What cycle is this guy running

The whole premise of this thread just disgusts me. "What cycle is this guy running because I want to look like him." That statement is what is so wrong with the general public view of what AAS use is and does. This type of mentality is like saying, "What kind of gas do you put in that Ferrari? because I want my Toyota to perform like that."

Yes the guy looks a little fucked up in that pic photo shopped and maybe some oil in those tri's. But the bottom line is this guy worked his ass off to look that way. That is the part that is overlooked. He decided in his mind what he wanted to look like and did the work to achieve his desired look. The OP did not ask what type of diet or what kind of training split should I use to achieve this. He asked, "what magic pill or injectable can I take to look like this." If I met the OP in person I would have a hard time not punching him square in the throat. The sad thing is he is so clueless he would sit there gasping for air wondering why I was offended to the point I felt he needed his throat punched.
I looked him up son, and he looks NORMAL on google. Bro that picture fake as fuck homie. Computer programs can make one look all perfectly shredded and v tapered etc. look at the color and shadow of the guy it doesn't even match the rest of the pic

I found these pics on his official Instagram and I looked for anyway they could be photo shopped and I couldn't find anything on the first pic. The second one could be but if the first one is legit then the second one is legit. Either way, I got my question answered. Except for dosing but that's something nobody could answer except himself.
The whole premise of this thread just disgusts me. "What cycle is this guy running because I want to look like him." That statement is what is so wrong with the general public view of what AAS use is and does. This type of mentality is like saying, "What kind of gas do you put in that Ferrari? because I want my Toyota to perform like that."

Yes the guy looks a little fucked up in that pic photo shopped and maybe some oil in those tri's. But the bottom line is this guy worked his ass off to look that way. That is the part that is overlooked. He decided in his mind what he wanted to look like and did the work to achieve his desired look. The OP did not ask what type of diet or what kind of training split should I use to achieve this. He asked, "what magic pill or injectable can I take to look like this." If I met the OP in person I would have a hard time not punching him square in the throat. The sad thing is he is so clueless he would sit there gasping for air wondering why I was offended to the point I felt he needed his throat punched.

I think u need to see a psychologist. A raging keyboard warrior over a question about "what compounds does this guy take". You might not know this but it's pretty obvious that nobody could look like that naturally. I asked the question assuming you all knew diet/training is in check, like it should be if your in steroid forums
I think u need to see a psychologist. A raging keyboard warrior over a question about "what compounds does this guy take". You might not know this but it's pretty obvious that nobody could look like that naturally. I asked the question assuming you all knew diet/training is in check, like it should be if your in steroid forums

Your a newbie, don't come on here and start talking big and bad to guys who know what's going on. I am far from a keyboard warrior search some of my other posts if you think I am not legit. The fact that you asked that question proves how little you know on this subject. I never said he was natural. I just said perhaps you should be more concerned with what it takes to look like this, and less about what to inject. Even if you took exactly what he takes does not mean you will look like that. The fact that you think that proves my point. I don't need to prove myself to you. I proved myself to the 100 or so guys that lose to me every time I compete in the NPC. Go fuck yourself. Learn who your talking to before you open your cock hole!
Lol this shit is getting so fucking out of hand right now. SoCalSwole that guy has been a member longer than us and you called him a newbie, just saying. Anyways, have at it you two, this is entertaining
Lol this shit is getting so fucking out of hand right now. SoCalSwole that guy has been a member longer than us and you called him a newbie, just saying. Anyways, have at it you two, this is entertaining

If the guy doesn't want to be treated like a newbie he probably should not ask newbie questions.I don't give a fuck about post counts I watch what people post and that's how I judge them.
Your a newbie, don't come on here and start talking big and bad to guys who know what's going on. I am far from a keyboard warrior search some of my other posts if you think I am not legit. The fact that you asked that question proves how little you know on this subject. I never said he was natural. I just said perhaps you should be more concerned with what it takes to look like this, and less about what to inject. Even if you took exactly what he takes does not mean you will look like that. The fact that you think that proves my point. I don't need to prove myself to you. I proved myself to the 100 or so guys that lose to me every time I compete in the NPC. Go fuck yourself. Learn who your talking to before you open your cock hole!

I think you should pack your bags and go to the bodybuilding.con misc with all the other degenerates. But hey, if you wanna keep "bullying" or "bragging" (no avatar) go ahead, I just hope you get banned.
The whole premise of this thread just disgusts me. "What cycle is this guy running because I want to look like him." That statement is what is so wrong with the general public view of what AAS use is and does. This type of mentality is like saying, "What kind of gas do you put in that Ferrari? because I want my Toyota to perform like that."

Yes the guy looks a little fucked up in that pic photo shopped and maybe some oil in those tri's. But the bottom line is this guy worked his ass off to look that way. That is the part that is overlooked. He decided in his mind what he wanted to look like and did the work to achieve his desired look. The OP did not ask what type of diet or what kind of training split should I use to achieve this. He asked, "what magic pill or injectable can I take to look like this." If I met the OP in person I would have a hard time not punching him square in the throat. The sad thing is he is so clueless he would sit there gasping for air wondering why I was offended to the point I felt he needed his throat punched.

You really think this photo is real man/? How old are you and how long have you been around.

Furthermore, no one would like to look like a freak like that. Kid ya got a lot to learn :Pat:
I think you should pack your bags and go to the bodybuilding.con misc with all the other degenerates. But hey, if you wanna keep "bullying" or "bragging" (no avatar) go ahead, I just hope you get banned.

You know that's a good point on the avi. How many posts do you need before it starts displaying it? I have a nice pic of my back but it does not show up when I post. Bodybuilding.com huh? Nope not on there but if you really want to know go over to ironmag forums same name over there with plenty of pics you can wack it to over there. Just joined here a few months ago because that place is turning into a ghost town.

Dude you have to admit that was a pretty dumb question. opening yourself up to a unending scenarios, and even more questions. Perhaps a better way to put it would be to ask what compounds will give me a leaner and more grainy look. But again that question raises the question what have you been doing the past 2 years on here? Because you still don't know the basics. I was a little harsh but Man I get pissed when people discredit the hard work involved and immediately credit what PED's a guy is running. Anyone who had made gains in this lifestyle and actually seen for themselves that AAS is not the magic wand everyone plays it out to be would be offended by these types of questions which again leads to the assumption that you are new to the game. I rest my case.
You really think this photo is real man/? How old are you and how long have you been around.

Furthermore, no one would like to look like a freak like that. Kid ya got a lot to learn :Pat:

Mike I'll give you a pass on that cause you don't know me. I never said the photo was real try reading more and speaking less. I said it was obviously photoshopped and more than likely had synthol in there. If you think that there are not guys out there that want to look that freaky then Sir you are the one that has a lot to learn.