If you start with a good diet and hit the gym hard you will start seeing results in a month. In 3 or 4 you will be in very good shape. Its all about the dedication and willpower.