What courses do pro bodybuilders cycle?

well, it would probably cause more side in the beginning user. The reason to use that much or more is that 500mg isn't making you grow anymore while you are eating enough, sleeping enough, and training hard enough.
Aczech said:
i don't get it...you guys spend a lot. test powder is like less than a dollar a gram...so $50 is 50 weeks at a gram a week. Of course you need some oil and filters but that much should make just about anyone grow. $1000 for a cylce, what does it consist of and how long is it run?

those are some incredible prices... I've been around the block and havent gotten anything for less than ~$5 a gram... which still equates to some huge savings
well, to me honest....that was about a year ago...source has dried up. if i recall correctly, tren was like $5 bucks a gram but i could be wrong. test was cheap.
Aczech said:
well, it would probably cause more side in the beginning user. The reason to use that much or more is that 500mg isn't making you grow anymore while you are eating enough, sleeping enough, and training hard enough.

How could you not grow off of 500mg?

2000mg Test Enanthate per week
600mg Deca per week
400mg Equipoise per week
40 Dianabol ed weeks 1-12
50mg Anadrol ed weeks 1-8
80mcg receptor grade IGF-1 LR3 (40mcg am, 40mcg pwo days only)
Humulin R insulin 3iu each meal M, W, F
Humalog insulin 15iu pwo

2000mg Test Enanthate per week
600mg Deca per week
400mg Equipoise per week
40 Dianabol ed weeks 1-12
50mg Anadrol ed weeks 1-8
80mcg receptor grade IGF-1 LR3 (40mcg am, 40mcg pwo days only)
Humulin R insulin 3iu each meal M, W, F
Humalog insulin 15iu pwo

gave me a headache reading that
This article's getting on a bit now, but gives an idea of just what the pros have to do to their bodies to stay competitive.

Pro Bodybuilding, Competitive Bodybuilding The Truth About Bodybuilding And Steroids

There's a gym I've used on occasion in London that's pretty famous, you can all probably guess which one. I've seen guys pinning themselves with insulin in the locker room and having to have their friends look after them to make sure they don't have a seizure, guys taking speed and crack to get lean, all kinds of shit. Would never want to be a pro BB'er, I'm happy to just try and get aesthetically pleasing.
Don't forget that they have to give blood frequently to keep there hematocrit levels down. I also, agree that they run a lot more gear than your average muscle head. But what it really comes down to is diet and pure mental strength. It takes a strong person mentally to eat like a fuckin race horse for 4 months and then drop to a calorie deficit for the last six weeks. Can you imagine running all that gear and trying not to eat. All while doing some hard core cardio and strength training. I don't think people realize what it takes to get your body fat to 7%.
Don't forget that they have to give blood frequently to keep there hematocrit levels down. I also, agree that they run a lot more gear than your average muscle head. But what it really comes down to is diet and pure mental strength. It takes a strong person mentally to eat like a fuckin race horse for 4 months and then drop to a calorie deficit for the last six weeks. Can you imagine running all that gear and trying not to eat. All while doing some hard core cardio and strength training. I don't think people realize what it takes to get your body fat to 7%.

WORD That ^^^^^^^^^^^^

It's the staying huge, dropping just the fat and water is something for the few. Yes 7% is Hard Core Shit!
It's all about your genetics... some guys more some less. I know an amateur BB and he runs more gear than me. Let's say twice as much or so. He's about the same size as me. I've been bodybuilding less time than him. Genetics.
I think normal people having real jobs, life and families is different than most pros. Reading articles on most of them they eat sleep train and thats it when its time to make shit happen beside guest appearences type stuff
I think it's a combination of genetics and high doses of gear. I'm sure most of us had that one friend growing up who barely worked out, ate like shit, did everything wrong but when it was beach/pool time they were huge and naturally shredded. Now imagine if that person started training consistently and nailed their diet. Now imagine introducing a low to moderate amount of steroids. Now imagine adding slin, HGH, peptides while upping the dosage of the anabolics...Repeat for 10-20 years.

But I still give pro BBers mad props, it takes some serious mental strength to go through the workouts they do and make the sacrifices they're making.
one thing that hasn't been mentioned... is how shitty u feel almost all the time when on that much gear. In the past any time I ever went over 1.5gr of test per week I seemed to have test flu symptoms almost all the time. Buddies of mine that still compete tell me that they feel like that all the time too haha (so it's not all a barrel of monkies lol)

2gr of deca never bothered me, but damn that test can play serious games with your CNS (every once and a while I still bump my test up to around a gram for 10-12 weeks and still get chills in my back every once and a while too, got em yesterday)

the amount of GH these dudes take is over the moon, absolutely nobody that steps on an Olympia qualifying stage (yes, qualifying shows, not the big O) is running under 20iu EVERYDAY... there is none of this 5-on, 2-off BS... gear dosages are in "grams" per week, not "mgs"

...and the injuries... well... don't get me started.... this is not a bb that is near pro status that doesnt have somewhere hurting on their body ALL the time, each and every day, week and year

different world my peeps... not the one we live
So how much bigger would 1000mg of test a week compared to 500mg of test a week really make? I know it won't make you twice as big and your muscle still needs the same amount of time to recover/grow. So what would be the point of doing that much?

I'm afraid I can't answer that as your avatar has my complete undivided attention.....lol strangely I find myself returning to it repeatedly.