What can I expect from a FULL YEAR of 500mg test per week?

If you're younger and are dead set on shutting down your natural test production, I wonder if it would be better for you guys to just cut down on the time off between cycles instead of blast and cruising? For long term health that is

I'll leave that one up the smarties like Det lol

unless you fully recover, i don't think thats the answer.

The problem i see is there is no reason to stay on such a high dose year round. Blasting and cruising is one thing, but he asked about staying on 500mg/w for the whole year. Like Det said, a host of other issues occur when this is done.

I have been on HRT for 3 years at 100mg/w of test and it has effected my HDL/LDL. Its not out of control, but it is out of norm (35/126 respectively). These are things that happen regardless and that is with a baby amount of test.

Now, with all thet being said, i loved long cycles, but i always came off for at least 6-8 weeks. May not have been optimal, and yes I am on HRT for life now, but if you're gonna do long cycles, i like the switching compounds idea to continue seeing gains. Here's a fav i did one year.

Week 1-24 Test Enan 750mg/w
Week 1-12 Deca 500mg/w
Week 13-24 Tren E 400mg/w

Yes, that's alot of 19nors, but i made great gains that year and stayed off for 4 months after that cycle and recovered fine. I will say that was when my levels started coming back lower than my baseline, so i figured the T was on the steady decline. I wanted to compete so the next year i had one more run and competed in 2007 and BAM, now I'm on HRT.

So its not an exact science, but since you primarily asked about gains, and not about whether it was a good idea or not, i wanted to give you another answer besides that.
what could happen/ it do if its high oak?

It can get ugly. If hemo is high:

Loss of vision and/or hearing, impaired cognitive activity, random and abnormal blood clotting, I believe your skin can turn bluish. Oh and constant confusion and dizziness I believe are also symptoms.
what could happen/ it do if its high oak?

when HDL/LDL and hemo are affected it means your blood is becoming more viscous.........this requires the heart o work hard to pump your blood.

Its like going way over in miles on your oil change.

When this happens you become much more prone to cardiac events.

You can donate blood to decrease blood cell mass.........this usually solves the problem temporarily...........my question is will it work forever? I doubt it.

Just search polythycemia.

The GNRH things really scares me too.
what could happen/ it do if its high oak?


Congenital heart disease
Cor pulmonale
Low blood oxygen levels (hypoxia)
Pulmonary fibrosis
Polycythemia vera


can be a sign of dehydration, lung disease, tumors, bone marrow disorder.
It can get ugly.

Loss of vision and/or hearing, impaired cognitive activity, random and abnormal blood clotting, I believe your skin can turn bluish. Oh and constant confusion and dizziness I believe are also symptoms.

yea exactly..........these are all things that are associated with stroke.

It is beleived that T administration may also harden the artery walls.

When this happens the walls become brittle, they can crack. So what your body does is send out more cholesterol. This cholesterol builds up over the crack to seal it off. The negative side to this is its a clot basically, a clot that your body formed to protect you. What will happen over time is more and more cholesterol wil get stuck to this clot and can/may cause a stroke.
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so say if you were to get off would everything return to normal?

It should but what if you have now developed secondary hypogonadism? Low T will create the same problems and can actually be worse???

What if some of your artery walls have been protected with a clot? Thats like putting JB weld on your engine block..............its only a matter of time then.
Didn't know this. Good to know. I always thought it happened mostly with higher doses

It will happen the same with T replacement, although it may take a longer period.

T replacement can also fuck up your thyroid, then you have to start supplementing for that.

Its kind like covering the holes in a leaky ship with your finger, it works but then another hole sprouts and and you have to plug that one. How many fingers do you have?

TRT is a very poorly understand therapy.............the endocrine system is also very poorly understood. We have no idea of the things to come. We will learn soon enough.

The endocrine system is a neurological response system.............we also have no idea what the long term relationship of auto immune diseases are either............
It should but what if you have now developed secondary hypogonadism? Low T will create the same problems and can actually be worse???

What if some of your artery walls have been protected with a clot? Thats like putting JB weld on your engine block..............its only a matter of time then.

mmm i see so you'd basically be screwed either way and then it really would be only a matter of time then ay lol oh well thanks for the insight oak
how old are you b-boi? There's a huge difference between a guy whos 40 and decides to cruise and a guy who is in his 20's right? I myself am 22 and would love to stay on year round..with the cycles I run, and have no plans to stop, I know for a fact I will be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) eventually....
just like scrappa Im really curious as to the health aspect of it, and also the immunity that would be built up to test. I mean obviously staying on year round isn't going to win you any medals in the health department, but I almost feel it would be healthier than the on off on off roller coaster approach of cycling.

I'm 28, this is a choice I'm making. I'm going from a short 8 week cycle directly into a 16 weeker (different compound) then cruising for the summer.

As far as the heath aspect of it all I know the risks. I normally do blood test twice a year, now I'll be running them every 3-4 months. I also have a good bp meter at home and take my bp 2-3 times a day.

I think the Det and RJ pretty much got your health questions\concerns answered.
ok, I KNOW the chances of getting natty test levels back to normal are slim to none but would I be immuned to a normal testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test such as like 2ml twice a month becuase of the long period of time @ 500mg per week?

Are there any health risks to running this dose for a full year?

Would the muscle increase be as much as if I ran 4 12 week cycles individually?

From my experience... I was on test e 750mg/ year .. 3cc.wk ...

I didnt notice I got bigger from running a year compair to running it for 12 weeks..

but after I was off gear.. It felt like I still had the test in me for another year..

I could still feel the pump.. and lift good amounts of weight...

at the time I was 25 years old.. I didnt really train hard after using 4 bottles.. my diet was shit.. was drinking every weekend..

As u notice..I had no clue wat I was doing... after the year on test..didnt even know about pct...

every thing seems fine.. but after turning 27 I felt like.. my dik was not the boy that I used to know..if u know wat I mean..

but who knows... might not be cuz of that.. Im a heavy smoker.. been smoking 2~3 packs a day.. and still smoking.... :o
yadi - not everyone will have every bad thing possible happen to them. Many people get lucky and have next to no negative effects. There is still a risk though. Not one I'd be willing to take. Glad to hear you didn't get totally messed up though man.

To be honest, I've been doing blast and cruise on and off over the past few years and the ONLY reason I do it is because of football. If I wasn't getting paid to do it, I wouldn't. In fact, as my career is coming to an end I'm considering dropping all steroids and staying clean until I get put on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in a few years.

You did make a really good point though - Staying on a moderate-high dose year round (as opposed to blast and cruise) won't produce the results most people think they will. Gains from a test cycle tend to die down after week 12-14. It's usually not worth it to run it much longer than that unless you're wanting to run deca for longer.
Ok guys thanks for alot of the info.. At this point in time im JUST asking questions so no one flip out on me lol.. As some of you know, I still havent recovered from my last cycle and I've already finished pct.. half the week I cant complete the day without taking a nap inbetween and I havent been able to have sex at ALL! I've been having very short and random boners lol but I know how I was before this cycle and I am FUCCKKEDDDD UUPP! I used to be able to fuck, cum and fuck again EASILY no problem.. I would get hard from my gf just SAYING "i wanna fuck" over the PHONE. I've been popping cialis tabs like candy, drinking liquid cia like its pepsi and just tried liquid varden and nothing.. Yesterday I did something stupid like 2ml of Varden, 40mg of cialis tabs AND 3ml of liquid Cia and got NOTHING!!! Most of you guys would be going to the hospital becuase your dick would be permanantly stuck up, my shit didnt do ANYTHING.

Im 100% fine with pinning test for the rest of my life as long as it was always available to me which is why im trying to get a script for it.

Last question, does being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or a long cycle of test make it hard or fully kill the ability to have a kid? I really dont care, but am just curious.

Congenital heart disease
Cor pulmonale
Low blood oxygen levels (hypoxia)
Pulmonary fibrosis
Polycythemia vera


can be a sign of dehydration, lung disease, tumors, bone marrow disorder.

You can't "get" congenital heart disease, because it is by definition something that you are born with. Not sure if you were saying that or not, just wanted to clarify for readers.
Last question, does being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or a long cycle of test make it hard or fully kill the ability to have a kid? I really dont care, but am just curious.

Don't know the exact answer to that but most guys that I know that blasted and cruised for years went off did a full pct before they had kids.

I guess it doesn't fully kill your ability to have kids.

I know someone can give you a medical explanation.
You can't "get" congenital heart disease, because it is by definition something that you are born with. Not sure if you were saying that or not, just wanted to clarify for readers.

actually i just copied and pasted from a pubmed listing stating things that may be related to high levels of hemaglobin.
500mg/week is absurd for what you are describing as your new TRT. I mean that makes your levels like 3000+ consistently. I just don't see the point. Estrogen stress, accelerated aging, and cardiovascular problems are all I forsee from that long term. Are you that convinced that say 125mg every 5 days wouldn't make you feel fine and you need to waste that much test?