What can I expect from a FULL YEAR of 500mg test per week?

Goooosh damn - scratch that super duper
long cycle plan!!!

A lot of good info here...
500mg/week is absurd for what you are describing as your new TRT. I mean that makes your levels like 3000+ consistently. I just don't see the point. Estrogen stress, accelerated aging, and cardiovascular problems are all I forsee from that long term. Are you that convinced that say 125mg every 5 days wouldn't make you feel fine and you need to waste that much test?

i don't believe he was thinking of it as a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol CJW. I think he was asking about doing a year long cycle at 500mg/w, thus asking about gains, and then asking if after that would he still be able to use a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage... if that was the result of such a cycle.
i don't believe he was thinking of it as a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol CJW. I think he was asking about doing a year long cycle at 500mg/w, thus asking about gains, and then asking if after that would he still be able to use a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage... if that was the result of such a cycle.

^ This. OP is talking about a 52 week cycle of test e @ 500mg per week.

If we were talking about blast and cruising for a year, the negative side effects are a lot less (but there still are some risks that increase as you go longer).

One of the problems with blast/cruise is that a lot of people like to cruise on a fairly high dose of test. I'm of the opinion that it's best to run the smallest amount that you can in order to make you feel "normal." You shouldn't be trying to make gains while cruising.
I dont think the gains would be worth the risk. If anything i would do blast cruz, but not quite a year. I think you should go with the test/tren cycle you talked about in another thread. Youd probably get better gains from that than running test all year. I plan on doin a longer cycle around april, its gonna be 12 wks test, deca, dbol, cruz for 8 wks, then 12 weeks test e tren e. Havent decided doses yet but just to give an idea, maybe you wanna cinsider something like that?
I dont think the gains would be worth the risk. If anything i would do blast cruz, but not quite a year. I think you should go with the test/tren cycle you talked about in another thread. Youd probably get better gains from that than running test all year. I plan on doin a longer cycle around april, its gonna be 12 wks test, deca, dbol, cruz for 8 wks, then 12 weeks test e tren e. Havent decided doses yet but just to give an idea, maybe you wanna cinsider something like that?

I will never run deca again lol... But after reading if I am put on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) then what your saying sounds pretty good, run a normal higher dose test/? cycle for 12-14 weeks then drop the test to a normal testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose such as 250mg every other week for 8 weeks then run another higher dose test/? cycle.. Got it now.
why would your gains slow to almost nothing? your test levels would still be much higher than that of a natural, so wouldnt you atleast keep making gains far better than a natty could even when the gains slow down?
ok, I KNOW the chances of getting natty test levels back to normal are slim to none but would I be immuned to a normal testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test such as like 2ml twice a month becuase of the long period of time @ 500mg per week?

Are there any health risks to running this dose for a full year?

Would the muscle increase be as much as if I ran 4 12 week cycles individually?

tough questions to honestly answer, imo.

alot of variables to consider.

genetics, diet, rest, training and pct will determine what gains you keep post cycle, all the time. on cycle for that matter.

again all of the above will determine your possible side effects from long term exogenous testosterone usage.

blood panels every 3-6 months would be nice to see. more often if possible.
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Personally, I always opted for the, Ehh I'll just get a script for it anyways and be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the rest of my life, but like the other DET and RJ said; HDL/LDL levels. I personally can attest to this, by BP is that of a 55+yr old with high blood pressure, stage 1 hypertension, that shits not really to fuck around with man. I'm no where close to being on borrowed time, but having a BP like that, coupled with super low LDL levels isn't exactly a safe stroll in the park. I think what you'd find IF you were to try this, and get yourself tested periodically, is that, you'll have to start taking more things RX strength to stay on. And that can get tricky, it's sketchy unless you've got a chill doc to prescribe you BP meds when your young, but if you choose the other route, the internet loop-hole and just get them yourself, you dig your "I take steroids coming out of the closet" hole deeper if any really whack shit happened to you and your docs HAD to know.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but do guys go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) because they've desensitized their leydig cells and their bodies can't produce test naturally anymore (or very well)?

If that's the case, what kind of steroid use or abuse will desensitize these leydig cells?

Numba, I wouldn't jump in to cruising just yet...maybe give it a little time to come back on its own. I've read quite a few replies from guys saying that when they ran Deca they didn't 'bounce back' for a few weeks after their post cycle therapy (pct). Don't give up hope man, I have faith in your boner! (hah no homo)