500mg/week is absurd for what you are describing as your new TRT. I mean that makes your levels like 3000+ consistently. I just don't see the point. Estrogen stress, accelerated aging, and cardiovascular problems are all I forsee from that long term. Are you that convinced that say 125mg every 5 days wouldn't make you feel fine and you need to waste that much test?
i don't believe he was thinking of it as a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol CJW. I think he was asking about doing a year long cycle at 500mg/w, thus asking about gains, and then asking if after that would he still be able to use a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage... if that was the result of such a cycle.
I dont think the gains would be worth the risk. If anything i would do blast cruz, but not quite a year. I think you should go with the test/tren cycle you talked about in another thread. Youd probably get better gains from that than running test all year. I plan on doin a longer cycle around april, its gonna be 12 wks test, deca, dbol, cruz for 8 wks, then 12 weeks test e tren e. Havent decided doses yet but just to give an idea, maybe you wanna cinsider something like that?
ok, I KNOW the chances of getting natty test levels back to normal are slim to none but would I be immuned to a normal testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test such as like 2ml twice a month becuase of the long period of time @ 500mg per week?
Are there any health risks to running this dose for a full year?
Would the muscle increase be as much as if I ran 4 12 week cycles individually?